34. Legend of a Mind

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[Dream a Little Dream of Me]

(Ignore the name featured in the song.

This one's a long one)


Bobby was asleep on the bed. The door unlocked from the outside and a maid entered. After a few steps, she saw Bobby on the bed, and Dylan asleep at the desk, neither of whom had reacted to the noses she'd made.

"Oh! I'm sorry," the maid apologized.

She began walking out again, but as she retrieved the keys from the door, and Bobby and Dylan still hadn't moved, she looked a little worried.

"Sir? Young man?"

Since they still weren't moving, she left her keys in the door and walked over between the bed and the desk.

She touched Dylan's shoulder and he woke. "Huh? Oh, hi."

The maid touched Bobby on the shoulder. "Wake up."

Bobby didn't react. In the kitchen, a woman was screaming and Bobby was trying to survive the attack. She slammed his head against the floor.

The maid grabbed Bobby's shoulders and Dylan was shaking his uncle, trying to wake him up.

"Wake up, you hear me? Wake up. Sir, wake up!" The maid called.

"Uncle Bobby, you got to wake up!" Dylan yelled.

She turned to the door, panicked. "Help! I need some help in here!"

Dylan glanced at the maid. "You go do your job. I'll get him to the hospital."

The maid nodded. "Okay. Good luck with your uncle. I hope he's all right."

"Yeah, me too," Dylan agreed.


The bartender turned, a bottle in hand, to a man and woman. He grabbed a glass and walked down the bar. "Cheers!"

The bartender poured a drink. Sam was nursing a drink of his own. He tilted his glass back and forth slowly, almost spilling out the contents as a sad expression covered his face. The door opened behind him and Dean and Natalia walked in. When they saw Sam, they walked over with furrowed brows.

"There you are," Dean said. "What are you doing?"

Sam turned to them. "Having a drink."

Natalia frowned. "It's two in the afternoon. Drinking whiskey?"

"I drink whiskey all the time."

"No, you don't."

"What's the big deal? Dean, you get sloppy in bars, you hit on chicks all the time. Why can't I?"

Dean looked around and saw a woman around 40. "It does have slim pickings in here." He turned back to Sam. "What's going on with you?"

Sam shook his head and didn't say anything for a few moments, looking completely lost. "I tried, Dean, Natalia."

Dean and Natalia looked confused. "To do what?"

Sam glanced at Dean. "To save you."

Dean sat next to him and Natalia sat on the other side as Dean said, "Could I get a whiskey, double, neat. Root beer for the girl."

"I'm serious, Dean."

"No, you're drunk."

"I mean, where you're going... what you're gonna become." He looked close to tears and scoffed. "I can't stop it." He paused a beat. "I'm starting to think maybe even Ruby can't stop it. But really, the thing is, no one can save you."

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