40: Date Night

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" I feel bad." Bexley muttered, putting in her earrings.

" Why do you feel bad?" Josh glanced over.

" Cause we're not bringing Penny." Bexley shrugged.

" Bex, that's kinda the point of date night." Josh laughed.

" I know." She sighed dramatically.

" Plus, she's been excited about her sleepover with Natalie, JoJo, and Cara all week." Josh added helpfully.

" It's all she's been talking about." Bexley nodded.

" She'll be okay." Josh pressed a kiss to her forehead as he passed.


" YOU KILLED MY FATHER! PREPARE TO DIE!" Penny sprang onto Ben's back, her nurf gun in hand.

" I'm down!" Ben collapsed to the ground dramatically.

" I'll avenge you!" Nick called, aiming his nurf gun.

" NEVER!" Sky shot at Nick. The three girls sat on the bed, watching the chaos unfold.

" Maybe we shouldn't have let them watch Princess Bride." Natalie commented.


" Where are we going?" Bexley asked as her and Josh walked down main street.

" It's a surprise." He grinned.

" Of course it is." She rolled her eyes playfully. He lead her up to a little park near the outskirts of the town.

A gazebo sat towards the center, with lights strung around it. A table with dinner sat in the middle.

" How did you...?" She trailed off.

" I have my ways." He winked.


" I AM IRON MAN!" Penny jumped from one bed to the other.

" Why did we give her soda?" JoJo watched as her and the guys pretended to be the Avengers as they ran around the room.

" AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!" Penny shouted.

" Because we're idiots." Cara sighed.


" It's crazy." Bexley said.

" Hmm?" Josh hummed, linking their hands across the table.

" We're 24, married, and have a daughter." Bexley smiled.

" Yeah, were pretty crazy." Josh chuckled.

" The good kind though." Bexley nodded.

" Definitely." He smiled. They fell into comfortable silence until Josh's face lit up with an idea.

" What?" Bexley asked suspiciously.

" Come on." He tugged her hand. She followed him out of the gazebo, to the playground.

" Like our first date." He lead her to the swings.

" You mean, sneaking out of our hotel at the Jimmy's and going to the park down the road, just to get caught by your older brother." She laughed, sitting on the swing.

" Nick didn't tell anyone though." Josh chuckled, sitting next to her.

" True." She smiled, taking his hand again.

" I still think you should've won." He commented.

" I'm glad I didn't though, our lives might've been very different." She smiled.

" True." He agreed. She couldn't help but stare at him as he looked at the stars.

" See something you like?" He grinned, still looking towards the sky.

" Yeah, but I happen to be married to it so it's all good." She nodded. He chuckled, turning to face her.

" Ya know, you're really cute." He stated.

" Yeah, yeah." She rolled her eyes playfully.


" They crashed." Natalie murmured. The guys lay in a heap on the floor, with Penny on top of them.

" How-" Cara stared at them.

" What goes up, must come down." JoJo shrugged.


" Any other secret plans tonight?" Bexley teased as they made their way to the hotel.

" Just one." Josh smiled. She threw him a surprised glance.

" Come on." He dragged her down the street.

" Where are we going?" She laughed, letting him lead her.

" Here." He came to a stop in front of Barnes and Noble.

" Really?" Her face lit up.

" Of course." He smiled. She dragged him inside, making a beeline for the mystery section.

" You're so cute." He chuckled as she searched the shelves.

" You said that earlier." She snorted, reading the summary on the back of the book in her hand.

" And beautiful, and kind, and amazing, and perf-" He got cut off by her lips meeting his.

" You were rambling." She smiled cheekily.


" So, how does it feel to be pregnant?" JoJo asked as she, Cara, and Natalie played cards.

" Weird. Weirder since I found out." Cara shrugged.

" Do you and Sky have a plan for when this kid is born or no?" Natalie questioned.

" I mean, we definitely plan on getting married. I think the question right now is when." Cara replied.

" That's fair." JoJo nodded.


Josh and Bexley stayed in Barnes in Noble for about and hour before deciding on books.

" Bex." Josh pointed to a shelf as they waited in line. The Sea Of Monsters.

" Grab it, Penny would love it." Bexley smiled, her hands around full of books. Josh grabbed the book off the shelf, adding to Bexley's pile.

" Wow, thank you Josh." She said sarcastically.

" Anytime." He chuckled. They checked out and went back to the hotel. On their way up they went to check on Penny.

" Oh, she was a calm little angel." Natalie said sarcastically.

" How bad?" Josh cringed.

" Oh, she wasn't even the worst one." Natalie opened the door more to show the head of people, with Penny on top.

" Do you want us to take her?" Bexley asked.

" No, you guys go have fun." Natalie winked.

" But not too much fun! We already have one pregnant pers- ow!" JoJo called as Cara threw a card at her. Bexley rolled her eyes, grabbing Josh's hand to pull him away.

" They're weirdos." Josh laughed.

" But they're our weirdos." Bexley grinned.

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