11: Opening Night

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" You ready?" Josh asked his wife as they got ready to head to the theatre for their first show as Percy and Annabeth.

" As I'll ever be." Bexley nodded.

" What's wrong, Angel?" He wrapped his arms around her.

" I'm just so used to being an understudy or a swing. I've never played a lead role, full time." She bit her lip.

" You'll be amazing. You always are." He assured her. She gave him a small smile, grabbing his collar to pull him down for a kiss.

" Bexley? Josh?" Penny poked her head in the door, her hand covering her eyes.

" Who taught you that?" Bexley laughed.

" Ben." Penny smiled, taking her hand off her face.

" Did he tell you why?" Josh asked.

" Something about getting it? Whatever that means." Penny shrugged. Bexley's eyes widened but she just pretended that did not just happen.

" Come here, sweetie." Bexley knelt down. Penny ran over to hug her.

" I can't believe you guys are gonna be on Broadway!" Penny beamed.

" And you're gonna be there too." Josh smiled at her.

" Can I see you after the show?" Penny asked.

" Of course, sweetie." Bexley nodded.

" I'm so excited." Penny bounced. Bexley smiled to herself as Penny jumped on their bed with Josh monitoring. She found it insane how much Penny has become like a daughter to them. Penny could've easily passed as their's. The part that wants what's best for Penny hopes she'll be able to go back to her birth family. But the selfish part of her wants to keep Penny with her forever.


Penny held onto both Josh and Bexley's hands on the way to the theatre, talking enthusiastically about how cool it was that her foster parents were on Broadway.

" Whoa!" Penny gasped as they walked into the theatre. She had obviously been there before, but not with all the posters and merchandise up.

" Hey guys!" Kristin walked in. After stepping down from the role of Annabeth, she said that she would be more than willing to understudy when needed while she searched for her next thing, Chris did the same.

" Hey." Josh grinned.

" You guys ready?" She knelt down just in time for Penny to run up and hug her.

" You betcha." Bexley laughed.

" It's gonna be so cool!" Penny exclaimed.

" That's what I said!" Kristin agreed.

" Hey Penny!" Chris and Jarell walked up. Penny ran over to give them each hugs as well.

" Hey, do you wanna come hang out with me while Bexley and Josh get ready?" Kristin offered to Penny, shooting Bexley and Josh a questioning look.

" Yes, can I?" Penny ran up to Josh and Bexley.

" Of course." Bexley nodded, smoothing out her hair. Josh leaned over to press a kiss to the top of her head.

" Have fun." He smiled.

" I will." Penny beamed, skipping over to take Kristin's hand. Bexley mouthed a thank you to Kristin before heading for her dressing room.

" So, why're you being so quiet?" Josh asked.

" What? I'm not." She shook her head.

" Bex, I know you. Something's up." He took her hand as they entered her dressing room, Josh's was right next door.

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