72. Love Will Keep Us Alive

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(The year between seasons five and six with Dylan and Natalia)

[Sometimes you just find a song and know. I was thinking pop punk, because of Natalia, but this song worked. I could see them, and that's how you know it's just right.]



"Chow time, you ugly bastard!" Natalia yelled, stalking a wendigo.

She threw a Molotov cocktail at it and it erupted into flames.

As she and Dylan left, he frowned. "Nat, I'm worried about you."


"You're being reckless."

"Dude, it's part of the job description."

"Maybe a little, yeah, but you're usually more cautious. Look, I hate to say it, but you're worrying me. The recklessness, the drinking, the sleepless nights. I'm worried about you, hon."

"Well stop worrying, then. Because I'm absolutely fine."

"Are you?"

"Yes. Can you stow your inner shrink? Please?"

He sighed. "Fine. But this conversation is far from over."

"Sure. You tell yourself that."



"Here, doggy, doggy, doggy," Natalia taunted.

The werewolf snuck around her and lunged at her, forcing her to drop her gun.

She tried grabbing it and was knocked to the ground. She began fighting the werewolf and tried to grab her gun.

Dylan, who was on the opposite end, having just killed another werewolf, heard Natalia scream. He ran towards the sound and saw the werewolf's claws inches above her.

He shot the werewolf and it fell to the ground, dead.

Natalia laid on the ground and breathed heavily.

Dylan positioned himself above her and asked, "Are you okay? Did it hurt you?"

She shook her head and grabbed her gun. "I'm okay. Thanks. You seriously saved my ass back there."

"Can't have anyone hurting my girl."

She smiled and sighed. "I could go for a drink. Or ten."

"How 'bout some food to accompany that drink?"

"Burgers and pie?"

"Sounds good to me."



Natalia twirled her glass of whiskey as she read an article about a case in Louisiana. She figured it was a demon in town, judging from the signs and omens.

Dylan walked into the room, locked onto the glass of whiskey and frowned. "Natalia, how many glasses is that now?"

She shrugged. "Don't know. Three? Five? 17?"

He took the glass from her. "You have got to stop drinking this much."

"Look, I drink and I can still do the fucking job. I don't need a parent."

"No, you don't. But you do need someone to take care of you, and that's my job. I know you're hurting, but it's been seven months, Nat."

"Yeah. He should've taken me with him."

"You don't mean that."

She stood. "I don't? I lost my brother! He fell into the fucking Cage! There's no way I can get him out! I lost a sibling, Dylan! And that's something I'm gonna have to live with. Do you know what that's like?! To lose a sibling?!" She noticed Dylan's face. "Oh. I'm so sorry."

He sighed. "Yeah. I know what it's like. It fucking sucks, Nat. Believe me. I know. You lost Sam. Dean's wherever the hell he is. But don't you dare think for a second that I'm gonna leave you and stop watching out for you."

She fell into his arms and he embraced her tightly.

"Thank you," Natalia whispered.

"Always. Nat, remember I love you."

Her lips curled into a smile. "I love you, too."



Natalia sliced a vampire's head clean off.

Dylan joined her after doing the same to another and pointed to his face. "You got a little somethin' right there."

She wiped her face and pointed to her right cheek. "So do you."

He wiped his face and smiled. "I'd say job well done."

"Well, when you got Batman and Robin..."

"Wait. Who's who?"

"Obviously I'm Batman and you're Robin."

"How come I'm the sidekick?"

"Because I said so."

"You know I'm older than you, right?"

"But the woman is always right."

"That's some stupid crap that someone made up. But, fine. You can be Batman if you want to be. Or Batwoman, maybe?"

"Nope. I like Batman."

He sighed. "Fine. Can't change your mind on that, can I?"

"No, you can't."

"Very well. How 'bout some pie for a job well done?"

"You're speaking my mind. Mmm. Cherry, apple, or both?"

"Whatever you decide, love. We could even get both and share."

Natalia smirked. "Aw, you're adorable thinking I'll share my pie with you."

"God, I forgot that's one of the few things you don't share."

"It's pie, Dyl. I gotta keep something to myself."

They made their way to a diner and got apple pie and tea for Natalia and coffee for Dylan.

He smiled at her from across the table and she smiled back.

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