The End

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Logan had finally finished unpacking his things into the dark sides part of the mind palace. They had decided that he would just sleep in one of their rooms instead of making himself an entirely new one. They usually ended up falling asleep together anyways so, it didn't seem very useful. Remus walked up and hugged him from behind, catching the logical side off guard. "Remus!" Logan raised his voice slightly, once he realized who had suprised him. "Oh, shut up. I know your happy to see me" Remus said, letting Logan go. "So you done filling our cabinets with Crofters?" Remus asked, jokingly. Logan rolled his eyes a bit, smiling. "Yes, I have finished unpacking." He answered. Remus smiled and walked over to the counter, hoping up and sitting on it. "Good! Now we can do something!" Remus said, kicking his legs back and forth. "That does sound nice, what were you thinking of?" Remus paused for a minute. "I hoped you would know-" he said, looking at Logan. Logan chuckled, Remus laughing a bit himself, as Janus walked in. "Hello" he said, walking over to get himself a glass of wine. "Hey Jan! You want to do something?" Remus asked, looking over at him. "Sure, that sounds nice." Janus turned to the other two, smiling before taking a sip of his drink. "I finally got my TV to work, we could go in my room and watch a movie or something?" Janus and Logan looked over at him. "Why do you always try to get us to hang out in your room?" Logan asked. Janus, who already had a good guess at what the answer was, just kept drinking his wine. "Cause, it's soundproofed so if things get noisy for any given reason then we don't need to worry about anyone hearing it." Remus said, bluntly. Logan's face went a bit red, Janus laughing slightly. "Well also I just think it's more comfortable in there then Janus'." Remus added. Janus looked over at him, a bit irritated. "My room is not uncomfortable-" he said. Logan decided to chime in, trying to ignore the earlier comments. "Well, you do prefer things to be rather neat." Logan said, Remus deciding to continue the thought. "And your bed is so stiff, it feels like rocks!" Janus couldn't help but to laugh a bit, sighing afterwards. "Well then, I guess you win." Janus said, starting to walk to Remus' room. Logan followed the other two. Once the arrived Janus snapped his fingers, changing into comfy clothes, Logan doing the same. Remus flopped down on his bed, grabbing the remote and flipping through the channels. Logan and Janus sat down on the bed, one on either side of him. Eventually he settled on a horror movie, pulling Logan down into a cuddle. Janus joined in, wrapping his arms around Remus. The three sat there watching the movie for a while, Janus and Logan clinging to Remus' due to the scares. He smiled a bit, his plan worked. While the three were watching the movie, a chirping could be heard outside the door. Remus groaned a bit, sitting up. "Can I cuddle by boyfriends in peace for once!" He shouted, walking up to the door. He opened it for a small robin to fly in. Logan sat up, watching the bird fly around in confusion. "A bird?" He asked. "Yeah, Roman used to send me little notes by sending birds" Remus said, running around trying to capture the creature. Logan just hummed in response, watching Remus' attempts to capture the creature. Janus chuckled a bit at the sight. Eventually, Remus grabbed it. As soon as he did it turned into a rat with bat wings gruesomely stitched onto it's back, however it seemed to be able to move them. Remus pulled a rolled up piece of paper out of it's..claws? The creature definitely looked weird. Remus unrolled it and read it, a confused expression appearing on his face. "What is it?" Janus asked, walking up to him. Logan followed Janus as Remus spoke. "Roman wants us to come for dinner.." the other two gave a confused expression. "Why would he want us to do that? He seems to adore us." Janus said. "Maybe the poor exuse of a twin actually feels sorry-" Remus remarked. Logan sighed, looking at the two. "Well, should we accept the offer?" He asked. "Even if it is a trap I know it won't be too difficult to escape. With your smarts, Janus' ability to manipulate, and my ability to destroy things it won't be hard" Remus said, agreeing to go. Janus simply nodded, not really knowing what to say after Remus' comment. "Then I guess we should start getting ready?" Logan asked. "Dinner isn't for another hour or so, plus we are magical. We can snap out fingers and be ready. Right now I just want to spend some more time in peace with you two." Janus said, not wanting to directly say he wanted more cuddles. Remus smiled, picking up the snake and flopping back on his bed with him. Logan laid down next to the two, Remus pulling him into the embrace. Logan then reciprocated the gesture, wrapping his arms around the other two as well.

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