•*°*• ʀᴇǫᴜᴇsᴛ ʜᴇʀᴇ ! •*°*•

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°*•*° A bit more about Admin °*•*°

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°*•*° A bit more about Admin °*•*°

Hello everyone, welcome to this (numerous) book about Cookie Run : OvenBreak !

My name is Peony, and I will be your host throughout this book where you will be able to see what I can write from my hands, with your ideas !

Indeed, this oneshots book will be filled with your requests only, because I want to see myself expending my writing with other stuff than what I can bring by myself.

I will also be able to show you my personnal works, but only on separate books. Anyway. Let's move on to the rules of this book because, of course, if you want a good atmosphere to prosper around you, you have to regulate it ! I know. It sounds boring, but if you want your request to appear in that book, please follow the lines below.

~ Request any type of pairing ! Here are a few examples :- Couple- Siblings- Other family related bound- Friends- etc

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~ Request any type of pairing ! Here are a few examples :
- Couple
- Siblings
- Other family related bound
- Friends
- etc.

~ You can even suggest polyamourous ships if you have some !

~ Actually, as long as there is at least a ''x'' or a ''+'', I can do it for you.

~ I may also do things with only one character if you dearly insist.

~ If you have specific headcanons, please describe them briefly while requesting. I wouldn't like to let my imagination overdo the work you ask me to do.

~ The same applies for scenario. If I don't see any precisions on what you want to see precisely, you allow me to edit the chapter to fit it to it's best, without any restrictions.

~ I may accept with your oc/s ONLY if you send me a brief description/referance so I can cope with it.

~ I may also accept ''x/+ reader''s.

~ I take requests from BOTH CROB AND CRK !! (I might lack onto CRK, since I don't play the game.)

~ If I find no other ideas OR if the requester asks to, I will accept writing it (don't expect it to be bloody as hell though, and yes, I will put a trigger warning if I find the content too gruesome)

All these allowences seem great, right ? But beware, because to all allowences, there are restrictions.

All these allowences seem great, right ? But beware, because to all allowences, there are restrictions

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~ Request any inappropriate pairing. That includes :
- AdultxMinor
- Incestuous pairs
- Bestiality
- Y'know, these kind of things kids wouldn't like to wake up to.

~ Request smut/lemon. There are kids around my community, and I don't want to shock them with things they wouldn't like to see. Moreover, I am uncomfortable myself with that kind of writing. Please, mind this detail.

~ If you request angst, nothing too gruesome. For the same reasons as atop -- I am, however, more kin on psychological stuff if you REALLY want some angst.

~ For the sake of love, NO multi requesting. I am going to be more specific : wait for your first request to be done with before asking another one. I won't take any other requests from you as long as I'm not done with your current one. I may take short time... or not, if you become too insistant.

Any of these following rules that I see broken from your share would result to consequences from simple ignorance to signaling the account. I don't want meer nuisances to become invasive to both myself and the others. I might be caring and love you a lot, but I also have limits, just like you. Don't try to cross them. <3

Thank you for taking your time to read these guidelines. I wish you to have fun requesting and write through this book, and most of all,

 I wish you to have fun requesting and write through this book, and most of all,

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-- Peony ♡

Requests status : [❌] CLOSED
Last requested on : 29.07.2021

pls lemme write oneshots with coo🅱️iesWhere stories live. Discover now