Authors Note

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I honestly can't believe how well this story did. I finished it a few months ago and I still get votes, comments, and all that stuff with this story.
I was nervous writing it cause this ship isn't very popular but I'm happy it turned out good!
So yeah, thank you so much.
I am writing another intrulociet fic, and it is out so if you want more of that ship go check that out.
I have been trying to fix the problems that I had with this story with that one if that makes sense so hopefully it will be better
I am also planning on making some oneshots that take place after this story, they all won't be intrulociet related but there would be some.
But, I'm still so happy with this, thank you for reading it, means a lot! I hope you have a good day/night, and I'll see you later ~💤

Logan Needs A Break (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now