Chapter 5: Bit to much to drink... (Part 1)

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After all the training and practice the iwatobi swim club put into their swimming the past few weeks, they made it past nationals. Rei came first place for butterfly, Nagisa came first for breaststroke, Makoto came first for backstroke and I came first for Freestyle, which wasn't a surprise for the others. But not only that, Rin also made it, he advanced in butterfly, and freestyle, I'm really glad he made it, I would have felt lost if he wasn't on the podium next to me in the next round. Haru thinks to himself as he holds a glass of water to his lips.

Even though we advanced, I wasn't expecting Makoto and Nagisa to pull a party. Especially a party like this.

Haru looks up to see Nagisa and Makoto standing side by side dancing together, as loud music is played in the background of the iwatobi swim clubs, club room. Nagisa decided it would be a good idea to bring his dads hidden bottle of whiskey to the party to celebrate, but now they look a pair of drunk fools.

Rei looks at Haru as he sits across from him at the table with a concerned look on his face. "Oh, dear god, they have had too much to drink" Rei says holding the bottle up to Haru showing half of its gone.

"well that's their problem" Haru sips his water and looks away.

"Heyyyyyyyyyyy Haru, I forgot to tell you I invited Rin over to join us, to celebrate his win and all" Nagisa slurs followed by a drunk laugh.

Wait Rins coming? Haru pauses, making his words get caught in his throat.

"He should be here soon I imagine" Rei says, looking at his watch

I haven't congratulated him for making it past nationals yet... maybe now would be a good time Haru thinks as he continues to drink his water.

Suddenly the sliding door to the club room is pushed open, getting everyone's attention.

"Hey guys" Rin says as he walks into the club room, with Momo and Nitori behind him.

Haru looks up at Rin staring at him as he walks into the club room, but soon enough Rin catches Haru gazing at him. Making Haru look the other way, putting a small smile on Rins face.

"Hey rinnnnnnn!" Nagisa yells, wrapping his arms around him.

"Congrats on winning!"

Rin looks down to see Nagisa hugging him in a weird way, then suddenly gets a scent of alcohol reeking from him.

"you guys have been drinking?" Rin asks as he pushes Nagisa off of him

"only a bitttttt" Makoto replies as he plops his butt down onto the floor, sitting at the table.

Rei pushes up his glasses and hold up the half empty bottle of whiskey "They've had more than a bit" Rei replies with a worried look on his face.

"Pfffft, you guys are idiots" Rin chuckles, as he takes a seat next to Haru.

"To be honest I brought a few beers with me. If we're going to celebrate, we may as well do it properly, am I right?" Rin gives a grin, placing a few beers onto the table in front of them.

"hell yeah! Let's be men tonight!" Momo yells

Rin looks at Haru as he sips on a glass of water, barely saying anything. Rin stares at him, giving him a small chuckle, before cracking open a beer and places it In front of Haru, getting his attention.

Haru looks down at the freshly opened beer, then looks up at Rin, who has a small smile on his face. "Have a beer Haru, you deserve it" Rin speaks.

Haru takes another sip of water and looks away from Rin. "No thanks, I'd rather water" Haru replies.

"aw come on Haru... one beer, please?" Rin asks nicely, which makes Haru feel guilty.

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