Troubles (45)

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A soon as the game had ended, the Roses celebrated their win. The team had a number of press interviewing them and taking their pictures. I put my sunglasses on and made my way down to the hallway where I knew they would be coming out. I showed security my badge and waited by the changing room door.

A few minutes later the team came out.

"Hey Delilah! You coming to celebrate our win?" Jamal grinned and hugged me.

I laughed and shook my head, "I'm sure you'll be doing all the celebrating for me." It was known that when the boys came to foreign countries they would celebrate 10+ more than average.

Soon Mason emerged wearing his tracksuit and a smile and his face.

"Hey babe." He smiled and pulled me in for a kiss. I smiled with a tight lip and hugged him.

He gave me a look but didn't say much.

"Did you enjoy the game?" He asked me.

We walked towards the taxi that was waiting for us by the coach. "Not as much as Angelina did." I said sarcastically.

Mason began to choke and cough. "Angelina?"

"Yeah you know, the girl you were screwing when we broke up." I let out a breath and smiled. We approached the taxi and I opened my own door and got in.

Mason, looking astonished, got in and swallowed.

"What is she doing here? I honestly haven't spoken to her in months." He took out his phone and started scrolling.

I shook my head, "Mason I don't have enough patience and discretion like Beyonce did when Solange beat Jay-Z's ass in the elevator. If you message her right now we will have a problem."

The driver looked through his rear view mirror but didn't say anything as we made our way back to the hotel.

"I'm sorry babe, I honestly didn't know she would show up." He rubbed the back of his neck.

I shook my head and rolled my eyes, "let's just talk about it when we're inside."

The rest of the car journey was silent. I sat rigid facing the outside of the car and Mase was trying to be lowkey on his phone. I knew he was either messaging Malcolm or Isaiah about his screw up and I'm sure he wasn't expecting these turn of events.

We soon pulled up to the hotel and I hopped out on my own. I shielded my face from any cameras and we made our way inside and up the stairs. Still, in silence I pulled out the key card and scanned the door. We came inside and I let out a breath. I pulled off my boots and threw my stuff onto the bedside table.

Mason dwindled for a second but headed to the bathroom and shut the door. I clenched my jaw angrily but still, I wasn't going to speak first. I hung my coat up and got comfortable on the bed and took out my phone.

A few minutes later I heard the shower running. I turned on the tv and started watching CSI in dutch.

'Whatever he did, hear him out. - Mal'

I read the text. I stared at it blankly for a moment.

'So I should just move on from the fact Angelina came to the game for my man?'

'Oh.' he responded and I tossed my phone.

I heard the shower turn off and he came out wrapped around his waist was only a towel.

"So are we going to talk about this?" He asked and he looked a little upset.

"Can you get changed first." I said quietly and I sat up against the headboard.

He took some lotion and some sweats into the bathroom and got changed. He came back out and leaned against the door. I switched the tv off and waited for him to start.

He sighed, "so after you went away you know I was really f--- up. I wasn't in a good place at all, you know we were so attached so it felt like apart of me was missing. I had to get myself together so I poured myself into Rugby. I would eat, sleep and breath Rugby. After I got back from my year at Harvard, I met this girl - Angie. She would hang out at the bars we'd go to and events and stuff and at first she was talking to Jamal but when he wasn't interested she started talking to me. It was just talking till one day I got super drunk and we slept together."

I swallowed and crossed my arms waiting to hear the rest.

"Li you know I'm not that type of guy, I only slept with one other person apart from her but she was just there at the time you know? So we slept together and few times and would hang out but when I found out she was just using me to get to Jamal I cut things off which she knew. She'd mostly fly out to my International games but I'm not sure why she came today because I broke things off a while ago."

"And you really broke things off?" I asked him.

This time he came towards the bed and sat on the end, I retreated into the headboard as much as possible and pulled my feet up.

"I would never do that to you. The last time I saw her was months ago, when you first came back and I broke things off then. You have to believe me." He said.

I looked up and swallowed and nodded, "don't ever put me in that position again Mason. I felt like a fool. Why didn't you tell me about her? Clearly she was someone who was important at the time."

He rubbed his fingers, something he would do when he was nervous. "I just didn't know how to break it to you, how bad I was."

I leaned forward towards him and sat on my knees. He moved closer to me and placed his arms around my waist.

"I'm sorry, this all feels like my fault anyway." I said.

He shook his head, "no it's over with. Old cobwebs and now it doesn't matter." He kissed my forehead. " I love you." He said.

"And I love you." I responded. I placed my arms on his shoulders and I leaned forward and kissed him. He pulled me into him more and deepened the kiss. He leaned backwards onto the bed until I was on top of him.

I giggled and kissed him along his jaw and on his lips again.

"Okay miss, let's stop before we do something we'll regret." He smiled and I giggled some more. "I can't wait to marry you one day."

"Marry huh?" I smirked.

"Mmhm." He leaned forward and kissed my nose. "I'll make you my wife."

Mason and his words

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Mason and his words...he knows how to use them to get out of trouble lol 😂

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