Exitus (34)

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Weeks passed and my routine had remained the same. Mason was coming home today and my last week here was approaching which meant one thing.

"Girl you couldn't pick me up from the airport?" Alana complained as she Facetime'd me.

"Alana you are literally 20 minutes away and Steve is a good driver, you'll be here soon." I teased as I tidied up the guest room for her.

"But I wanted to see you first." She whimpered as she got in the car. I assumed they were on their way.

"You being a real brat right now," I joked. "I'll see you soon." I said and I cut off. She was just being dramatic because lately we hadn't been talking as much. I rearranged a few things in her room then left the door open for her. I went back to my room and tided a few things and tied my hair up. I'd gotten long braids to keep my hair away so I tied it up into a bun. The cool breeze of autumn had now come as we entered further into September so I was mostly wearing jumpers and I couldn't lie winter was my favourite fashion season.

I wandered down the stairs and towards the kitchen and saw Uncle Fernando sitting on one of the stools reading on his iPad.

"Hello Uncle." I smiled and hugged him.

"Hello beautiful, how are you?" He asked me.

I took a seat next to him and peered over to see what he was looking at. He was previewing tuxedo's which I was guessing were for the boys for the wedding.

"I'm good, Alana is arriving any moment." I smiled. "We're heading back to school next Friday."

He smiled sadly, "next week already huh?" He asked and I nodded.

"You'll be missed mija." He said and I hugged him.

"What are you looking at?" I asked him.

He sighed, "this wedding is costing me a fortune. Isaiah wants him and the boys to all have matching suits. Personally I don't think Jason would know the difference between Georgio Armani and ASOS but it seems like I don't have much of a choice." He cursed and I giggled slightly and rubbed his shoulder.

"Sorry Unc, it's the cost of having so many children." I teased.

He laughed and just then the door chimed. I jumped down from the stool and made my way to the front door. Alana walked in with her heeled boots in a jumper dress.

"Hey sweetie," I hugged her.

"Hey cherie," She pulled me in and held onto me. "I'm so happy to see you."

"Me too babes," I replied.

"Hey Alana. Lovely to see you again." My Uncle smiled and waved from the kitchen.

"Hey Unc, thanks for taking me in." She giggled slightly and he laughed.

I took her two suitcases and put them in the elevator "Let's go upstairs." and we took it upstairs. I walked first to the guest room with her stuff.

"Where is everyone?" She asked.

"The boys are either at work or at school and Aunt Verna is at a meeting with the caterers for the wedding. Uncle Fernando is downstairs." I smiled and placed her suitcases by the foot of the bed.

"Wow this is really cute." She nodded impressed. The guest bedroom was of course decorated by Aunt Verna in a grey and white theme. "And how's the wedding planning going?" Alana asked as she began to unpack a few of her things.

I shook my head and laughed slightly, "it has been so stressful. Aunt Verna literally just wakes us up early on a Saturday to attend meetings, go dress shoppings, pick out linen. I didn't even think half of this stuff even mattered."

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