19: I Can Hear The Bells

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" Rise and shine, sleeping beauty." Josh called to Ben. The guys all spent the night at the opposite side of the hotel from the girls.

" I'M GETTING MARRIED." Ben shot straight up.

" Good, he knows what day it is." Nick chuckled into his coffee.

" Yes, Ben, you are." Sky grinned.

" Our little Benji is all grown up!" Jeff cried dramatically.

" He's a big boy now!" DeMarius ruffled Ben's insanely curly hair.

" Gee, thanks." Ben grumbled, trying to tame his hair.

" What do you think the girls are doing?" Iain asked absentmindedly.


" WAKE UP BITCH!" JoJo whacked Cara with a pillow.

" Language!" Bexley and Penny called in sync.

" I'm getting married!" JoJo jumped on Natalie's bed.

" Yes, yes. We know." Natalie nudged her off the bed.

" Guys." JoJo complained.

" Jo, it is 5 am. The ceremony doesn't start until noon." Cara called tiredly.

" And?" JoJo stopped jumping.

" And it's too early!" Penny complained. The adults around her laughed, all slowly waking up.

" I wonder how this guys are doing?" Natalie commented as they made their way to the kitchen, already starting the coffee maker.

" Well, I would call Ben, but y'all took my phone." JoJo pouted.

" That's exactly why we took your phone." Cara smiled.

" But-"

" No buts." Natalie cut her off. The clear knock at the door was probably the most confusing part.

" Who is up at 5am." Bexley muttered as she made her way to the door. JoJo's sisters, Elizabeth and Lillian, along with their mother, Martha, all crowded at the door.

" You guys are early risers?" Bexley opened the door for them.

" JoJo woke up early today? She only did that on Christmas." Martha laughed.

" But it's the happiest day of my life." JoJo ran over to give them hugs.

" Has she had coffee yet?" Elizabeth asked, amazed at her sister's energy so early in the morning.

" Nope." JoJo grinned. There was another knock. That time, Natalie ran to get the door.

" Bexley, it's your husband!" Natalie called as she and Josh walked down the hall.

" Daddy!" Penny ran up to Josh.

" Hey, peanut." Josh lifted Penny into his arms.

" Morning Angel." He pressed a kiss to Bexley's head.

" So, Ben's awake, somewhat alert, but excited." Josh announced.

" Always good." JoJo chuckled.

" And what are they doing now?" Cara cocked an eyebrow.

" Definitely not....having a nurf gun battle..." Josh said slowly.

" Can we have a nurf gun battle?" JoJo perked up.

" No." Everyone said in sync.


" Why is your hair so floofy?" DeMarius sighed, trying to somewhat tame Ben's hair.

" There's no helping it." Emma commented from the open door.

" Emu!" Josh cheered as Ben moved to hug his sister.

" Aren't you a bridesmaid?" Anthony called.

" I am, but I'm also sister of the groom." Emma laughed.

" I'm pretty sure that's not an official title..." Josh trailed off.

" It is now." Bexley invited herself in.

" Is anybody with JoJo?" Nico raised his hand.

" I'M COMING JOJO!" Jeff sprinted out the door.

" Wow, you dealt with this for the entire tour?" Emma looked to Bexley.

" It was very traumatizing." Bexley nodded.

" Hey!" Josh called in protest.


" Bexley, what if I trip?" JoJo asked on the car ride over.

" Then you get up, laugh, and keep moving." Bexley replied, fixing Penny's hair.

" What if I forget my vows?" JoJo questioned.

" Considering your career involves you memorizing dialogue, I hope you won't." Bexley chuckled. The car slowly pulled to a stop in front of the venue. JoJo and Ben opted for an outdoor wedding. They drove about two hours outside of the city to get a clifftop wedding, overlooking the ocean. The group climbed out of the car, meeting the rest of the bridal party and the groomsmen, sans Josh who was with Ben.

" What if forget something really important?" JoJo asked.

" Like your bouquet." Penny commented. Everybody froze.

" Why are you only mentioning this now?" Sky's jaw dropped.

" I only noticed now, and Mommy said my job was to remember my flowers." Penny shot back.

" I forgot my flowers." JoJo muttered.

" You forgot your what?" Josh walked to the back.

" Bouquet." JoJo murmured.

" I, uh, here-" Josh grabbed the nearest pot of flowers.

" That works, I guess." JoJo laughed.

Ben didn't even notice her carrying a pot of flowers, he only saw her.


" Hey Penny, can you come here." Josh called through the hotel room later that night. Penny ran into the main area when Josh, Bexley, JoJo, Ben, Sky, Cara, Natalie, and the rest of the Toursies were all waiting.

" Am I in trouble?" She asked slowly.

" No, sweetie." Josh chuckled. Bexley knelt in front of Penny, a piece of paper in hand.

" Do you know what this is?" She asked. Penny shook her head.

" It's your adoption paperwork." Josh knelt down. Penny's head shot up.

" Adoption?" She asked quietly.

" If you're okay with that?" Bexley nodded.

" You're actually gonna be my mom and dad!" She flung herself into their arms. The Toursies around them cheered loudly while Natalie recorded on Bexley's phone.

" Best day ever." JoJo laughed, leaning into Ben.

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