17: Songs

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" So, are you guys engaged again, or what?" Ben asked casually as they gang sat around the apartment.

" I don't even know anymore." Cara shrugged, searching the bookshelf for something to read.

" We're just going with it." Sky nodded.

" When you guys get married, can I be flower girl?" Penny raised her hand.

" Of course." Cara laughed.

" Oh, Sky and Cara engaged again?" JoJo strolled into the room.

" Don't know." Cara shrugged.

" But we are." Ben pulled JoJo onto the couch next to him.

" Wait, we are? I thought I bought a big white dress for Halloween." JoJo laughed.

" Oh, you're hilarious." Ben dug his fingers into her sides.

" Ben!" She wiggled out of his grip.

" Hey guys, some of the old gang is gonna be staying here for the wedding." Bexley walked into the living room.

" Like who?" Ben stopped tickling JoJo.

" Like, DeMarius, Nick, Nico, Jeff, Dan, Iain, Anthony, both Michaels, and a few more that have yet to confirm." Bexley read off the list on her phone.

" Hi, I might be missing the obvious but, how are we fitting that many people in here?" Sky asked.

" Come on, you know we've fit more in smalled." Josh strolled in, plopping next to Bexley.

" True." JoJo nodded.

" Oh, is Ben moving into JoJo's room or is JoJo moving into Ben's room?" Bexley asked.

" I don't care." Ben shrugged.

" Good, he's moving into my room." JoJo decided.

" I'm moving into Jo's room." Ben agreed quickly.

" Wow, you caught on quick." Josh chuckled.

" Caught onto what?" Ben asked.

" Happy wife, happy life." Bexley replied without missing a beat.

" Oh."

The woman went to run an errand, leaving the guys at the apartment with Penny. Penny had escaped to her room for a little alone time while the guys sat around the living.

" I could put the Tucks behind me, and pull up the anchor. Ride the wheel plenty, for all that it's worth." They heard from Penny's room. They all perked up as she sang.

" Turn 17, then 18, then 20. For a life is the greatest wonder on Earth." She continued.

" Holy shit." Ben muttered.

" Can I? Should I? Do I drink? Can I? Should I? Will I drink?" Penny hit the belt perfectly.

" Hey guys!" Bexley called as she and the others walked in.

" Bex." Josh whispered, waving them over to listen.

" There are two ways home, down one long road. One clear path, to two conclusions. Does the story end? Or never end? Does the secret fade? Or is it everlasting? Is it everlasting?" Penny finished.

" She's got a set of lungs." JoJo whispered.

Bexley and Josh poked their heads in Penny's room.

" You're home!" Penny beamed, jumping up.

" We are." Bexley grinned.

" Penny, who taught you to sing?" Josh asked.

" I don't know, I just sing. But Sarah taught me that song." Penny shrugged.

" You have a very powerful voice." Bexley stated.

" Like you?" She asked hopefully.

" Yeah, just like your mother." Josh nodded.

" I want to be like you!" Penny exclaimed.

" Like me?" Bexley tilted her head.

" I want to be an actress." Penny smiled.

" Would you like us to look something for you?" Josh asked.

" Yes please!" Penny nodded vigorously.

" We'll see what we can do." Bexley smiled.

It's been a while, I'm so sorry. School has been kicking my butt with hybrid learning, along with work and cross country. I'll try to update again soon!

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