Chapter 6: Bit to much to drink... (part 2)

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Haru lays there with his arms open either side of him pressed against the bed covers, with such a lost look on his face. The person Rin saw tonight was a whole other side of Haru he hasn't seen before. It's so different from how he usually acts. He is usually so cold and cocky, but now, he's so loving and... Cute.

Rin blushes as he stares down at Harus vulnerable body. Haru suddenly turns his head and looks at Rin with a slightly upset look on his face, slowly pushing himself up to sit on the edge of the bed, rubbing his forehead.

"you' mean..." Haru slurs, rubbing his tired eyes.

"eh?" Rin raises an eyebrow, confused by Harus words.

Haru stands up in front of Rin and walks past him with a slight wobble in each step but is supported by the walls next to him in the hallway.

"H-Haru? what are you doing?" Rin asks, following him, as he wobbles his way around the house, barely keeping his balance.

"go away" Haru groans, while he makes his way towards the kitchen, feeling like a glass of water.

Rin stares at Haru with a confused look on his face, he wants me to go away all of a sudden? Just a minute ago he was just saying how much he loved me. Rin scratches his head and continues to follow him, watching as he places his hands onto the kitchen bench.

"Haru. you should be laying down, not walking around like this. You're drunk"

"go away. You're... being mean..." Haru raises his voice as he leans his back against the kitchen bench, while he presses his hand on his throbbing forehead.

"mean? how am I mean!?" Rin asks, still very confused.

Haru directs his eyes down to his feet and scratches behind his neck with an embarrassed look on his face. His cheeks begin to go red and the corners of his eyes begin to dampen, worrying Rin.

Haru glares his watery eyes at Rin before stuttering his words.

"y-you won't say... i love you back..." Haru replies with a cute tone, rubbing his tense shoulder.

Rins body stiffens up, unsure of how to respond so such a cute comment, feeling his face begin to burn bright red and his heart beginning to thump faster in his chest.

"y-you're so cute" Rin replies with a small snicker, as his hand is pressed against is embarrassed face.

How can he be so cute? He isn't even sober... Rin thinks to himself.

Rin takes a few steps forward and stands in front of Haru, staring into his non sober eyes. Haru raises his head and looks up at Rin nervously, then feels him place his hand onto his cheek, caressing it with his thumb.

"Haru you know I love you" Rin smiles, as he looks into Harus self-conscious eyes, before he turns away.

"I-I don't believe you" Haru pouts, pushing Rins hands away from his face. Rin could tell that the alcohol was talking, he knew Haru would never be this childish, especially when it came to Rins feeling for him.

Rin lets out a sigh as he watches Harus cute facial reactions, it makes him want to see more of them. He turns Harus head to face his, staring deeply into his ocean blue eyes gripping his chin.

"I love you, Haruka" Rin whispers into his ear right before he maneuvers his mouth to hover above Harus moist lips. Watching as Haru clenches his eyes tightly closed waiting for Rin to eat him up. It made Rin chuckle.

Rin finally presses his lips swiftly onto Harus, feeling them quiver.

Harus lips were hot, and hungry from the amount of alcohol he consumed tonight, Rin could tell his kisses were weaker than usual and not as forward as they normally are. The thought of how weak Haru was tonight made Rin contemplate whether or not he should make a move further than this, it made him anxious. but the next few words Haru spoke, finally made Rin decide.

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