Chapter 4: I cant hold back...

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Its been two weeks the day I confessed to Rin, and he accepted how I felt. To be honest, our relationship has been going fine, I thought we would have had a fight by now or something by now, but it's been really great between us. But there is one problem, ever since we both finished the tournament and made it to nationals, we both have been too busy to meet up with each other, and all I can think about is him. Yeah, we do train together, but we haven't really spent any one on one time together. Haru thinks to himself as he feels his body sliding through the cold water.

Haru dives through the water laying his back onto the bottom of the pool, staring up at the blue water ceiling above him, watching as the sun shines through it causing waves of light.

I wonder if he misses me, I wonder if he's thinking of me right now, I wonder... if knows I miss him Haru thinks to himself as the cold water entangles through his hair making it float a bit.

Haru closes his eyes thinking about how training starts with the samezuka team starts soon. He got here early today to spend time with the water and to clear his head, but it doesn't seem to be working, and only making him miss Rin more, pondering when he will see him next.

I... want to see him Haru says to himself underwater, which causes bubbles to float to the top of the water.

Haru opens his eyes again to see a person's figure looking down at him as he lays on the bottom of the pool. It's probably Makoto, like always, he Thinks as he lets out a sigh, releasing a bunch of bubbles from his mouth before swimming to the surface with his eyes closed.

Haru rips his goggles off and flicks his hair sending droplets of water everywhere as he takes a few breaths. "I didn't expect you to be here this early Makoto" Haru says looking at his goggles in his hand, giving the same cold, uninterested look he always does.

"I could say the same to you" Rin replies. Haru immediately recognizes that voice, making him lift his head up hastily.

He looks up to see Rin standing there in his long black and red swimming pants, and samezuka jacket. Haru could feel his heart getting faster by the second, and tighten as rin stands before him, especially after he hasn't been this close to Haru in a few weeks.

"R-Rin." Haru says, unsure of how to respond.

Rin stares down at him as he stands there in the water and gives him a smile. "did you miss me?" Rin asks, teasing a bit, showing his shark teeth smile.

Haru turns his head away not making eye contact "w-we had training the other day together" Haru blushes a bit, trying to hide it, but Rin easily notices.

Rin gives a small chuckle before he squats down near the edge of the pool getting close to the level Haru is at, staring at his slightly flustered face. Rin loves that reaction, his embarssed face, it never gets old.

Rin moves his hand and messes up his wet hair, making Haru blush.

"Yeah I know, and every swimming practice I notice you staring at me, its almost like, you miss me" Rin grins then gives a small laugh.

Haru blushes and looks down at the water letting his black hair cover his embarrassed face. "I-I didn't know you saw me" Haru stutters

Rin smirks, as he releases his grip from Harus wet head, watching as his cheeks turn to a warm pink. "of course, I noticed" Rin replies as he moves his hand and places it on Harus wet cheek, surprising him as he moves his head upwards close to Rins face, making Haru go on his toes. Rin stares into Harus ocean blue eyes, seeing the blush rise on his cheeks, as their faces were so close, centimeters away and hearing the shudders in his breath.

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