Chapter 13: Sick

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It was morning, school had started twenty minutes ago and was already a quarter of the way through first class, but this time Haru wasn't attending, he was still sound asleep in his bed snuggling into his plushie while half of his body was hanging over the edge of his bed.

His alarm was still going off for the past 20 minutes, which didn't even make him budge, he was still in the deepest sleep, but it wasn't to long before that changed. Harus front door slowly slid open revealing a tall red head peaking his head inside, wearing a small blue and white cap, to be greeted by a loud alarm noise that continued to beep.

Rin took a step inside following the loud annoying noise all the way to Harus bedroom, rin poked his head inside seeing something that made his eyes widen in surprise and go into awe. Haru laid there on top of his still made bed, with his limbs wrapped around the large shark plushie, his face was smothered into the side of the sharks neck, sinking his face into the softness, He was still wearing yesterday's uniform which was still a little bit damp, he was too ­lazy to change it.

Rin tilted his head as he leaned against the door way staring at the ball of cuteness that laid Infront of him, it was so adorable, he knew by the way Haru was cuddling the plushie, he was wishing it was him, which made Rin smile even more.

He walked closer to Haru and kneeled down next to the bed placing his hand onto Harus cold damp shoulder, realizing its wet, not only that, Haru was actually shivering. Rin flinched and gave a worried look and tried to wake Haru from his deep slumber but was repaid with groans and small turns.

"Haru...wake up you've already slept past your alarm by almost an hour" Rin uttered caressing his cheek with his thumb, as his hand cupped his face gently.

Harus eyes slowly fluttered open, his vision was still a bit blurry, but he made out who was Infront of him, it was Rin, the person he missed all night. Haru gave a small smile as he saw Rins face kneeling down to his level.

"miss me?" Rin chuckles kissing Haru on the forehead.

Haru gave a small nod, then pushed himself up to sit on the edge of the bed with the shark plushie lying beside him. He felt a rush of cold shivers rush up his body giving him goose bumps and clench onto his arms for warmth.

"ugh its so cold" He mumbles with a croaky voice causing him to cough.

"maybe you should get out of those wet clothes first, that might help" Rin smirks raising an eyebrow.

Haru places his hands onto his chest feeling a cold dampness stick to his body, his white shirt has wet patches which were slightly transparent and were cold and damp making him feel uncomfortable.

"eh good idea." Haru replies standing up and unbuttoning his stained shirt as he made his way over to his small wooden cupboard. Rin took this as an opportunity to finally hold onto him, he missed him, he was use to Harus body held close to his. He walked up behind Haru wrapping his arms around Harus waist pressing his lips against the nape of his neck.

"mmm..Rin let me get changed" Haru says in a sleepy voice

Rin moves his lips down kissing his exposed collar bone, which was a tad cold from the clothing. He could feel Harus body shudder a bit, but it wasn't the shudder he thought it was. Harus body shivered as his arms were wrapped around him, he was freezing, yet his body was so hot, to the point he was sweating. Is he sick? Rin pondered, moving his hand to his forehead feeling him heating up.

"Haru did you sleep in these all night?" Rin asked slowly pulling Harus wet shirt off.

"Yeah...I couldn't be bothered drying myself last night. And I kinda passed out before I could change"

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