53. Nothing is Easy

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[The Rapture]

(Azrael/Celeste image above

During the year, shortly before Dean and Natalia's deaths, Azrael's original vessel decided she was done being possessed. The vessel from season two-three for Azrael is different from season four's, just so y'all know.

Spur of the moment ideas are great. This was one of them, and I love how it turned out.)


Dean was fishing at the end of a pier and Castiel appeared and said, "We need to talk."

"I'm dreaming, aren't I?" Dean realized.

"It's not safe here. Some place more private."

"More private? We're inside my head."

"Exactly. Someone could be listening."

"Cas, what's wrong?"

"Meet me here." He handed Dean a piece of paper. "Go now."

Dean looked up and Castiel was gone from the pier.


Natalia was walking around and Castiel appeared next to her. "We need to talk."

"Unless angels randomly appear in my head, I'm dreaming," Natalia said. "Why are you peeping on my dreams?"

"Somewhere private. It's not safe here."

"What, 'cause someone could be listening?"


"Oh. That was a random guess. Cas, what's wrong?"

"Meet me here." He handed her a piece of paper. "You should go now."

Natalia glanced to the side and Castiel was gone.


Dean and Natalia woke up with a gasp.


Dean, Sam and Natalia walked through the warehouse, flashlights on.

"Well, what did he say, Dean, Nat?" Sam asked. "What was so important?"

"If she and I knew, would we be here?" Dean shot back.

The siblings ascended a set of stairs.

Dean continued. "What the hell?"

"It looks like a bomb went off," Sam noted.

"There was a fight here," Natalia realized.

"Between who?"

Dean's flashlight beam landed on a symbol painted in blood on the wall. "Check it out. Look familiar?"

"Yeah, it does," Sam and Natalia replied.

"And used something like that to wish the angels back to the cornfield."

"So, what?" Sam asked. "Cas was fighting angels?"

"I don't know."

Natalia found the angel in the rubble and she and Dean called, "Sam. Cas? Cas. Hey, Cas?"

Another figure stirred and Natalia ran to check on the figure. "Rae?"

Jimmy Novak looked around. "What's...? What's...? What's going on?"

Celeste McKnight frowned, looking about the room. "Where am I?"

Dean glanced between the two. "Just take it easy. Take it easy."

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