Just A Little Annoyed

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Logan sighed, looking around the living room. He was alone. The other sides were off making a video with Thomas, he thought about showing up but he knew he would just be ignored and made fun of. He found it annoying and even a little upsetting that they treated him like that. He walked to the kitchen, getting a jar of Crofters to eat. Roman wasn't there to blow up at him for eating some so he figured he would take the opportunity. As he sat down to eat he felt a slight tug, someone trying to summon him. He sighed setting down the jar, sinking out to the real world. Roman was standing in his usual place, Virgil on the stairs and visibly annoyed. Thomas looking at the two. Roman was the one who spoke up, and assumable the one to summon him "Logan I need your opinion on something." Logan was suprised, someone actually wanted his input for a problem. "What is it Roman?" He asked. "Who was the queen who deserved to win?! Anna of Cleve's or Kathrine Howard?" Logan sighed, he wasn't summoned to help with an actual problem. "Assuming you are referring to the musical and not actual history, in my opinion Kathrine Howard had it far worse." Roman groaned. "See, it's worse to get manipulated then to get humiliated!" Virgil yelled at Roman, he was clearly tense. Logan seemed to catch up, this was about something else, not the musical. "So you think it's better that Thomas cuts ties with his close and dear friend that everyone else is still around? Everyone would invite him and then Thomas would be left alone because you won't let him go if they were there!!" Roman snapped back. Logan tried to speak up. "I assume your referring to Thomas's recent conversation with his new companion?" Roman nodded. "Well, then I believe Virgil is in the right her-" Roman cut Logan off "No! We can't afford to be left out of everything everyone does because someone might only be interacting with us due to our following!!" Virgil looked at him, upset. "You seriously think that he should be around someone who is only using him?!" Logan tried to bud in but Roman spoke "I just don't want Thomas to loose his other friends because he won't let himself be around a mutual!" The two kept bickering as Logan tried to stop but they wouldn't stop, eventually someone else appered, causing both of them to shut up. "You two are definitely not  annoying" Janus said. Roman took a breath about to yell but Janus held a hand up causing him to stop. "You two are missing a simple resolution" Virgil looked at Janus confused. "Just don't talk to them, even if your around them don't talk to them-" Logan watched them, Janus solved the situation fairly fast and the two listened to him. He was impressed with his talent, how was he able to get them to listen and actually give good advice. Logan just found himself watching him, eventually things resolving and Virgil and Roman leaving. "Well that was odd" Thomas said. Janus sighed "at least everything is cleared up now." Logan looked at the two. Thomas sighed and turned off the camera, thinking this wasn't the best thing to make into a video. "I'll be in my room" he said as he left. Logan started to say something to Thomas but he was gone before he could. "Why were you here?" Janus asked, Logan turned to him. "Roman had summoned me but.." he trailed off. "Hm, I see..seems they love to hear you talk-" Logan nodded. "Even if they hate you they listen, with me they just, hate me and don't listen." Logan rolled his eyes a bit, annoyed with everyone. "Well, I guess I have the advantage of intimidation. I mean I could give less of a care on what is thought of me, so I allow myself to be more...harsh." Logan started to comment about how he didn't care but he didn't, he was talking to someone previously known as Deceit so lying wouldn't be an option. "Yeah.." Janus looked at Logan, giving him a concerned look. "Well, maybe stop helping them?" Logan blinked a bit, confused about the advice. "I mean, find a way to take a break, don't waste your time with them. Fine a way to get some time for yourself" Logan shook his head. "I need to be able to know what is going on, and they might get Thomas in trouble-" Janus rolled his eyes. "I don't care how you do it, it was just a suggestion" Janus then sunk to his room, leaving Logan alone. He sighed, maybe Janus was right? Maybe he should just leave everyone for a while. But he couldn't let himself, they can't risk that. Logic should be aware of everything going on and if he didn't communicate with them at all he couldn't. Logan sank into his room, sitting at his desk to work. He kept thinking, how could he get what he wanted? What was it he even wanted? He kept working and thinking, not noticing the figure appear behind him. "So, you want the others to give you attention or something?" Logan jumped, turning around. Remus laughed, waving at him. "How did you kn-" Logan was cut off "Janus" Remus replied. He walked over to Logan's bed and sat on it. "He said he told you to get a break, but you needed help coming up with the how" Logan sighed, nodding. "Well today is your lucky day! Creativity is here to help you think of how to ditch them." Logan looked at him, no use trying to get him to leave, probably would get a  sword to the neck "so what is your plan?" Remus' face lit up, obviously excited to share his ideas. "Well I was thinking you could fake your death!" Logan gave him a look. "No, I want to possibly come back without anyone freaking out, able to have a valid exuse for my absence but I don't want someone to get upset and catch my lie" Remus thought for a moment. "Maybe you can act sick?" Remus suggested. Logan sighed, "we can't get sick, at least not like that. Thomas hasn't been doing anything that would wear me out, so that would be debunked quickly" Remus groaned "your no fun-" Logan thought. "Maybe tell the others you became a dark side?" Remus suggested. "If I did that everyone would be too caught up in my betrayal to allow me to help" Remus sighed, flopping back on Logan's bed. "Well, I'm suprisigly at a loss for ideas. You seem to turn down literally everything" Remus said. Logan sighed, turning back to his desk. "I will come up with something, if I even agree with Janus' idea" Remus looked over at Logan. "I'll go annoy my brother, let me know if you need help with whatever plan you end up with, I'm willing to do anything except sleep with my brother." Logan was going to ask but he dissapered. He leaned back in his chair and sighed, trying to think. Remus was going somewhere with the dark side thing. He sighed, getting up and going through his book shelf, finding a book to help him relax. He paused, seeing one he found interesting. 'Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde'. Logan almost instantly had an idea, rushing to his desk to plan things out. He stayed up, getting everything ready. Once he was done he laid down to sleep, having trouble because he was excited. He eventually drifted off, waiting for the morning he could finally feel free.

So yeah...I'm doing something else. I have been obsessed with this ship recently and I also had an idea for a Logan thing so I figured I would mix up the two! I hope to continue this more frequently than the other thing I'm writing. I just needed to get this stuff out. Lmk what y'all think! ~💤

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