An Argument

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Logan rubbed the sleep out of his eyes , waking up. He sat up to see Janus and Remus still clinging to him. He ran his fingers through Remus' hair before managing his way out of their grip. He then summoned a small notepad and left the two a note telling them he went to the light sides again. With that he snapped his fingers, changing to his normal attire, and sank into the light sides living room. Patton was the only one awake, making breakfast for the others. "Salutations, Patton." Logan said, walking over into the kitchen. Patton paused, looking at him. He looked back at the food and cleared his throat, trying not to say anything about the previous night. "Heya..kiddo" Patton responded. Logan set out some plates and sat down, thinking nothing of Patton's slight hesitation. Things were silent for a while until footsteps could be heard walking down the stairs. Logan looked up to see a anxious Virgil and an upset Roman, however neither said anything. They all say down eating, Logan picking up on the tension. Soon, Roman spoke up. "After breakfast I expect you to gather your things and leave.." Roman spoke quickly and bluntly, he was upset for sure. "Why?!" Logan asked, looking up with shock. After a second his gaze went to Patton, the dots connecting. "I'm sorry kiddo, he made me tell him." Logan looked hurt, he choked back his pain trying to remain calm. "You agree with what he wants?" Logan asked, gesturing to Roman. Patton tensed up. "I...I want to support you kiddo. I want to be nice and understanding but I...I can't wrap my head around what you decided.." Patton said, he didn't want to admit it and it showed. "I-" Roman cut Logan off. "I don't want to hear your excuses, you chose the dark sides over us, so leave!" Virgil grabbed Roman's shoulder. "Calm down.." he tried to speak up. "I am calm! You out of all of us should be upset! He is literally dating the people you ran away from!! You know he deserves to be treated like the rest of them!" The arguing continued. Logan tried budding in but he was ignored. He eventually stood up, unnoticed by the others. He felt detached from the moment, a blank expression on his face as he sank down into the dark sides living room. Remus and Janus were sitting there talking when they saw Logan rise up. The both walked up to him, looking at him. "Logi?! Are you okay?!" Remus said, pulling him into a tight hug. "They...they hate me.." Logan said with a dull tone. "Did they find out?" Janus asked, putting his hand on Logan's face. Logan nodded slowly as tears formed in his eyes. Janus quickly join in on the hug as Logan started crying. Logan expected them to find out at some point but for them to be so hostile, he could have never guessed. Remus eventually dragged the other two to the couch, both of them hugging Logan tightly. Slowly the safe and warm feeling Logan always felt when with his boyfriends came back. He sighed, wiping a tear from his face. "Guess I'm living with you guys now.." Logan mumbled, looking at the two. "Well, that's nice. You don't have to sneek out to see us anymore" Remus said, causing Logan to chuckle a little. "I guess that isn't so bad.." Janus muttered, still hugging Logan. "We will have to go collect my belongings at some point.." Logan pointed out. "Eh, that can wait. Right now I think you need cuddles.." Remus said, pulling Logan down, Janus coming down along with him. Janus sighed, shifting into a more comfortable position. Remus wrapped his arms around Logan, planting a few soft kisses on his face before burying his face in the crook of his neck. The three laid there, Logan clinging to both of them. Logan felt at peace again, he wasn't worried about the others or what would happen anymore. He smiled, enjoying this moment that felt like forever.

A few hours had past, Janus and Remus had convinced Logan to let them go get is things for him. The two walked out to the lights side of the mind palace, luckily no one was there. The opened Logan's door and started gathering the important things. They tried to be quick, however they both secretly wanted someone to stumble upon them. They hoped that maybe, they could talk to the light sides and have them understand what they did was all kinds of wrong. Luckily, someone did, unluckily, it was Roman. "What are you two doing?!" He yelled. Janus rolled his eyes, turning to the prince. "If you must know we are getting out boyfriend's stuff." Roman huffed a bit, walking in. "Why can't he do it himself?" Roman asked, sounding irritated. "Look, if you really want the truth 'your highness', we forced him to stay there because we didn't want him to come back crying like his cat just got ran over again!" Remus slightly snapped. "What do you mean, Logan couldn't have been hurt as much as we were by his betrayal of us!" Roman snapped back. Remus laughed maniacally. "Let me paint you a picture princey boy! Almost your entire life you are ignored and treated like a side character in your own life, one day some people actually act like they care and offer help! So you take that help and you know what!! For once in your life you feel loved! You fall off in love and things seem good until the people who ignored you and treated you like crap for all those years decide that you are the villan of the story and that you deserve to be treated like all the other bad guys! Because that all there is, isn't there?! If your bad you might as well be Satan himself?! Right?!" Remus looked at his brother, still laughing. Roman froze, the weight of everything sinking in. Janus eventually cut off Remus' laughter. "Remus, we should head back..we don't want to overstay our welcome." Remus sighed, giving his brother a dissapointed look before walking off with Janus and a few boxes. Roman stood there, thinking. He did it again, didn't he? He was the bad guy again. Roman slowly started to pace, thinking. How could he redeem himself this time? He hadn't even fully redeemed himself the last time he just, tried to not bring it up. As he thought he got an idea, going off to start the plan.

Sorry if there is stuff incorrectly spelled and stuff because I wrote this when I was feeling not super good so yeah. Anyway I hope you still like it and as I think you can tell this is almost over! The next part isn't the ending but there is like 2-3 more parts of the main story left. I was thinking about doing some oneshots in this same book as a few extra chapters but after that I was wondering if I should do another story in this universe or if I should do a completely new one. Lmk what wall think! Anyway, love you all and I hope you have a good day/night ~💤

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