Feelings Are Complicated

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Janus was the first to wake up, noticing his position. His felt his face heat up as he let go of the other two, trying not to wake them up. Once he did so he realized something, Logan was still there. Even if the lights sides didn't care of his existence they would still notice him not being around for a video or at least him not telling them he was okay. Janus put his hand on Logan's shoulder, slowly trying to wake him up. Somehow, while doing this, he managed to wake Remus up instead. Remus sat up and stretched, yawning before looking at Janus. "What's up JanJan?" He said tiredly. "We need to wake Logan up so he can get back to the light sides." Janus said, turning back to Logan. "Oh, I got this!" Remus said scooting closer to Logan. "What are you doing?" Janus asked, watching Remus. Remus didn't answer, instead whispering something in Logan's ear. Logan then woke up, with a slightly embarrassed look on his face. "Morning" Remus said. "Please never wake me up with that...thought..again-" Logan said, his cheeks a light pink. "Okay then, next time I'll make you think about eating roadkill!" The color on his face went away as his face became a bit more disgusted. "Well, your awake now. You  don't need go back to the lights sides so they will find out your hiding here" Janus said. "Oh, yeah! Forgot I didn't show up as Logan all day yesterday-" Logan said, snapping into his regular outfit. "Hey Logi?" Remus asked, Logan turning to him. "Yes?" Logan replied. "Once your done acting like you aren't living a double life, can you come back to hang out some more? Last night was really nice and I would like to have some more fun!" Logan blushed a bit, turning away before the other two could see. "Sounds nice, Remus." With that Logan left. Janus turned to Remus. "What did you make him think about to wake him up?" Janus asked. "I don't know" Remus said. "I just made him see his darkest desire. I don't know what that is but it must be something twisted if it actually worked to wake him up!". Janus thought for a moment. "What do you think it was?" He asked. Remus laughed a bit. "I bet it was murdering all the light sides!" Janus laughed as well. Neither of them hated the lights, but it was fun to joke about their deaths from time to time. The two just sat there, talking for a while, eventually the topic of Logan was brought up. "You know he is different from the others." Remus said. "I mean instead of freaking out when you suggested help he accepted it, and even if he doesn't get something about us he doesn't just get upset." Janus smiled a bit. "It is refreshing I must admit. Even with Patton who has been a lot kinder to me ever since I told my name he still treats me like I'm a villan being redeemed, and not like I am a good guy." Remus laughed a bit. "Hey at least he isn't as bad as Roman! That guy is a mess." The two laughed. Roman was upset ever since Janus got on good terms with Thomas. However he had gotten better being around Patton, even though there was still some tension. "Logan seems to be the only sane light. Or at least the only one that won't cry over spilt milk" Janus said. Remus paused for a moment. "You know..it's been fun having another person around recently." He finally said. "Yeah" Janus replied. "...but it's diffrent from Virgil" Remus continued. "What do you mean?" Janus asked. "Well with Virgil he was more of a friend of ours, hell even your child if you look into it deeply. But with Logan he is more of a... partner?" Remus said, not sure if that was the right wording. Janus blushed a bit, looking away. "I guess that is an accurate statement.." the two sat there in silence for a while before changing the subject to wepon types.

Logan paced in his room, thinking about this morning. He knew Remus could make people think of there darkest desires but, that's what his was? The three of them...no. No that can't be right. Remus had to of exaggerated his platonic feelings for them. But he couldn't be sure, and there was no way of asking him. He then had an idea. Roman could do the same thing, well close to it. Instead of the darker desires he just could make you see what you want. The tamer version of that at least. But Roman wouldn't wouldn't let Logan, and if he did Logan would never hear the end of it. Just then he had an idea. He snapped his fingers and changed to Ignorance, going to Roman's door and knocking. "Who is it?' the prince called. "L...Ignorance!" Logan said, catching himself. It sounded like Roman didn't notice. "What do you want you good for nothing dead brain cell?" He asked, some venom in his voice. "I just need a favor, you can make people see their desires correct?" Roman sighed, opening the door. "Look, I don't do this for a dark side for free. If your going to take my help you better tell me what it is" Ignorance paused for a moment before nodding in agreement. Roman let him in, closing the door behind them. "And if you tell anyone I am helping you I swear-" Logan cut him off. "No! I just need to figure something out." Roman rolled his eyes, leaning down to him and whispering something in his ear. Logan all of a sudden felt a swarm of thoughts rush through his head. However they weren't about education or learning like he had expected. They were almost entirely of him, Janus, and Remus. Some were memories of times they hung out. Others where things he wanted to happen. After what felt like forever but was only a second he snapped back to reality, his face a little red. "Please don't tell me your blushing because I whispered in your ear, I know some people find that hot and your not someone I want to do that to-" Roman said, looking at the other side. "No, that's not it." Ignorance stood up. "So, what was it then?" Roman asked playfully. "..it was about Remus and Jan-" he barely finished before Roman inturupted him "You have a crush on one of them!!!!???" He shouted. Logan paused, realizing. He had thought of both of them, not just one. He tried to think, but Roman wasn't helping by shaking him trying to get answers. Overwhelmed he sunk out to his room to think. What does it mean? He thought about both of them, he shouldn't even be think about one like that but both?! Did he like them? Could he even be with both?! Why would he want to be with both? Yes they were nice and they listend. They tried to help him when he really needed it and they didn't ignore him ever. His face went red as he thought. He really did have feelings for them. But, they would never feel that way about him..right? What if they did but they didn't want to be with the other? Logan had heard about reletionships involving more then two people but never ones that ended well. As he was thinking he heard a knock at the door, causing him to jump a bit. He quickly snapped out of his Ignorance outfit and tried to calm down his face. He opened it to see Patton. "Heya kiddo, are you okay?" He asked. Logan tried to figure out why Patton would care but he remembered, he hadn't been around for about a day and a half. "Oh, yeah I'm fine. Ignorance decided to hold me away for a little longer than needed but he returned me unharmed" Logan said, calmly. "Oh, okay kiddo! Just didn't want him to keep you for too long and Roman blame Janus or something and then a big mess happening-" Patton said. Logan sighed a bit, thinking Patton wasn't checking in on him out of worry for him. "Everything okay kiddo?" Patton asked, looking at Logan. "Oh, yeah..yeah everything is fine." Logan said. "Okay..if you say so Lo..." With that Patton waved and walked off. Logan closed his door and sighed. He went back to his desk to think. He started off thinking about how to confront these..feelings..for Janus and Remus but ended up just thinking about Janus and Remus. He then remembered Remus' request and stood up, trying to calm down a bit before sinking into the dark sides part of the mind. He looked around to fine Remus and Janus still in the living room, Janus sipping on some wine while Remus was rambling about all the ways to skin a cat. "Hello." Logan said, looking at the other two. "Heya Logi! Want to hear way number fifty eight to skin a cat?" Remus asked excitingly. "Sure I supposed." He said, sitting in-between the two. Logan listened to Remus, and eventually the three ended up having a conversation. Logan's thoughts wandered, what if they truly didn't feel the same way? However, it didn't get to him. Even though he was nowhere near ready to confess he knew one thing; no matter what their reaction they can never take away the happy memories he had with them.

A little more shippy then previous chapters but, hey! This was supposed to be more shippy anyway! I hope you guys liked it and it was a lot longer then other ones, over half way to 2000 words. I hope you guys liked it and I'll try to keep updating it somewhat daily, however no promises. ~💤

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