Unexpected Response..

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As Patton read through the journal he got confused. It was describing what seemed like a crush, and ways to tell said person. But it never said who. Patton had trouble guessing from context as well. While he was flipping through the pages he felt a hand touch his shoulder, causing him to yell slightly. "Patton, it's just me-" he heard a familiar voice say. He looked up to see Logan. "Why are you going through my things?" Logan said, grabbing the notebook out of Patton's hands. "Sorry kiddo, I just got curious and.." Logan sighed. "How much did you read..?" He said, setting it down on his desk. "Not much but..I kinda think I read enough to get what's going on." Patton said. Logan looked away, out if everyone to find out he didn't want Patton to. "Well then. I guess I should explain some things." He sat down on his bed, Patton turning the chair to face him. "Don't worry kiddo, I'm not upset if you have a crush on anyone. It's Roman isn't it? You two both love Crofters and-" Logan cut him off. "No it's not Roman." Patton thought a moment. "Virgil..?" He asked. Logan shook his head again. "..oh. Well this is akward then. I..don't really feel the same way kidd-" Logan cut him off again. "No!..no it's not you-" Patton sighed in relief. "Good because I honestly did not feel like having to break your heart." He laughed. "If it's none of us then who is it?" Patton asked. Logan went quiet. "I mean it has to be either Remus, Janus, or Ignorance-" Patton said. Logan looked at him, slightly confused. "..your not upset it's a dark side?" Logan asked. Patton chuckled a bit. "With everything that happened, I honestly could care less. I mean if it is Ignorance that would explain him kidnapping you all the time." Logan gave a nervous laugh. "What?" Patton asked. "Ignorance dosen't kidnap me Patton.." Logan said, only furthering Patton's confusion. "I mean..I am Ignorance. It's a disguise.." Patton froze. "Why do you do that?" Patton asked. "Well, at first it was so I could get a break from things. I mean I am ignored and I felt like if I dissapered no one would really care. But recently it's been an exuse to go see the others." Patton's frowned a bit. "I didn't know we made you feel that way kiddo! I'm sorry.." Logan put his hands up defensively. "No! It's fine. Like I said that's only what started this. And honestly if it never happened I would have never ended up being around the others as much and-" it was Patton's turn to cut Logan off. "So your now sneaking off to go see your crush?" Logan nodded, trying to keep his face from turning pink. "Well..they were my crush.." He corrected. "What does that mean? Did they reject you?!" Patton looked worried again, not wanting Logan to be sad. "No. I ended up in a relationship with them.." Patton's face went back to smile. "That's nice..so who is he?" He asked. Logan froze a bit, he had hoped Patton wouldn't ask. "Uhm.." Logan tried to think of some sort of exuse. "It's Janus isn't it? Your both smart and stuff." Patton said. Logan sighed. "Yes..sorta-" Logan said, trying to avoid directly saying it. "What do you mean by sorta..?" Patton asked, a little concerned. "It's..both of them-" Logan said, preparing for Patton to blow up at him. "..like, both Remus and Janus?" Logan nodded. "Oh..okay then. I mean good for you guys I guess. Would never have expected that from you kiddo-" Logan just stared at Patton. "Are you..alright, Patton?" He asked. "Yeah. I mean I'm a little upset that you pretended to be Ignorance but I understand why. And as far as Janus and Remus go..I might not understand it but, I'll try my best to support you no matter what!" Patton gave Logan a smile, standing up. Logan did so as well, trying to calm his mind down once again. "Your not going to tell anyone, correct?" Logan asked as Patton made his way to the door. "Don't worry kiddo, I know how Roman can be. And I don't think Virgil would be very nice about it either. I your secret is safe with me!" Patton opened the door, looking over at Logan. "Thank you." Logan said as his friend walked out. Patton sighed once the door closed, frowning a bit. He was still trying to get a grasp on what he was just told. Logan was pretending to be another side? Okay, that's fair, the light sides were being rather mean to him. Even though Ignorance could be a bit mean sometimes, thinking back to how he acted it wasn't the worst. Patton could now see Logan trying to still do his job and to help, just in a different way. So, that wasn't an issue. But then when it came to Logan being with the dark sides Patton was having a hard time. He didn't hate the dark sides, he had gotten over that. Janus was now his friend and Remus wasn't so bad. And Logan is allowed to love who he loves and to do what he wants, so why did this leave a bad taste in his mouth? What was wrong with this? Patton decided it wouldn't be a good idea to return to Thomas after all of that, instead going to his room to hopefully take a nap and clear his head. He made his way to his door and walked in, flopping down on his bed, or more accurately a pile of plushies on top of the bed. He sighed as he got comfortable and tried to sleep, soon dozing off and resting.

Logan had decided to return to Janus and Remus after hearing Roman and Virgil bickering about something again. He looked around the dark side's living room, not seeing any sign of the two. He figured they must be in their room, deciding to check Janus' first. He knocked on his door, waiting for an answer. When he didn't get one he knocked again, but still got nothing. He then went to Remus' room, hearing people talking on the other side. Logan knocked and the talking stopped suddenly, Remus opening the door. "Heya Logi" he said. "I was just about to come and get you!" He pulled Logan in his room, showing Janus sitting on his bed. "What is going on?" Logan asked. Remus shrugged. "Just hanging out and stuff, I can't get my tv to work so we are just talking" Janus sighed. "I suggested moving to my room but no, he insisted on staying in hear for some reason." Remus looked over at the two. "Come on Jan! My room isn't that awful." Remus sat down next to Janus, making him put his arm around him. Logan then sat down next to the other two, not wanting to just akwardly stand there. Remus looked over at him. He reached over Janus and grabbed his hand, smiling while Logan and Janus' faces went slightly pink. "So, what do you guys what to do now?" Remus asked casually. The two shrugged. "Well..we could talk, play a game, cuddle, make out...fu-" Janus cut him off by clearing his throat. Logan's face went red. "I'm just kidding..unless-" Janus sighed. "No..not now at least." Remus laughed, hugging Janus. "Fine, any of the other options sound nice?" Remus asked. The other two thought for a moment, Janus eventually seeming to choose the third option as he wrapped his arms around Logan and pulled him down. Remus flopped down with them, moving in-between the two. Logan took a minute to process the sudden change in position, but eventually put his arms around the other two. Remus faced him and clung to him while Janus did the same but to Remus. "Cuddling it is I guess-" Remus said after a moment of silence. "I guess so." Logan added. The three laid there in another moment of silence before Remus looked up at Logan. "Can I kiss you?" Remus asked. Logan's face went red. "Since when do you ask to kiss someone?" Janus said, still clinging to Remus' back. He just shrugged and turned back to Logan who was stammering for a response. Remus just rolled his eyes and pulled Logan into a kiss. He laid there kissing him for a while before pulling away and laughing. Logan's face was red, with an expression that looked both shocked and happy. Remus smiled and rolled over, facing Janus. "Your turn." He said. Before Janus could say anything Remus had pulled him into a kiss. After he had successfully turned both of his boyfriends into living tomatoes he snuggled back into a flustered Logan, pulling Janus into a cuddle. "I love you two." He said. Logan stammered a bit, still processing what just happened. "I..I love you guys too." He eventually got out. Janus sighed, tightening his grasp on the others. "I hate both of you.." he said. Remus laughed a little, kissing his forehead. The three continued to lay there, all seemed happy and right. At least, until someone knocked on the door.

I'm still not sure if I like the first half of this chapter so I might go back and re-write things later. Other than that, I hope y'all liked this and yeah, that's about it ~💤

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