chapter 17

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David was standing infront of me, ruffles his hair. He is busy scrolling his phone and doesn't even notice me. "Hey! What you doing?", I ask.
"Oh! Hi!" He says, looks a little startled.
"Come in" I let him in.
He comes in removes his jacket and throws it on the sofa. I shake my head and hang is jacket.
"So ummm, what made you come here, lil bro?"
He looks shocked which looks comical. He throw up his hands and rants, "oh! I should come to see you with a reason, is it?"
"No no I didn't mean that way", I say. I changed the topic. "You know what! It is great you came by. Guess what???!!!!!" I squealed in excitement.
"What?" He asks, sounds bored.
"I made lunch",I say, importantly. "You are staying for lunch whether you like it or not."
He laughs at me. "As you wish, your Majesty" he bows.
We laugh together, then he helps me to arrange the table. Later I hear the doorbell ringing. David goes to answer the door. I guess it must be Amanda.
While I am checking whether I have missed anything I hear them laughing about some joke and walking towards the dining hall.
As soon as Amanda enters the room, she squeals, "oh! My! You have set the table too!"
"Yeah! If I wait till you come we can have dinner instead" I reply, sarcastically.
"Alright! Alright! Let's have lunch! I am ravenous" she replies, excited.
We sit across eachother and serve the lunch. Later Amanda helps me to clean the dishes while David, the doofus, goes to watch a movie. Afterwards, we join David in the hall.
"What's the movie about?" Amanda asks.
"Its a thriller"he replies.
We continued to watch the movie in silence. On the screen, I see the guy keeps following the heroine's friend to the sea shore. In the end, he gets the girl alone in a forest and smashes her head on the tree. It kills her on the spot. God! Its horrible!
At that time, Amanda asks, "didn't James come back?"
I was shocked. Why speak of him at this kind of good time. Yet, I reply,"no he didn't."
For sometime, neither of us reply.
Atlast, Amanda replies,"he won't give up easily."
"Agreed"says David.

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