29. Don't Look Back

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[All Hell Breaks Loose: Part Two]

Dean and Natalia sat next to Sam's body.

Bobby entered with a bucket of chicken, followed by Dylan, and said, "Dean? Natalia?"

"No thanks," Dean replied. "We're fine."

Natalia shook her head. "Not hungry."

"You two should eat something," Dylan told them.

"He said he's fine, I said I'm not hungry."

Bobby glanced between them. "Dean, Natalia... I hate to bring this up, I really do. But don't you two think maybe it's time... we bury Sam."

"No," Dean and Natalia answered.

"We could," Bobby sighed, "maybe..."

Dean interrupted him. "What? Torch his corpse? Not yet."

"I want you two to come with me and Dylan."

"We're not going anywhere."

"Dean, Natalia, please."

"Would you cut us some slack?" Natalia shot back.

"I just don't think you two should be alone, that's all. I gotta admit -- Dylan and I could use both your help."

"Bobby-" Dean and Natalia said.

"Something big is going down -- end-of-the-world big."

"Well, then let it end!"

"You two don't mean that."

"You don't think so?" Dean retorted. "Huh? You don't think Nat and I've given enough? You don't think Nat and I've paid enough? I'm done with it. I'm pretty sure she is too. All of it. And if you both know what's good for you two, turn around, and get the hell out of here. Go! I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Please, just go."

"You know where we'll be. Come on, Dylan."

"Wait," Dylan said, walking up to Natalia. "Nat, I'm so sorry."

Natalia didn't meet his eyes. "Just go, please."

He sighed and ran his hand down her arm. "If you want to talk-"

"I know. You're here. Go."

Dylan left the room, joining Bobby and they left the motel room.

Dean and Natalia took another look at Sam's body and a tear fell from their eyes.


Jake was sitting in a campsite with a fire burning. He was dozing off, but suddenly woke to see the Yellow-Eyed Demon standing in front of him.

"Howdy, Jake," the Yellow-Eyed Demon greeted.

"I'm -- I'm dreaming aren't I?" Jake asked.

"I've got a genius on my hands. Well congratulations, Jake. You're it -- last man standing. The American Idol. I have to admit -- You weren't the horse I was bettin' on, but still, I gotta give it to you."

"Go... to hell."

"Been there... done that."

"Everything you put me through -- dragging me to that place, making me kill those people..."

"All part of the beauty pageant. Jake, I needed the strongest, and that's you."

"Needed me for what?"

"Oh, I got a laundry list of tasty things for you."

"The only thing I am going to do is wake up, hunt you down, and kill you myself."

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