Chapter 4 - Elongated Journey Into Night

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Sarah's P.O.V.

I was in the Cortex with everyone apart from Harry and Cisco in the Cortex before Caitlin walks into the Cortex looking confused

Why is the scariest person I've seen roaming our halls?" Caitlin asked

Cisco." Barry, Joe and I all said at the same time.

The person who Caitlin was referring to was Breacher. Gypsy's father and also the scariest person I have seen.

Okay, so, I've got the coroner's report for the death of the bus driver, but it doesn't seem like there's any signs of foul play." I said as I looks at the computer

Aside from him being the one guy that could have told us who else was on that bus." Joe added

They logged his personal effects, let's see.. Credit cards, cash, receipts," Iris said

Wait, go back." Barry cuts off Iris

Iris went back to the picture which had a name and a finger print on while it had a name on it. I looked at Barry and saw him looking at Joe

Ralph Dibny." Barry announced

I'll be damned." Joe added

Who was Ralph Dipney? I feel like that name sounds familiar." Caitlin said

Who is Ralph Dibny?" I asked

He used to be a cop." Joe answered.

Dirty cop." He got kicked off the force." Barry added.

For what?" I asked again

It's a long story." Joe said

Iris pulls up a photo of Ralph up on the monitors. I watched as Barry eye go widen just by seeing the picture.

That's him." Barry announced

Oh. He's handsome in a square-jawed and looks like Oliver Queen kind of way. " I said

For real?" Barry asked me

Babe, you know I've only got eyes for you." I told him

The I.O.U. is dated the same day that I came out of the Speed Force." Barry told everyone

You think Dibny was on the bus that day?" Maybe he's a meta-human now?" Caitlin questioned.

Let's pay him a visit." Barry said

Barry was about to walk away. I stopped him making him walk over towards me. I smiled and grabbed his hands.

Hey, you seem something. What's up with you and this Ralph guy?" I asked him

It's like Joe said. It's a long story." Barry said before kissing me and walks out of the Cortex with Joe

Oliver Queen is hot." Caitlin added

Amen, hallelujah." Iris said

You two realize he's my friend right?" I asked Iris and Caitlin.

Barry and Joe found Ralph and found out that he was on the bus and now they brought him back to S.T.A.R. Labs and into the med-bay which he was basically his legs were stretched everywhere.

Caitlin, Barry, Harry and I were over near Ralph while I heard screaming before Iris ran into the med bay.

Hey, guys? What the hell?" Iris asked us

Yeah, yeah, well, you're welcome." Barry said

What happened to me?" Ralph asked as he was panicking.

Breathe okay?" Barry told Ralph as he breathed with Ralph

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