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Days went by and Logan kept sneaking off with the dark sides. On normal days he would spend the afternoon with the lights so they wouldn't question him, and then dissaper for the rest of the night. However as time went on he tried spending more and more time with Remus and Janus, and spending more time disguised as Ignorance. Soon enough the light sides started to notice.

Virgil knocked on Logan's door, hoping he wouldn't be kidnapped by Ignorance. Virgil was worried that Ignorance was trying to trick Logan I to doing something or that Ignorance was trying to bait the others to him. Eventually, Logan answered the door. "Salutations" he said, looking down at Virgil. "Heya Lo..is everything okay? You have been being kidnapped...a lot recently." Virgil said. Logan paused a moment, he hadn't been sneaking off that much? Had he? "Oh, well yes I have, I am working on improving that." Logan said, hoping that Virgil would walk off with that. "Maybe someone should stand guard or something? Like..he only kidnaps you, maybe we can...stop him?" Virgil suggested. Logan stammered a bit but tried to keep his calm and emotionless persona. "I-i don't see that as nessicasry Virgil. Now if you exuse me I have work to attend to." With that he closed the door, leaving Virgil feeling suspicious of him. Logan sighed, turning over to his desk. He had been keeping notes and trying to think of how to confess to the dark sides with the best outcome. He went over his notes before hearing someone walk up to him. He quickly closed his notebook and turned to see Remus standing behind him. "Heya Logi!" He said, smiling. Logan sighed and turned to him. "What brings you here?" Logan asked. "You see, I wanted to talk to you and Janus, and Janus wanted to talk to you and me. So I'm here to drag you to the both of us!" Remus replied. Logan thought, maybe this was his chance. If they were going to have a serious conversation maybe he could bring up how he felt. "I actually wanted to talk with the two of you as well." Logan said, standing up. Remus smiled and the two sunk down into the dark sides part of the mind. Janus was in the living room, pacing a bit. Clearly nervous with whatever he had to say. "Hey, JanJan! Logi is here." Remus said, sitting down. Logan sat down next to him as the two looked up at Janus. "Good, good." Janus said. "He also wanted to talk, weird coincidence huh?" Remus told him, leaning back on the couch a bit. "Yeah..it is. Well, I guess I will be polite and ask who would like to go first?" Janus said, sitting down on the couch next to the two. After a moment on silence Janus sighed, deciding he had to. "Okay then, I wanted to talk about all the time we have been spending together." He said, standing up in front of the two. "Is it...bad?" Remus asked, he sounded a little upset at that thought. "No not at all!" Janus said, crouching down and putting a hand on Remus' face. "The opposite, actually.." The other two looked up at him, Remus seemed to catch on while Logan didn't quite get what he was saying. "Janus...how come you got to be the one to confess!?" Remus acted like a whiney child, complaining over something. "I was going to tell you two how hot and how amazing you guys were, but noooo! Janus has to take the spotlight!" Janus laughed a bit, Remus doing the same. Logan finally understood what was going on and spoke up. "I...was going to state how I felt for you two as well-" he said, almost sounding embarrassed. This only made Remus laugh more. "Well, I guess that settles it, we all ended up falling for eachother!" Janus looked at Logan, a little suprised. "This honestly wasn't how I expected this to go.." he admitted. "What did you expect?" Remus asked, genuinely confused. Janus shrugged a bit. "Either you two arguing over me or neither of you having any interest." Remus laughed a bit more, but was starting to calm down. "Well, I knew you both would say yes. I mean, I know you two. Logan dosen't just let anyone hug him and stuff. And even though Janus is cold blooded and needs that, he wouldn't be outright asking for it like he does!" Remus explained. "I never ask, I just heavily imply I want affection until you notice and give it to me-" Janus joked. The three laughed a little, Logan speaking up afterwards. "So..what does this mean now?" Remus looked at him. "I guess we are dating." He said bluntly. "I guess..but what about the others? Do we tell them? What about Ignorance and me sneaking off? What if they find out an-" Janus cut him off by kissing him on the cheek. "Do be quiet, will you? Everything is going to be fine. We will just tell the others Ignorance is in a reletionship with us not you, and even then only if they ask." Janus pulled Logan into a hug while he tried to process what just happened. Remus went over to them and clung to Logan too, pulling them down into a cuddle. The three laid there for what felt like forever. They all felt safe and warm, like just having eachother would be enough to keep everything bad away.

The light sides were sitting around and talking, Virgil sitting on the arm of the couch like normal. Roman and Patton actually had a conversation without bringing up the dark sides or frogs which was nice. All of a sudden the three found themselves standing in their places in real life, Thomas standing in his. "Okay, someone explain to me what is going on?" He said, sounding worried. "What do you mean kiddo?" Patton asked, looking at him. "Well, I have tried to apply logic to things and to do things that require me to be...not an idiot...and I can't seem to do that. I also seem to have lost the ability to summon Logan because-" Thomas tried to bring the logical side up, but he didn't rise. The other three looked in shock and confusion. "No, I have seen Logan! He isn't kidnapped again..right?" Roman said. "I saw him in his room this morning..he acted weird when I offered to help stop the kidnappings but I think he just doesn't like the idea of others helping him..." Virgil added. Patton tried to keep them calm, "listen, I'll go see if he is in his room and check on him! Hopefully he is willing to talk with you kiddo!" With that Patton sank in front of Logan's room. He knocked on the door to not get a response. After a few tries he opened it, finding no one there. He looked around, just to make sure he wasn't hiding. He was about to sink back into reality until he noticed a notebook on the table with a label that said 'Feelings?' on it. Patton felt bad for going through Logan's things but, he couldn't help himself. He grabbed the notebook and started looking through it.

Oh no! Will Patton hate what he finds?! Will he try to murder them?! Will I ever remember to name a chapter before posting it?! We may never know, at least that last question..the others will be answered soon. Anyway I hope you liked this one, it felt a bit short but it's over 1000 words (usually I try to get it to at least 1000 words) so idk. Anyway! I how you guys have a nice day/night and yeah, bye!! ~💤

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