Yacht Living (24)

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Sunday soon came and although we were all tired of course Uncle Fernando woke us all up early to go to mass. Even though we weren't going to understand a word of it, he said we couldn't be in his part of the world and not attend mass.

"Oh good morning darling. Don't you two look radiant." My aunt smiled as she saw Alana and I. I wore a floral blouse and white trousers. I first went for a dress than Alana alarmed me that this was mass not regular church - they didn't like shoulders. Alana wore a knee length long sleeved dress with gold heels.

"Are we really about to go to mass this early in the morning?" I grumbled as I headed to the kitchen to make myself a coffee to go.

"Yes, your Uncle says it's apart of the culture. Plus we go to church all year round, even if it's not our own." My aunt smiled sternly and she also made her own cup of coffee.

"Mom I can't go. My stomach hurts." Lucas came down rubbing his stomach. "Oh hey Alana." He half smiled and totally ignored me.

"Lucas I don't have time for your games today. Go and shower and get ready, we're leaving in 20 minutes." She repeated in the same tone.

"But mum-"

"No buts, go." She said and he dragged his feet upstairs. Soon after Ida and Isaiah came down hand in hand. The only person who truly wasn't going was Jacqui  because she was starting to get Braxton hicks.

"Mum why is Lucas throwing up upstairs?" Isaiah said casually as he got himself a cup of coffee and some fresh made pastries from breakfast. My aunts eyes opened wide when she realised he wasn't lying and headed for the stairs.

"Morning familia." Uncle Fernando smiled in his blue shirt and trouser bottoms. "Where's the rest?" He asked.

"It's 8:00am dad you're lucky we're even here." Isaiah scoffed and Ida hit him for his rudeness which I also found funny.

"Luke is sick, mum's gone to check on him and you know Josh won't come without Luke. Esme has been getting Jason ready for a while but he's refusing to put his trousers on. Malcolm is packing his stuff because he's going tomorrow and I don't know where Mason is." I rushed out.

Uncle Fernando has an annoyed face and stalked to the stairs, "I ask for one thing." He mumbled under his breath.

I started giggling and we all did and took a seat at the bar stools. "Wow so this is what a full house is like?" Alana said amused and I laughed.

"You've seen nothing yet."

About half an hour later those of us who were ready piled by the door. Jacqui was staying behind with Luke, Josh and Jason. Esme was going to say but we knew how important Mass was to her.

"Ready to go?" Aunt Verna said looking a bit distressed but nevertheless she was always smiling. Hector came through with an even bigger mini van and we all piled in.

"¿Cuánto tiempo para llegar allí? (how long will it take to get there?)" - Uncle Fernando asked Hector.

"40 minutos." Hector responded and even I understood that, I immediately put my headphones in knowing the journey was going to be long.

We headed to a cute little Church which was on the outskirts of the city. All the buildings were beautifully painted with bright colours and murals on the. I think that is what I loved about being here, the brightness. We arrived no less than half and hour later, Uncle Fernando had told Hector to put a foot on it seeing as though we were going to be a few minutes late. Soon we all piled out and a soon as we entered, the people turned around and stared at us.

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