Chapter 2 - Mixed Signals

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Sarah's P.O.V.

When I woke up, I notice that Barry wasn't beside me. I got up from the bed and put my hair into a big bun and slipped on one of Barry's shirts.

I walked downstairs I saw Barry sitting on the lounge watching T.V, and I looked around and saw breakfast all around the place.

Barry." I said as I walked over to him

Hey." Barry greeted me

Hi, you're up early. Doing what, exactly?" I asked Barry as I looked at the TV that was going super fast.

Uh, I'm just catching up on all the TV I missed while I was stuck in the Speed Force." Barry explained to me." When you've been gone six months, the world is a minefield of spoilers. But Cisco hooked me up with the 1,000 times sped up version of my favourite shows. Aw, Jon Snow died. Oh, he's alive!"

And here I was thinking you'd need a jump start for your loopy brain." I said as I sat next to Barry on the lounge

Nope. Brain good. All of me is good. " Barry said, he smiled before kissing, he pulled apart as his phone was buzzing. " Joe needs me. Crime scene. "

Oh, no. Don't worry about it. I'm done with it. " Barry told me

You're done?" I asked him

Yeah. I locked in a caterer, I got you your favourite flowers, I put a deposit on a venue with an amazing view, I got that seven tier raspberry chocolate cake." Barry listed

Well, I guess you've got everything covered. " I said
I smiled to Barry who was leaning on the arm of the lounge

So, my lovely fiancée can remain stress free." Barry said before kissing me. " Save me a bear claw?"

Ooh, no promises, speedster. You whoosh, you lose. I said I smiled as Barry ran off.


Everyone was back in the Cortex and Cisco told us that the crime was with an elevator and a hacker caused a murder. he put his USB in a computer

The Cortex's quantum algorithm should decrypt this code in no time. That should help us ID our new hacker. But while we wait, I got a little welcome gift for you. Come, come. Walk with ya boy. Gather round, class. Cisco said as he walks up to the Flash suit and revealed it as it was under a sheet. " Ka blam!"

I mean, that was cool, Reveal and everything, but I've seen that suit. I've actually already worn it." Barry informed Cisco

Yeah. We all know you gave Barry's suit a nice little fancy makeover. " Wally said as he sits down on a chair

Yeah, but you don't know what you don't know. And underneath all thisthed beautiful, I've built in self-repairing armor, nano-liquid circuitry, full-spectrum scanning, and a whole bunch of other big words. Chief among them." Cisco explained before the eyes of the suit was covered with yellow lenses. " Your every own custom made HUD. This thing loaded with maps, schematics, delivery menus. You know that Thai place you like so much?"

Yeah, love the Pad See Ew." Barry said to Cisco

You know how we Pad See do." Cisco said before him and Barry shook hands

Dude, this is awesome. What else does it do?" Barry asked as he looks at the suit

Well, lucky for you, I even wrote you an instruction manual. " Cisco said as he passed Barry the manual that was very bog

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