Chapter 15 - Enter Flashtime

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Sarah's P.O.V.

I was currently in the Speed Lab with Cisco while Barry was running around. We've been practising for months for Barry to try to jump through a breach but we failed.

Ready when you are, Barry." I told him.

I'm ready!" Barry says

Are you serious?" Cisco asked me

I sighed. " Come on, Cisco, just one more."

She said two hours ago." Cisco replied.

I walked over towards Cisco. " Look, you know he's not gonna stop until he makes it through. Come on, you know how Barry gets."

One more." Cisco told me

Thank you. Alright, here we go." I announced as Cisco created a breach. " Three, two, one. Now!"

Cisco let go of the breach and just as it disappeared Barry was late again. Making him frustrated.

Damn it!" Barry groans before looking at Cisco. " One more."

Sara?" Cisco asked

Uh, Barry, look, why don't we take five?" I questioned him.

No, not until I get this alright? Come on." Barry says

Cisco shakes his head. " Listen, Miyagi..."

What?" Barry questioned

I've been here all day, opening breaches, alright, so unless you wanna rub your hands together and do some magic shoulder popping..."Cisco said

I'm not rubbing your shoulder." Barry told Cisco.

That's what I thought. I'm taking five." Cisco says as he began walking out of the Speed Lab

Barry sighs. " Hey, come on!"

I'm taking five!" Cisco grunted before leaving the room.

Barry places his hands behind his head as he walks over to the board with the calculations and everyone on it.

I don't understand why I can't get this." Barry sighs.

Well, probably because you've been up all night." I told him

But that shouldn't matter." Barry says

I sighed before looking at the calculations. " Look, Barry, a bridge closes in three picoseconds. DeVoe's could shut even faster. Look, I'm just saying that this might not even be the best plan to catch him anyway."

It's a plan, you know. It's the only one we have right now." Barry says

Well, and what if he uses his force field against you?" I questioned. " You don't know how to get out of it yet."

I don't know, Sara, but, I mean, we need something." Barry told me as the two of us sat down on a step. " We have no leads on the next three bus metas, no way to track DeVoe, no way to stop him. I mean, he can't be this smart. I'm sorry, but, I mean, we've been at this for months, and we have nothing."

I mean, maybe that's the problem. You know, sometimes you have to take a breather and let the answer come to you. Do something else for a bit." I told Barry

Like what?" Barry asked me.

Like date night, for starters." I answered as Barry scoffed while I wrapped my arm around his neck. " You know, we haven't had any quality time, just you and me, since our honeymoon."

Which was severely cut short." Barry added.

But at least we got something out of it." I say as I motion to my stomach. I was currently 2 months pregnant and my bump could be seen a little. " I know we're the Flash, but we..."

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