3: Cast and Callbacks

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" Ben!" JoJo squealed, running into his room.

" What?" He jumped up.

" I got the part!" She jumped onto him, sending them tumbling to the ground.

" You did?" He grinned as she sat up, straddling his hips.

" And, guess what?" She rested her hands on his chest as he sat up.

" What?"

" I'm the understudy for the lead role." She beamed.

" I'm so proud of you." He pulled her into a hug.

" I'm so excited." She said excitedly.

" Do I want to know?" Josh said from the door.

" JoJo got the part in that show she auditioned for!" Ben announced for her.

" Bro, do you even know what show it is?" Josh laughed.

" Nope but I'm proud." He grinned.

" Congrats, Jo." Josh smiled.

" Thanks Joshie!" JoJo replied.

" Joshie? I haven't heard that one in a while." Bexley chuckled as she appeared in the doorway next to Josh.

" JoJo got the part." Josh said to her.

" Wait, you got the part!" Bexley bounced.

" Yeah!" JoJo climbed off Ben and onto her feet.

" That's amazing!" Bexley grinned.

" No, but seriously," Ben said from the floor," What is the show?"

" I'm gonna be in the revival of Bandstand. I'll be ensemble and understudy for Julia Trojan." JoJo laughed.

" Like the condoms?" Josh muttered.

" Yes, actually. There's a lot of jokes about it throughout the show." JoJo nodded.

" I love that." Josh chuckled.

" So, is now a good time to announce that I also got into a show?" Bexley raised her hand.

" What show?" JoJo's eyes lit up.

" That, I'm not allowed to share but I have to go help with a chemistry reading tomorrow." Bexley smiled.

" I'm proud." Josh smiled, looping his arm around her waist.

" I have a callback tomorrow." Ben announced.

" Me too." Josh nodded.

" Guys!" Cara barged into the apartment.

" Does everyone have big news today?" Bexley laughed as they walked down the hall to greet Cara.

" I got in the pit for the revival of Bandstand!" Cara nearly shouted.

" No way, me too. I mean, in cast, but same!" JoJo pulled her friend into a hug.

" Guys!" Sky and Natalie charged in.

" Did you guys get cast in a show?" JoJo immediately asked.

" How did you know?" Sky asked.

" Are we sure we're on Earth?" Josh questioned.

" What shows?" Cara waved him off.

" Well, I have a callback." Natalie shrugged.

" But I got cast in the revival of Guys and Dolls!" Sky exclaimed.

" Am I sleeping or...?" Josh muttered.

" This calls for a celebration!" Bexley cheered.

" To the 54 Below, we go!" JoJo shouted. They all filed out aside from Josh.

" So, nobody gonna question how we all go into shows or callbacks? No?"


" Sky, stop staring before you turn green." JoJo deadpanned. Sky had his eyes glued on where Cara was sitting at the bar with some guy.

" Bro, you have a girlfriend." Ben nodded to where Natalie, Bexley, and Josh stood.

" What could possibly be so funny?" Sky muttered bitterly as Cara's laughter filled his ears.

" Jealous, are we?" JoJo said into her drink.

" Isn't jealousy the fear of losing something you have?" Ben asked.

" So, this would be a case of envy." JoJo agreed.

" You guys suck." Sky grumbled.

" Hey." Natalie chirped as her Josh and Bexley rejoined the table.

" Hey, Nat." JoJo grinned.

" What's going on?" She knit her eyebrows.

" Is Cara gettin it?" Josh glanced over at the bar.

" I think so." Ben nodded, sending a not so subtle glance to Sky.

" He's cute." Bexley observed.

" He is." Natalie agreed.

" Hey." The guys all called in sync.

" Just because we're with you guys, doesn't mean we can't observe others as cute." Natalie stated.

" Exactly." JoJo gave a short nod. They watched as Cara exchanged numbers with the man before returning to the group.

" He was cute." Bexley smirked.

" Yeah." Cara grinned.

" What's his name?" Ben asked, slightly protective of his friend.

" Levi." She slid into her seat between Natalie and Josh.

" If he hurts you, I will remove his organs." Josh said into his drink.

" Noted." Cara laughed.


" Hey Josh." Bexley walked into their room.

" Yea?" He looked up from his phone as she settled in the bed next to him.

" Can I ask you something?"

" 'Course, what's up?" He asked.

" Well, I was thinking," She started, absentmindedly playing with his hand, " Would you consider fostering a child?" Bexley asked.

" Possibly, why? What's got you thinking?" Josh asked.

" Well, you know I was in the system. And there's so many kids in there that only want someone to love them and-"

" Bex." Josh chuckled, cutting her off.

" How bout we look into the requirements?" He offered.

" Really?" She restrained a grin.

" Of course." He nodded. She smiled, launching herself into a hug.

" I love you!" She shouted.

" I love you more." He chuckled.

" Unlikely." She laughed.

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