chapter 14

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"James and I know eachother for two years. Initially we were very good friends. He used to be the person I am closest to. He knows almost everything about me so do I or I thought so.
"We like eachother, even my parents knew about him . They approved him. He seemed to be a gentleman. He said his parents died in a car accident and he was brought up by his grandpa who recently passed away. Everything seemed fine between us. As friends, we never had problems. We used to bicker on and off, later we laugh it off and move on. We hang out a lot in malls and stuffs. He used to be close to me as Amanda was.
"End of last year,one night, after his graduation party he asked me out to dinner.
"That night he came to pick me for the dinner. We went to one of the best restaurants in the city. As soon as I entered I sense romance in the atmosphere. We ordered our food. The rest of the dinner was spent in silence.
"Later we went out for a walk in the city. Imagine late night, a walk in the middle of the road. It was wonderful. We walked in silence, he held my hand and not let go. Neither did I mind. We continued walking and suddenly he stopped, he knelt on the ground and said,"Kaitlyn Maitland, will you be my girlfriend?"
"That's how it started. Initially, everything seemed fine. We obviously knew eachother and it was easy to  compromise ourselves for eachother. We used to work in the same company but different departments. We used to hang out together more than before as things were official. He used to be more authoritative over me just because he was my boyfriend. He was very possessive.Its pretty usual. Jealous and possessive boyfriends. At first I didn't mind at all. I thought its usual for guys to be possessive over their girlfriends or so that's what I have heard.
"He wanted to know everything about me. He decides everything for me. For instance, he decides what I am supposed to wear for work. It was absurd, yet, I acted accordingly. I didn't want to hurt him. I felt bad when I do something he doesn't like. He restricted me from speaking to our colleagues over the phone. If they wanted to contact me it has to be through him. How could I work like that? But, I never defied him.
"He restricted me from using social media. Entirely. It was infuriating,all he replied was it was for my well being. He is trying to protect me from stalkers and hackers. I wasn't allowed to contact any of my friends including Amanda. It was unbearable, Zed. She is the closest thing for a sister but I wasn't allowed to speak to her. I was supposed to update him my whereabouts all the time. I was only allowed to go out either with my parents or him.
"He used to check my phone. Checks everything single app in my phone. I was allowed to take pictures only with him or myself. Literally, he seized everything from me- friends, family, colleagues, freedom, peace of my mind. Later he didn't allow me to use my phone.
"Gradually, things became bad to worse. Initially he used to be forlorn when I resist him. It gradually turned to abusive. He became emotionally abusive. He used to criticise my works. Discourage me, scold me and the list goes on. My situation became worse when he moved me to his house for weekends. I had to spend my weekends with him. He wants to own me not  love me. I was his beautiful possession whom he didn't want to share.When you love a person you let them be independent, not caged behind bars. You can call them mine but let them live they way they love.
"I was left with no one but him. He ascertained it. I was left with no one to talk but him. How could I talk about him to him itself? I couldn't speak about him to my family since they already trusted  him, they would never believe me. He made sure to gain their trust.
"Those were the darkest time of my life. I was left with no friend by my side but this psycho who was trying  to own. I never believed I could escape him. I thought I would be caged with him always and forever.
"One day on my way to home, I met my friend, David, I wasn't able to reach him for months. I don't think I have would have happier to see anyone than him on that day. I knew I had to talk about my issue  to somebody before I was sent to an asylum. I explained about James. David agreed to help me to buy a spare phone so that I could reach him whenever I want.
"I knew it was about time I resist him. The next day I give my resignation letter stating I am on medication and I won't be able to continue so I could stop seeing him. I didn't leave home for weeks. I didn't visit James nor did I allow him to come home. I remember, for the first after a long time I felt peaceful. I somehow contacted Amanda to visit me.
"After months, we saw eachother. God! How much I missed her. It was then we plotted a plan against James.
"It took me months to get over the trauma. I stopped seeing James. He tried many times in many ways to see me, talk to me but I refused. One day, I called James to set up a meeting at a coffee shop. I went to see him with my Friends, Amanda and David. I finished my business with James for once and for all. I broke up with him officially and returned whatever the things I could and I left, ever since then I never saw him.

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