46. She Talks to Angels

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[I Know What You Did Last Summer]

(This song is one of my favorites)

A young girl was sitting in a hospital bed, listening to a distant whispering.

"Anna?" The psychologist called. "Do you know where you are? You're at the Connor Beverly Behavioral Medicine Center." Anna looked at her hospital's wristband. "Do you know why you're here?" Anna shrugged. "Do you remember what you did?" Anna nodded. "You were hysterical. It took four people to restrain you."

"I was trying to warn them," Anna replied.

"Warn who?"

"Everyone. Forget it. It was stupid."

"What were you trying to warn them about?"

"Look... I get it. You think I'm nuts. If I were you, I'd think I was nuts. But it's all true."

"It's okay. You can tell me. I'm here to listen."

"The end... is coming. The apocalypse."

"The apocalypse? Like in the Bible?"

"Kind of. I mean, same bottom line. This demon, Lilith, is trying to break the 66 seals to free Lucifer from Hell. Lucifer... Will bring the apocalypse. So... Smoke 'em if you got 'em." Anna turned her head, listening to a distant whispering. "Anna?"


"What were you doing?"

"Nothing. Just listening."

"So, you were saying that there are, uh, 66 of these seals in the world?"

"No. No. There are about 600 possible seals, and Lilith only has to break 66 of them, and no one knows which 66 she's gonna break."

"I see."

"That's why it's nearly impossible to stop her. And that's why the angels are losing. That's why we're all gonna die."

A hospital attendant entered Anna's room. "Time for your meds, Anna. Anna?"

Anna turned and looked horrified when she noticed the attendant.

"What's the matter, sweetie?" The attendant asked.

"Your face -- what happened to your face?" Anna questioned.

"I know."

The attendant's eyes turned black. "I'm downright kissable. Shh."

Anna used her mind to push a chest of drawers against the attendant and knocked him unconscious.


Sam seemed to be drunk and was playing pool with a man from the bar. "Brian, come on, man, just one more. Just -- just give me a chance to win it back."

"It's your cash," Brian said.

"Excuse me," Dean spoke up, pointing between him and Natalia. "Our brother's a little sauced to be making bets."

"He insisted."

"Yeah, but you've already taken, what, two bills off him?" Natalia replied. "He's just saying."

"Hey, shut up, Dean, Natalia. I'm fine," Sam told his siblings.

"No, you're not fine," Dean argued. "You're drunk!"

"Let's make it five hundred."

"Five hundred?" Dean and Natalia repeated.

"Sure," Brian agreed as Sam put the money on the pool table. "Five hundred. Your break."

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