Return (46)

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1 Month Later

"So the flowers go here and you put this here. Thank you Lucas, you better not drop that." Aunt Verna said coming from the foyer. I strolled my suitcase up the pavement and opened the front door.

"Hey Familia." I smiled as I dropped my suitcase at the door.

"Delilah!" Aunt Verna grinned and she ran up to me and hugged me tight.

"You look so radiant! Alana, so nice to see you again." She went behind me and hugged her.

"So lovely to see you too Aunt Verna." She replied.

"Wow." I said as I looked around the house. It had been totally transformed. There were fairy lights all up an around the stair case and unlit candles at the bottom. I guessed the candles were going to be lit in the morning. The floral arrangements had been decorated all around the foyer and staircase. The colour scheme was absolutely beautiful.

"You girls go and settled in, I'm not sure why you thought it was a good idea to fly in the night before the wedding but we'll be up from 6am tomorrow so we can't have any tired faces." My aunt said as she sashed into the kitchen.

I laughed and nodded, "of course Aunt Verna." We followed into the kitchen where the rest of the family were.

"Mija," Uncle Fernando smiled and he kissed my cheeks.

"Hi Uncle," I smiled and hugged him tight.

"You look good mija, I'm glad you haven't gotten sick its really cold now." He said and I nodded.

"Alana keeps the heating on all the time." I said and we all laughed.

"Lucas! You have a beard!" I exclaimed.

"It's called growing up." He deadpanned and I stuck my tongue out and licked his face. He hit me and I laughed. "Don't embarrass me in front of Alana." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Oh don't worry you can never be embarrassed in front of me." Alana winked and I laughed.

"Alright, we're going to settle in. What's for dinner?" I asked.

"Order pizza, no one is allowed to cook as everywhere has been cleaned for tomorrow." Lucas said and I nodded.

"Where's Josh?" I asked.

"With his girlfriend." He smirked and I laughed.

"Awww I can't wait to tease him tomorrow."

"He'll bite your head off." Lucas yelled.

I laughed and Alana and I put our suitcases in the elevator and rode up with them.

"Back like we never left." She said and I laughed.

"Honestly, it's great to be home." I smiled.

We took our stuff and headed towards my bedroom. I opened it up and it smelt freshly cleaned of lemon and my cinnamon flavoured humidifier was blowing.

"Hey room!" Alana yelled and jumped onto my bed.

"Hey!" I laughed.

"You know I'm thinking to move to London after graduation." She said and I raised my eyebrows. There was always something new with Alana.

"What happened to Paris?" I started to unpack my stuff and put them away into my closet.

She shrugged and also unpacked some stuff. "London might have more opportunities." She said.

"We have time, no rush." I said.

"Where's Mason?" She asked and I smiled.

"He's at practice, Isaiah was pissed because he didn't want any scuffles on his face as everyone has to look perfect for the wedding but when coach calls they go running."

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