Chapter One

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She woke up, her head hurting slightly. She wasn't in her room. She heard a soft mumble next to her. She gasped seeing someone sleeping next to her. She sat up and looked around the room for her clothes. The boy woke up and put his hand on his head. He too looked around the room. He saw her rushing to put on her clothes. He looked under the blanket and saw he had nothing on. His eyes widened. He cleared his throat, making her turn to him. "W-What happened last night, like I know what we did but how?" She looked at him.
"I don't know." He answered.
"I think we need to just forget it ever happened." She looked down.
"Yes, I think that is the best idea." He nodded at her.

She grabbed her shoes and walked out of that hotel room, out of his life, forever...

It had been two weeks since that one night stand. She had been feeling sick a lot, she didn't think that she was pregnant because even if she was drunk, she would have made sure that they used protection right? she would have double checked if they had protection right? Right?

She didn't expect herself to be pregnant, especially when she didn't know the father at all. At the end of the second week, she went out to get a pregnancy test because she had to know for sure if she was pregnant or not. She took two of the tests in the box as there were four of them in the box.

The result of those tests changed her life forever. They were both positive. She was going to be a mother...

*Y/N's POV*
Four years ago I gave birth to the most beautiful baby girl. I called her Lia. She had beautiful black hair and her eyes sparkled when she was happy. When she laughed her eyes disappeared and it was beautiful.

When I found out that I was pregnant, I went straight to my parents who supported me throughout everything. They even bought an apartment for Lia and I. I couldn't thank them enough. I paid them every single penny back. Everytime I told them that I didn't need their money, they would insist I let them help. They loved Lia and she loved them just as much. They had a great relationship, that was mostly because I took her to see them every Sunday for dinner and they always picked her up from school.

I was sitting at my kitchen table on my computer, I had just put Lia to bed, when I got an email from BigHit saying I had got the job to be a manager of one of their idol groups called BTS. The same group that had Lia's father, Min Yoongi in. I had an interview for the position a month ago. I read the email thoroughly. I started on Monday at 9am, which gave me enough time to drive Lia to school and still be able to get to work on time. I closed my laptop and texted my mother that I had got the job. I got changed into pyjamas and walked to my couch and turned on the TV to watch dramas. I flicked through the channels to find one with a good drama. I luckily found one. I stayed up watching it all night. I ended up falling asleep on the couch.

I was woken up by Lia. It was 7:30am on a Saturday. The energetic four year old jumped on me. Lia always woke up early, even on a weekend, the fun of having a kid. "Eomma! Wakey Wakey." Lia giggled.
"Hey, my little princess." I opened my eyes and looked at my daughter.
"Why did Eomma sleep on the couch?" She cuddled into me.
"I stayed up late watching TV and fell asleep." I laughed, hugging back.
"Silly Eomma." Lia giggled.

I smiled and began to tickle her. She squealed and began giggling even more. I kept tickling her until she told me to stop. She got off my lap and sat on the floor. I smiled and kissed the top of her head. I got off the couch and went into the kitchen to make breakfast for Lia and I. I began making pancakes which is something we always had on a Saturday.

I put chocolate chips on Lia's pancakes in the shape of a face. I did the same for my pancakes as well. I put them on the table and called Lia to the table. Lia put down her toys and sat on her chair. I poured orange juice for the both of us and walked into the dining room. Lia waited until I had sat down to eat. I had taught her how to be well mannered and as her name stated, to be kind and elegant. I just wanted what was best for my child. Any mother would.

Lia looked a lot like her father, Min Yoongi. I had learned his name when I read that he had debuted in the idol group BTS the year she was born. I began to see things in Lia that Yoongi had. She had his nose and she had his gummy smile. When Lia started school, at the beginning of the year, she asked me why she didn't have a father because she had seen her classmates be dropped off at school by their dads. I didn't know what to tell her at first. I didn't want to tell her the truth because she would hate me. So, I told her that her dad had left me when I found out that I was pregnant with her. She was sad about it for a couple of days and then she soon forgot about it, never bringing up her father again.

I glanced at Lia who was happily eating her pancakes. I knew that soon enough that everything was going to change for us when I started working for BigHit. I knew that I was going to have to see Yoongi everyday. I knew that the guilt of not telling him about his daughter was going to eat me up. I just had to keep her away from him and then there would be no questions asked. That was going to be easier said than done though because one day she could have a day off school and then I would have to take her with me. I was not looking forward to that at all.

I put that to the back of my mind. I wanted to enjoy the next couple of days with my daughter. We soon finished breakfast. Lia asked to be excused from the table to which I nodded letting her go and went to the living room to play with her toys. I collected the plates and cups and put them in the dishwasher. I washed up the rest of the things I used and dried them up. After this was all done, I walked into the living room "Lia, you need to get dressed, sweetie." I went over to her.
"Yes Eomma." Lia put down what she was playing with and walked into her room.

I went to my own bedroom and got dressed myself. I put on an oversized cream jumper and black jeans. I put my hair into a ponytail and went to the living room. I checked my phone before checking on Lia. I knocked on her door asking if she was ok to which she said she was so I left her alone to get dressed

This was a normal morning thing on a weekend. Lia would come into me in the morning to wake me up. We would go and have pancakes. Lia would play while I cleaned everything up. Then we would both get dressed and then I would let Lia watch some cartoons. I liked the routine we had. I didn't want anything to change. I just wanted everything to stay the same.

Lia came out of her room and sat on the couch. She asked me if I could turn the TV on for cartoons. I put on the kids TV channel and Lia's favourite cartoon Power Puff Girls was on. She giggled and watched the TV. I got my laptop from the kitchen table and went on my emails to see if I had anything come through from BigHit. There was nothing so I closed the laptop and watched the TV with Lia.

Lia came and sat on my lap, but with her back facing me so she could watch the TV.

I had just dropped Lia off at school and was now making my way to the BigHit building. I had on a white shirt tucked into black skirt with tights, I was also wearing flat heeled shoes . I had minimal makeup on. Suddenly, a wave of nervousness hit me.

I pulled into the parking lot and took a deep breath before walking into the building. I went to the front desk. "Hello, welcome to BigHit Entertainment, how can I help?" The girl at the front desk smiled.
"Hi, my name is Choi Y/N. I'm BTS' new manager." I smiled.
"Of course, Mr Bang told me we had a new girl coming today. I'll just call him down. Why don't you take a seat and wait." She pressed a button under her desk.

I nodded and sat down in the waiting area. It wasn't long until Bang Si-Hyuk came into the waiting room. He saw me and came over. I stood up and bowed slightly, introducing myself. He introduced himself even though I knew who he was. He told me to follow him, to which I did. He took me into one of the practice rooms where I assume BTS was. We walked into the room. It was big and it had a wall full of mirrors. Standing in a line were BTS. They all bowed to Mr Bang. Mr Bang introduced me to them "This is Choi Y/N, your new manager."
"Hi..." I waved at them

Mr Bang left the room, leaving me alone with them... with him.

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