Chapter 22 - Tink Fast

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Sarah's P.O.V.

Iris, Harry and I were currently in the Cortex, trying to find out where Marlize is and where is her safe place

Iris place a picture of Marlize on the board. " Marlize Malan. Born in Cape Town."

Harry sighs. " Cap Town. Summers by the sea. Picking grapes in the vineyard."

I than placed a picture of an article on the board. " Got a PhD in inflationary theory and engineering."

Cute little button nose always buried in her book." Harry says as he laughed. " So nice."

Tenured as a professor of engineering at Oxford where she met Clifford DeVoe." Iris added

Where she met her husband to be. Isn't that romantic? A continent apart, yet they find each other. So romantic. I mean, it's beautiful when you think about it." Harry says before noticing Iris and I looking up at him. " It's... it's... what?"

Beautiful. What is that? What are you doing?" Iris questioned

I'm empathetic." Harry answered Iris. " I'm being empathetic.... Council says to be empathetic. I'm empathetic, you know? I'm putting myself in Marlize's shoes. I should see if she's got a pair of shoes, put myself in 'em."

I pattered Harry's arm. " No, Harry please don't."

Yeah and this."Iris says, pointing at the board. " This is not a love story, okay? She married a psychopath."

Psychopath now, not then. Back then he had feelings. They loved each other. He had feelings. She had feelings then he.... Lost the feelings, and that's why she got out. That's why she left. She left." Harry says before looking at the board again. " West, Snow-Allen. We should turn Marlize."

Iris shook her head. " Harry, no. I don't think you even know what you're saying right now."

I sighed before sitting down on the chair.

To stop the psychopath." Harry answered. " Right? Protect the man trapped inside the monster. Marlize can save everybody. Marlize is the key."

Harry, we've tried that already. With Savitar, remember? It didn't work. You can't save monsters." Iris told Harry

Marlize isn't a monster." Harry stated, causing Iris to sigh. " And besides... the clock's ticking. It's like ten hours before the Enlightenment. What do we have to lose?"

Iris then pulled down her top, revealing the scar when Marlize stabbed Iris. " She stabbed me with a katana, Harry. Our lives are what we have to lose. We can't save anyone if we're all dead."

I then quickly got out of the chair and stood between Harry and Iris. " Whoa, whoa. Let's back it up."

Iris glares at Harry. " We're going to bring her in and we're gonna stop her so she doesn't hurt anyone ever again."

Harry sighs. "Right."

Iris walked over to the boxes of files. " I left some of my files at home. I'll finish my investigation there."

I'm gonna come with." Harry says

Iris starts leaving the Cortex. " No, Sara and I are fine, Harry. You stay here, okay?"

I'll come with." Harry says

Iris turned around. " Harry!"

I'll just stay here. Just stay right here." Harry says

I sighed before walking up to Harry. " Hey, Harry, you can come if you want. You know where Joe's place is."

Harry smiled. " Thanks, Snow-Allen."

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