The Chaotic Trio

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Logan had eventually went back to the light sides, rising up in his room. As he did he looked at the time, it being close to dinner. He sighed, walking out of his room and going downstairs to see Patton cooking while Virgil sat on the couch listening to music. "Virgil can you get Logan and Roman?" Patton said, turning around to see Logan already standing in the living room. "Or..just Roman then." Virgil rolled his eyes, looking up at Patton. "Fine, but I'm only doing this because I don't want him to yell at you about Janus again-" with that he walked off. Logan walked up and sat down at the table while Patton dished out the food. "You should have been here this morning, there is another side" Patton said, sitting down next to Logan. "Interesting, what was his name?" Logan asked, trying to act like he knew nothing about what happened. "Ignorance. Probably going to counter you a lot when we talk, with you being Logic and all things smart" Patton chuckled a bit. Logan nodded, hearing two people walk down the stairs. It was Virgil and Roman, casually bickering about something dumb like usual. "I'm just saying, the only reason they are remaking all those movies is for money." Virgil said, sitting down. "No they are not! They are trying to rekindle the magical fire that burned in everyone's hearts during the Disney golden age!" Roman replied sitting down as well. "You two still arguing about the Disney remakes?" Patton said, starting to eat his meal. "Yes!" The other two said in unison. As they are the conversation consisted mostly of Virgil and Roman fighting while Patton played peace maker, sharing his own opinion a few times during it. Logan attempted to bud in a few times but he was simply over looked. Once he finished eating he got up and left, putting his plate in the sink. No one noticed. Logan made his way into his room, jumping back a bit to see a figure standing in it. "Didn't mean to startle you" Logan rolled his eyes, walking in and closing the door. "What do you want Janus?" He said, sitting down at his desk. "I just wanted to check on you, the others seemed to be rather annoying this time." Logan looked up at him, giving him a confused look. "Were you watching us?" Logan asked. Janus nodded, a snake slithering up his arm. "It's not very hard to hide these little guys, if I want I can" Logan started to say something before Janus inturupted. "I understand how you feel, Logan. No one listening. Outcasted. However, as much as it pains me to say it, you probably have it worse than me and Remus." Logan gave him a sad but confused look. "You are a 'light side'. Your expected to be good, to not lash out, to not feel bad about how your treated. When I am treated that way, I can force them to listen. You.. can't." Logan sighed, looking up at Janus. "What is your point?" Logan asked. "Point is, I want to help you get them back. I know I am already assisting by allowing you to stay in the dark sides part of the palace for an extended period of time but I want to do more. Next time Thomas calls us for a video, let Ignorance,Deceit and Intrusive thoughts have some fun" Logan couldn't help but to smile a little, Janus wanted to help. Help more to be more specific. Logan nodded. "Well then, I guess it's a plan." Janus looked as if he were about to sink out before turning to Logan, putting a hand on his face. "One more thing..if the others ever make you feel...less then dirt..I'm hear to talk." With that the snake went away, leaving Logan to touch the part of his face Janus just had. He had trouble wrapping his head around why Janus was being so nice let alone how he felt about it. He just sat there, his head running to fast to keep track of. He eventually decided it would be best to sleep it off, changing into his onesie and laying down to sleep.

Logan could feel a hand on his shoulder, shaking him. "Logan, wake up." He heard someone say. "Logi!! Wake uuppppp!" He heard another. He eventually rolled over and rubbed his eyes, seeing Janus and Remus looking at him. "Finally, I thought you would instantly wake up" Janus said, straightening his posture. Logan sat up, rubbing his eyes. "Come on Logibear! Get ready! We are going to go crash their video!" Logan stood up, snapping his fingers changing to his normal attire. "No! Ignorance!" Remus said, well more so shouted excitedly. Janus was waiting at the door. "Oh right-" Logan said, changing into his outfit for Ignorance. "Good." Janus said. His eye on the snake half of his face glowed for a second. "Seems like a QnA again, perfect." He said opening the door and walking out. "Logan, I need you to show up first, Remus will then appear and I will let you two have some fun before showing up to finish things off." Logan blinked a bit, suprised. Did they plan this much everytime they showed up for a video? Logan nodded and sunk out, rising up in the real world. He had perfect timing too, a question for Logan being asked just then. "Logan, what is your least favorite book trope and wh-" Thomas was cut off by Ignorance rising up. Thomas looked up, shocked. "Why we won't be seeing him anytime soon~" he said, looking around at everyone. Virgil was scared, backing up a little and not taking his eyes off the possible threat. Patton was afraid as well, trying to act like he wasn't. Roman had pulled out his sword, ready to attack Ignorance if he did anything. "Oh relax, I didn't kill him..yet-" Logan said, having fun acting like this. "Okay, another question, who the hell are you?!" Thomas said, looking over at the 'new' side. "Ignorance, happy to be here I must say. Wouldn't want all your fans to miss out on seeing me in all my glory." He laughed, looking at the others. "However I think just me would get rather.. boring don't you think? Maybe I should invite someone else along." Roman glared at Logan, knowing what he meant. "No you are not having that idiotic trash man intrude on this vide-" Roman was cut off by a mace hitting his head. Remus jumping out from behind the television. "Remus, what have I said about killing the audience? The less people here the less minds we can corrupt!" Remus laughed, looking over at him. Patton spoke up in shock. "WAIT YOU ACTUALLY KILLED HOM THIS TIME!!??" Logan and Remus laughed, Virgil assuring Patton they can't die. Thomas decided to try and continue with the QnA, even asking Remus some questions. Logan and Remus had fun inturupting and messing with the others, at one point even turning Virgil into a spider. After a while Janus appered as he said before, looking at the two. "What have you two done this time?" He said, trying to act suprised. Patton held out a spider in his hand, trying not to panic. "I turned Virgil into a spider and Ignorance made Patton stupid!" Logan laughed "I didn't do that, he was already that way~" Janus sighed, turning Virgil back, causing Patton to hug him and not let go. Janus held back a laugh, looking at the other three. "Terribly sorry Thomas, I'll get these two, they are a handful" and with that the three sunk back to their part of the mind palace. "You were so good out there, Lo!! I bet they definitely learned their lesson!" Remus said, hugging him. "Thank you" Logan responded, snapping back to his normal outfit. "I do have to admit, watching you two confuse and trick them was the most entertainment I have had in a long while" Janus said, walking up behind the two. "So, what do you guys want to do now?!" Remus asked, still hugging Logan. "Hm, it's been a while since we watched a movie together, and I guess since we have someone else to join us, now is a better time then ever to do so again." Janus said. Remus let go of Logan and hugged the snake. "Good idea Jan!! Meet back in the living room in 15?" Remus asked, the other two nodding.
Logan snapped his fingers, summoning a pair of comfy clothes. He didn't think Remus and Janus would enjoy his onesie, so he didn't bother with it. He sat down and waited for the other two. Remus walked in, actually wearing pajamas. "What happened to 'i sleep in the buff'?" Logan asked. "I just did that to mess with everyone, I mean don't get me wrong I do but I have some decency." Logan chuckled a bit. Remus sat down next to him, pulling out the remote and looking for a movie. After a while Janus walked in, wearing comfy clothes as well. He sat on the other side of Logan, looking at the screen. "What do you guys want to watch?" Remus asked, looking at the two. "I care deeply about what is picked." Janus said. Logan shrugged. "Pick whatever you want-" Remus looked up at Logan a little suprised. "You don't think I'm going to put on porn or something?" Remus asked. "..I mean if you did I might not watch it but that wasn't my expectation-" Logan said, confused. Remus laughed a bit. "Sorry, Roman never lets me pick anything to watch, neither did Virgil when he was still around. Guess I was just expecting the same from you, Logibear" Remus said turning back to the television. He finally ended up picking horror mystery movie. The three watched it, slowly drifting close as they did due to the scares in it. Eventually they all fell asleep, Janus embracing Logan while Remus had his head on his shoulder. The movie ended, leaving them in the peaceful quite of the living room the rest of the night.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. This is so much fun to write!! At this point I find myself caring less about if people read it, it's just fun for me to make. Anyway, I swear a better cover is coming soon but my computer was being dumb today so I couldn't. That's all for now! ~💤

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