Chapter 12 - Honey I Shrunk Team Flash

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Sarah's P.O.V.

Just a half hour later, when I had finally calmed down and gotten myself over to STAR Labs, I found myself hunched over a wastebasket, throwing up. I was curled up in the front seat of My Prius, bawling my eyes

my hands were shaking. I could feel my pulse in my ears. my brain had turned to static and white noise. All because of one small insignificant piece of plastic in my hands. I'm pregnant. having Barry's baby.

Ohhhh my God," I squeaked. " still throwing up a wastebasket.

Are you okay?" Ralph asked as he walking in.

I groaned and wiped my mouth on the back of my hand. Yeah, just the flu," I mumbled.

I continue turning around to throw up again a wastebasket. Oh my gosh," I gasped, panting for breath


Cecile had came into the Med Bay in S.T.A.R Labs and she tells us that she can read minds. Cisco, Iris, Joe and I were standing or sitting around while Caitlin was giving Cecile an ultrasound.

Caitlin turns to Cecile. " Heartrate's 170 BPM, and there's no sign of dark matter in the amniotic fluid."

So the baby's not a meta?" Joe asked.

Nope." Caitlin answered. " It's a perfectly normal baby.."

Caitlin stopped as Cecile sat up, looking at her. " Girl. You were gonna say baby girl."

I'm having another daughter?"

I'm gonna have a sister?"

I turned Joe and Iris, smiling. " Congratulation."

Well, I guess we can cancel the announcement party." Cecile says

Ha-ha-ha!" Cisco turns around in his chair, facing us. " Boy, girl, that's 50-50. Let's test your skills for real. What number am I thinking of?"

Three. Eleven. Twenty five. Three again. Bulbasaur." Cecile answered, making Cisco slip his elbow on his chair. " What the hell is a Bulbasaur?"

That's so weird. Why would I be thinking about Pokémon at a time like this?" Cisco questioned.

Yep, definitely a telepath." Iris says.

But how? If the baby is not a meta, then where did these powers come from?" Cecile asked, turning to Caitlin. " Nope, I wasn't on the bus." She turns to Joe. " No, I was not abducted by aliens." She then turns to Iris. " No, I didn't inherit a mystic totem from my grandma. Really guys? Why are you still thinking about Bulbasurs?"

He's the cutest one of all!" Cisco argues.

Cecile turns to me. " Sara, why are you so worried?"

I tried not to think about my pregnancy so Cecile won't say it out loud.

Caitlin stood up. " Okay, my best hypotheses is this is actually triggered by your latest phase of pregnancies, and it's actually latent dark matter that's been in your brain since maybe the first particle accelerator explosion. Think of it like gestational diabetes."

But it's not." Joe stated. " You can fix that with insulin."

Right, but it's temporary. I mean, symptoms should recede after childbirth."

Cecile sighed, Iris looking at everyone. " Okay, we'll give you guys a minute."


Cecile's a telepath? Well, that's way more important than getting Allen out of prison! Not!"

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