Chapter 9: First date

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It was early, around seven in the morning, Rin laid there in Harus bed with his face facing towards the door at the empty spot where Haru once lied, Rin rustles his hands through the blanket that covered him, getting it free and reached out to hug Haru, but all he felt was and empty space, which was still warm. Rin opened his eyes slowly to see Haru was gone, but suddenly he got a whiff of Mackerel and Bacon which gave him an idea of where he was.

Haru stands in the kitchen in his Dark blue boxers with his Blue dolphin apron tied around him, cooking a morning meal for Rin and him to share, from the front you couldn't see much but from the back, you could see his bare, shirtless back and his exposed thighs. Haru knew Rin is probably sick of Mackerel by now, so he went out of his way to cook him something different, bacon and eggs, I hope he likes it, Haru thought, placing them neatly onto a small red plate, before placing the Raw Mackerel face down onto the sizzling fry pan, watching it cook.

Rin pokes his head out of the bedroom rubbing his still tired eyes as he walks down the Bacon scented hallway, stopping as he reaches the lounge room which is right next to the kitchen. Rin pushed his dark pink hair messy out of his face to see Haru standing there dressed in little clothing, with his favourite apron wrapped around him. Rin blushes looking at him up and down from behind gawking at his tones muscles, watching as they tightened as he cooked the mackerel.

Haru looks down at sizzling mackerel, flipping it over with a pair of wooden chop sticks, revealing a perfect golden-brown colour. Looks good... he though, excited to eat. Before he could continue, he felt a pair of strong arms wrap around his waist making him jolt, then sees Rins head rest on his shoulder feeling his pink hair tickle the side of his neck.

"morning" Haru says before looking back down at the mackerel watching it carefully.

"good morning Haru" Rin says in a joyful tone, squeezing his waist a bit tighter to get his attention, but Haru stays fixated on the Mackerel. Heh, he sure does love his mackerel, Rin thinks, watching him carefully take it out of the pan and places it on a plate with a small bowl of rice on the side.

"I made you breakfast" Haru says pointing to the plate of freshly cooked bacon and eggs that's on the bench next to him. Rin looks at it with a surprised look on his face, then gives a gentle smile, letting go of Harus waist.

"thanks babe" Rin says picking up the plate of food and walks over to the table.

Haru freezes in place, Rins words surprised him, this was his first ever relationship, and the first time he was called 'babe'. Harus cheeks change to a faint red color, making his heartbeat faster.

Rin glances up at Haru as he takes a bite of the crispy bacon watching as Haru gives a precious reaction, making Rin give a cheeky grin. I had a feeling that would make him blush, Rin gives a small chuckle, but not loud enough Haru could hear.

Haru turns around holding a plate of mackerel and rice and walks towards Rin, sitting down next to him putting his meal onto the table. It always felt nice eating with Rin, it made me feel like I wasn't made me feel loved. Haru gives a small smile as he pokes at his mackerel with his chopsticks.

"This tastes great! thanks Haru" Rin smiles at him then takes a bite of his fried eggs.

"heh, no problem"

Haru turns his head and looks down at his plain meal, the one he's been used to for years, he continues to poke at the steamy piece of mackerel but for once, he wasn't hungry. His mind was to distracted and he couldn't get one thought out of his head... one silly question. How long have you actually liked me for? Rins question from last night, it's been running through his head all night... he didn't get much sleep because of it. But there's a reason he didn't answer It, it was because he felt like it would hurt him more to know, than make him happy.

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