22: Curtain

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" Mommy, why are you doing that?" Penny watched as Bexley put her hair in pin curls.

" So I can fit my wig on." Bexley replied.

" Oh..." Penny nodded, glancing around the room.

" You bored?" Bexley chuckled. Penny gave a short shrug.

" You can heard over to Daddy's dressing room. Or hang out with Ben or JoJo. Just stay in the main hall." Bexley instructed.

" Okay. Love you mommy!" Penny ran out the door. She raced down the hall, dodging people as she went.

" Whoa there." Someone stopped her. Granted, she did slam into his legs.

" Where you going kid?" He smiled down at her. Penny vaguely recognized him. She knew her parents didn't like him.

" To my Daddy's dressing room." Penny tried to sneak past him but couldn't.

" Are you-" The door to their right swung open.

" Hey Penny, whatcha up to?" Ben smiled.

" Trying to get to my Dad's dressing room." Penny replied.

" Gotcha. Well, go ahead. There's no reason you can't go to your own father's dressing room, is there JP?" Ben sent a not so nice look in JP's direction.

" Of course not." JP stepped aside for the young girl to run off.


" You ready?" Ben whispered to JoJo as they waited for the show to start.

" Kinda nervous." JoJo admitted.

" You've got this." Ben kissed her forehead.

" I love you." She smiled.

" I love you too, Sunshine."


" So, did you guys get drunk or what?" JP barged into Bexley's dressing room.

" Just because the door is open, doesn't mean you can come in." Bexley called over her shoulder.

" So were you not thinking or...?" JP trailed off.

" Excuse me?" She cocked an eyebrow.

" Your kid, she's like five-"

" Six." She corrected.

" Whatever. Josh got you pregnant when you were what, 17?" He pressed.

" Josh did nothing of the sorts." Bexley shook her head.

" Oh, so someone else got you pregnant?" JP crossed his arms.

" No. Penny's adopted." She stated.

" You adopted a kid?" His eyes widened.

" Yep." Bexley nodded.

" Why the hell would you do that?" He wrinkled his nose.

" Why wouldn't we?"

" Oh, I get it. You adopted for the fans, didn't you?" JP accused.

" Hardly." Bexley stated firmly.

" You thought you guys would look like heros." He continued.

" My God, no." Josh stepped into the room with JoJo, Ben, Cara, and Sky behind him.

" Where's-"

" Penny's with Natalie." Josh cut his wife off.

" See, you guys pass her off whenever you feel like it!" JP nearly shouted.

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