14. Trouble

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Season Two

[In My Time of Dying]

(Just a note: All scenes with Dean/Tessa and Natalia/Mystery Figure ("name" revealed in this episode) take place at the same time. And yes, I am aware how similar the conversations between Dean/Tessa and Natalia/Mystery Figure are.

Please, no spoilers if you figure out Mystery Figure.)

The demon-possessed truck driver stepped out of his truck and walked over. John, Dean and Natalia were unconscious. Sam swallowed, barely awake. The demon pulled the driver's side door off its hinges and Sam pointed the Colt at him.

"Back," Sam demanded. "Or I'll kill you, I swear to God."

"You won't," the demon said. "You're saving the bullet for someone else."

Sam cocked the gun. "You wanna bet?"

The demon smiled before black smoke poured from the man, who collapsed. Sam uncocked the gun and dropped his head back in relief.

"Oh, my God!" The man cried.

"Dad?" Sam called.

"Did I do this?"

"Dad! Dean? Nat? Dean! Natalia!"

The next morning, a rescue helicopter arrived on scene.

The four were being loaded onto stretchers. John, Dean and Natalia were still unconscious, Sam was awake.

One paramedic looked over Dean. "Significant passenger side intrusion. Unresponsive. BP is 180 over 60, heart rate 95. Another significant passenger side intrusion. Also unresponsive. BP is 160 over 30. Heart rate 70."

"Tell me if they're okay!" Sam cried.

"You have to stay still!" A female paramedic told him.

"Are they even still alive?"


In his room, Dean sat up, worked his jaw, and got out of bed. He was wearing a white T-shirt, hospital pants and nothing else.

He went into the hallway. "Sam? Dad? Nat? Anybody?" He went down the stairs to the front of the hospital and found a nurse's station. "Excuse me. Hi. I, uh, I think I was in a car accident, my dad, my brother and my sister, I just need to find them." The nurse was unresponsive. "Hello?" He snapped his fingers before going upstairs, panicked, and found himself intubated on his bed, dying.

Natalia slowly sat up in her bed and wiggled her feet, surprised they weren't cold, despite having bare feet. She looked at her outfit. A white T-shirt and blue hospital pants.

She hopped off the bed and made her way to the hallway. "Sam? Dee? Dad? Anyone?"

Natalia went down the stairs to the front of the hospital and found a nurse's station.

She smiled sweetly. "'Scuse me. Hi. Um, I think I was in a car accident, my dad and my brothers, I really would like to find them." The nurse was unresponsive. "Hey!" She banged on the glass. "Fine. I'll do it myself."

Natalia ran upstairs in a rush and found her room. She was lying on a bed, intubated, dying.

A voice made her jump. "You too?"

Natalia turned. "Dee?! You can see me?"

He nodded and hugged her. "You shouldn't be there, Nat. We'll wake you up. We'll wake both of us up. Somehow. I'm the same way."

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