Mexico! (20)

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It was now around 5pm BST and we were landing any minute. Everyone was getting a bit restless at this point and I can't lie I was beyond tired. Spending a whole day travelling was never easy but what did make me happy was by the time we we'd arrive it would be just after 1pm GMT and we'd still have the afternoon/evening to explore Mexico.

'Welcome ladies and gentlemen to Cancun, Mexico. We will shortly be arriving at Cancun International Airport, where the local time here is 1:27pm GMT. It has been a pleasure flying with you today, my name is Anthony Taylor and I have been your pilot. Thank you for choosing BA. Please keep your seatbelts remaining until the plane lands.'

The pilot said and I yawned and stretched in Mason's seat. He was still knocked out cold but managed to put the seat belt over both of us. I'm sure this was some kind of health and safety measure but we were too far gone now for me to go back to my original seat.

"Mase we're landing." I shook him but of course it didn't work the first time.

"Mase." I hissed again.

"Slap him, he will wake up." Malcolm chimed from behind and I gave him a flat look.

"Mase," I whispered in his ear and kissed the side of his face.

Slowly he groaned and his face turned into a smile. "If you wanted me, all you had to do was ask." He said and I rolled my eyes. Soon the plane touched down and everyone clapped.

"I shook you at least three times, it's scary you know." I sat as I unplugged his seatbelt for me to get out and head back to my own seat. Andy gave me a death stare but I quickly strapped myself back in and put on my slides and packed away my things.

"Sorry, it's not my fault I've had a lack of oxygen from birth." He shrugged.

"How you survived this flight I'd never know." Malcolm said as he got up and started packing away his stuff. The plane had come to a stop and passengers  started lining up to leave. I packed away my laptop and a few snacks I had obtained into my back pack.

"Ready?" Mase asked and I nodded.

We all stood up and joined the queue to join the tunnel and enter into the airport again.

"Bye Mr Rodriguez." Andy especially waved and Mason just smiled at her. I rolled my eyes again and Malcolm laughed but said nothing. A soon as we stepped out of the plane it was so hot and bright. We had been in there so long I had forgotten what outside even felt like. I'd gotten changed half way during the plane ride into my jumpsuit and I was glad otherwise I would have melted.

"Come guys, we just have to go through security and baggage and Parker is picking us up." Mase said as he looked down at his phone. We all followed suit and headed back into the airport. We flew through security and went to collect our luggage. Luckily it had made it and instead of getting a trolley we each just wheeled our own out.

"Welcome to Cancun familia!" Parker grinned. He was already in his holiday shorts and tropical t-shirt looking like a tall chocolate Lance Gross - the embarrassing version.

"Parker you been here one day and you picked up that little bit of Spanish?" I teased and he grabbed me and put me in the headlock. I laughed and winced and he let me go.

"Guys. it's so beautiful here! Let's get you guys home." He said and he led us to a black SUV Chevrolet. Similar to the one we have at home. The boys put the suitcases in the back and soon after we all piled in and our driver began to drive.

"Where's everyone else?" I asked him.

"So Isa and Ida have gone to the beach although they'll probably be home by the time we get there. It's like they are pre-honeymooning before the actual honeymoon. Jacqui has been laying in the shade in the villa balcony. She's been feeling a little too hot so she doesn't really want to go anywhere and mom and dad are at the Ritz doing whatever. Dad said we can go wherever we want just not across the street." Parker said.

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