Ida (32)

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1 month later

"Babe?" Mason shook me. I groaned a little and rubbed my eyes.

"Mmm?" I said. I looked at my phone it was 5 in the morning. "It's 5am Mason."

He cracked a smile, "I have training camp babe. The season starts in a few weeks."

"For how long?" I asked. This time I sat up in my bed. He towered over me in his sweats and placed his bag on the floor.

"It's for three weeks." He said.

"You're leaving for three weeks?" I asked him and I frowned. Summer had literally come and gone and the next academic year was approaching. I didn't have long left here before I had to go back to France for my final year of uni.

He nodded and smiled sadly, "I'll be back before you leave okay?"

I pouted in bed and he kissed my bottom lip.

"Your lip is real dry." He smirked and I hit him and laughed.

"I don't want you to go." I pouted again. He sighed and took a seat on my bed.

"I don't want you to go either. But we both got to do what we have to do okay? We'll work through this." He said and I nodded.

"And where is training camp?" I asked him.

"It's in a undisclosed location so wives and girlfriends don't come there and cause a distraction." He laughed and kissed my forehead. I rolled my eyes, he knew exactly my plan. I hugged him.

"I'll miss you." I said and kissed the side of his face.

"I'll miss you too." He said and kissed me. He got up and grabbed his bag. "We'll FaceTime when I can okay?" He said and I nodded. I walked him out and gave him one last hug.

After he left I stayed up and messaged Alana saying that I missed her. She was planning to come at the end of the month anyway so that we'd fly to school together. I decided to read a little bit in bed and pray then I got up and took a shower. I changed into a casual dress and vans and headed to the kitchen.

"Oh look who decided to show her face." Luke said as I entered the kitchen and stuck my tongue out at him. I hadn't been at home a lot since Jacqui gave birth, for the last month I would literally go to work then go to Jacqui's and back again, occasionally I would pop home to get a change of clothes.

"Don't you look handsome. First day of your last year in high school." I smirked. Luke was truly growing and all summer he'd been busy looking at different universities and deciding where to go.

"And it's your last month here." Luke fake pouted as he collected his orange juice from the fridge.

"Do you have to go back?" Josh asked as he ate his cereal.

"If I want my degree." I shrugged. Honestly I hadn't really thought about leaving and I hadn't thought about how hard it was going to be.

"Oh good morning lovelies." Aunt Verna smiled as she came in wearing a checkered Tom Ford suit and heels. "I'm off early. I have to go to Birmingham today so I will be home late. Dad will be here though so I will see you all later." She came and kissed each of her babies and took a smoothie from the fridge and set off.

We all waved her off and I took a smoothie too, I wasn't feeling so hungry today. "Wow and year 10 Josh, are you excited?" I asked him and I helped Jase finish off his cheerios.

He shrugged, "I mean what's there to be excited about? I'm basically starting adulthood." He said and I scoffed.

"GCSEs aren't the start of adulthood bro. A levels are." I smirked and I sipped my drink.

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