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Logan jumped up, the noise startling him. Janus was next to sit up, Remus still clinging to him. Janus cleared he throat and gestured to Logan's outfit. Logan picked up on the hint and snapped his fingers, changing into Ignorance. "Go answer the door, it's your room after all-" Janus nudged Remus slightly. He groaned and got up, walking to the door. He already had an idea on who it was, and he didn't really want to deal with him. He opened his door to, no surprise to him, Roman. "Where is Logan?!" He yelled, Remus having next to no reaction to it. "I dunno, who cares?" He said plainly. "Apperently Thomas does! Even though I could care less, him and Virgil are freaking out." Roman stated, crossing his arms. "Awe, does my brother want to stop his boyfriend from worrying?" Remus teased. Roman rolled his eyes. "Just because he is the only one who hasn't stabbed me in the back dosen't mean he is my partner-" Roman commented. "You sure cause you two act like a old married couple." Roman groaned. "Look, I know your just trying to distract me! Where is Logan?!" Roman snapped. Remus put his hands up defensively. "Look, if I were Ignorance I would hide Logan in plain sight. Mainly because I know you guys are too stupid to even find him." Roman heard this, and without thinking darted away to search, leaving Remus to close the door and laugh. "Wow he is an idiot." Remus said, walking back to the bed and sitting down. Logan sighed, looking up at him. "I probably should go back, don't want them to catch on to me." Remus looked over at him, giving a sad look. "You just got here though, besides they will be going crazy looking where your not." Logan sighed, thinking. "He does have a point, I will be a while before they give up, and even then I doubt they would come to find you. Knowing Virgil he will have calmed down by then." Janus spoke up, scooting over to Logan. "Pleeeaaaassseeeee" Remus asked, hugging Logan's arm. Logan smiled a bit nodding. "Okay..okay. I'll stay a little longer." Remus' face lit up as he grabbed Logan, pulling him to the bed and clinging to him. Janus chuckled a bit, joining the two. Logan smiled, the feeling of safety coming back to him. He could care less if the other sides were looking around for him. He didn't care if they walked in and saw him cuddling his boyfriends. He knew they couldn't tear them apart, no matter what.

"Ugh! That goblin lied to me! He isn't anywhere!" Roman yelled, pacing in the living room. Thomas looked up at him, trying to calm him down. "Hey, it's okay. He will show up again, I know Janus wo-" Roman cut him off. "Let's not bring Deceit into this." He snapped slightly. Virgil sighed, looking up at Roman. "Ro, it's fine. We will talk to him when Ignorance let's him out." As soon as Roman heard this he calmed down, the only reason for him being upset was Virgil freaking out, not worry for Logan. "Okay..okay-" he said, walking over and sitting on the couch himself. "I do have to admit it is weird-" Virgil commented, the other two looking over at him. "I mean Logan is supposed to be smart but he constantly denies putting up extra security and stuff to keep him from getting kidnapped, and with how often it happens you would expect him to, not want it to happen you know?" Thomas and Roman thought for a moment. "That is weird-" Roman agreed. "He also never seems to do anything to alert us of Ignorance taking him, like if someone shows up and takes you, you don't just quietly go with him-" Roman added. The three kept discussing Logan's add behavior as Patton walking in. "Heya Pat, did you fall asleep looking for Logan?" Virgil joked. Earlier when Patton took a while to get back after looking for Logan, Virgil checked on Patton to find him sleeping. "Yeah, sorry about that. Just needed a bit of time to think about stuff and I kinda passed out-" Patton sat down with the others. Virgil gave Patton a concerned look. "What did you need to think about?" He asked. "Oh..just stuff you know.." Patton said, looking visibly upset about something. "Did something happen when you went to look for Logan?' Roman asked, picking up on what Virgil already had. "N-no.." Patton said, looking away from the other three. "Patton are you lying?" Thomas asked. "I..yes-" Patton admitted, hugging himself. "What happened!" Roman snapped. Virgl glared at the prince, causing him to cool down just a little bit. Patton tugged on the sleeves of the hoodie around his shoulders. "Patton, can you please tell us?" Virgil asked calmly. "Logan..." Patton started, he stopped himself. He didn't want Roman to get upset at Logan, but at the same time Patton felt a little upset with him too. "What with Logan?" Thomas asked. Virgil moved over to Patton, patting his back. "Logan..may or may not have lied about being kidnaped-" Patton spit out, however Virgil could tell he wasn't done. Roman started to say something but Virgil put his hand up stopping him. "What do you mean by that Patton?" Virgil asked. "He disguised himself as was all just Logan in a costume.." Patton said. Roman paused for a moment, at first he felt betrayed by Logan, but then he remembered when Ignorance came in to see him. "No..No that can't be!" Roman yelled, standing up and pacing. Virgil looked up at him. "What?" He asked, Roman looked at them. "The other day Ignorance forced me to show him his dream and desires. As a price I made him tell me what they were.." the other three looked at him. "And he told me it was him being with Remus and Janus-" Thomas froze, looking slightly disgusted. " guys can like eachother and stuff?" Everyone collectively ignored his comment, Patton speaking up. "Logan is apperently with them now..he was using the kidnapped exuse to go see them.." everyone in the room went silent, all upset over a different thing. Virgil felt hurt, but not badly. He understood Logan was just trying to help himself feel better in the only way he could think of but, why pretend to be a dark side. Roman felt angry, not only did Logan lie but he had the nerve to be with both the dark sides?! He thought it would end with Patton but no, oh no, Logan had to do something worse! Patton felt conflicted. He wanted to support Logan, but he just couldn't understand it. How could he be with two people? And even though he hated to admit it, how could one of them be Remus. Thomas, unlike the others, was just slightly weirded out by this, he just was taking in the news that aspects of himself were having reletionships. They all just sat in silence, eventually Roman speaking up. "We will talk to him when he shows up. I think it would be wisest to move him in with the other dark sides-" Patton looked up at him. "Your seriously not going to kick him out are you?" Roman huffed. "It's what is best for all of us. He doesn't have to worry about me blowing up at him and I don't have to worry about seeing the face of that traitor-" Patton and Virgil looked at him, suprised. He actually admitted to getting upset at people, not only that but he wanted to help protect people from that. Granted he still called Logan a traitor but, baby steps? Roman sank out into his room, Virgil and Patton going to theirs soon after. Things were tense in the mind palace as they waited for Logan to return.

I'm proud of dis one! It turned out pretty good I think! I hope you like it as much as I liked writing it, and I can't wait to write the next one too! I hope you all are doing well and stay safe! ~💤

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