34: Elevator Rides

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" I AM NEVER GETTING IN AN ELEVATOR AGAIN!" JoJo flopped onto the ground.

" Could be worse, we could be on the top floor." Sky offered.

" Not helping." Cara leaned into his shoulder.

" I'm scared." Penny murmured.

" It'll be okay, kiddo." Josh promised

" Everyone needs to stay calm!" Ben shouted.

" Benjamin, sit down." Bexley snapped.

" Yes ma'am." Ben plopped on the ground next to JoJo.

" So, what are we gonna do to pass the time?" Josh asked as Penny sat in his lap and Bexley leaned into him.

" Truth or dare?" Ben offered.

" What kind of dares are you doing in an elevator?" Sky laughed.

" We could play never have I ever." JoJo suggested.

" The clean version?" Bexley cocked an eyebrow.

" See, we would if Penny was actually awake." Ben said. Josh looked at Penny, who was passed out in his lap.

" She didn't sleep well last night." Josh chuckled.

" Never have I ever been stuck in an elevator." Cara started. Everyone else put down a finger.

" Really?" She cocked an eyebrow.

" Before you join Newsies." JoJo nodded.

" Gotcha."

" Never have I ever been a book nerd." Ben said.

" Ben." JoJo gasped as she, Bexley, and Cara put down a finger.

" Never have I ever been skydiving." Bexley smirked.

" Hey." Josh poked her in the side.

" Without, telling your significant other." Cara added helpfully.

" It was one time." Ben laughed.

" Never have I ever had a kid." Sky said. Bexley and Josh gave him dirty looks.

" Never have I ever been a redhead." Bexley deadpanned.

" Hey." JoJo pouted when she put down a finger too.

" You were a redhead?" Josh asked.

" When I was little, turned brown though." JoJo nodded. Bexley's phone rang.

" Hello?" She said as she put it on speaker.

" Where are you guys?" Natalie asked.

" Stuck in an elevator." Ben deadpanned.

" Oh, nice. I can't even say I'm surprised." She laughed.

" Where are they?" They heard Nick.

" In an elevator." Natalie replied.

" Where are you?" JoJo asked, very curious as to what they were doing.

" At the theatre, looking for you." Natalie replied.

" Sure you are." JoJo said suggestively.

" JoJo, no!" Nick shouted through the phone.

" JoJo, yes!" Ben cheered.

" We'll get someone to let you out!" Natalie hung up the phone hastily. Bexley glanced over to Cara, who was looking a little green.

" You okay, Cara?" Bexley asked.

" Yeah, it's just warm in here." Cara nodded, shifting away from Sky.

" You sure?" Sky asked.

" Yeah." Cara nodded. A few minutes later, somebody got them out of the elevator. They were apparently caught between floor, so it was a bit difficult to get out.

" Freedom!" JoJo cheered as Ben helped her out.

" You're crazy." Ben laughed, climbing out behind her.

" Noted." She beamed. He turned to help Cara out of the elevator, then Penny, who he passed to JoJo. Sky hopped out next. Then Josh lifted Bexley out with ease, climbing out behind her. After thanking the people who helped them, they made their way to the theatre.

" No more elevators, please." Penny begged.

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