Chapter Two

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When I was told that we had a new manager I immediately groaned. I knew the old one got fired for using our van to drive his girlfriend around, but I didn't expect them to find a new one so quick. When Bang pd-nim came into the room with the new manager, I couldn't help but think that I had seen her before. She was really familiar. I just don't know where I had seen her before. I racked my brain to try to remember where I met Y/N before.

We all introduced ourselves to Y/N. We went in the order of our fanchant. She looked at everyone but me which made me slightly confused. My confusion was short lived because the choreographer came into the room to start teaching us our new dance for our latest comeback for our album Wings. The members and I stood in a line ready to be taught. Y/N sat on the couches at the other side of the room.

I glanced over at Y/N while we were practicing the dance. She had a look of guilt on her face. Her body language was stiff as if she wasn't comfortable being in the room. When she was watching our practice, she still wouldn't look at me. I wanted to ask her what her problem was with me, but I still didn't even know her so I didn't know why she would have a problem.

*the middle of the day*
We were having a break. We had ordered food and were sitting in a circle while we ate. Y/N was sitting with us eating her food. Namjoon was asking Y/N questions about herself for us to get to know her. I could tell that she was holding some things back. Suddenly her phone rang. She picked it up. Her eyes widened slightly. "I'm so sorry, my daughter's school is calling me. I have to get this." Y/N stood up and rushed out of the room.

I couldn't believe that she was a mother. She looked too young to be a mother, especially with a child at school. I shrugged and continued eating my food. I looked at my members who were looking at each other with confused faces. Y/N came back in a few minutes later, only this time Bang pd-nim was next to her. She was explaining that her child's school had been shut due to a gas leak and her parents couldn't pick the kid up so she had to. Bang pd-nim let her pick up her child and told her to bring her daughter back with her. Y/N was hesitant at first to say yes, constantly glancing at me, but she soon agreed. She grabbed her coat and ran out of the room.

We soon finished our food and got back to practicing for the comeback show. We had gone through the first verse and chorus twice by the time that Y/N came back. I heard her talking to presumably her child outside of the door, something about being on her best behaviour or no ice cream. I laughed slightly when I heard that because that would probably be something I would say to my child if I was a parent.

Y/N walked into the room, holding hands with an adorable little girl. Everyone turned to look at her. The little girl hid behind Y/N slightly. Y/N laughed slightly "This is my daughter, Lia. Lia this is Bangtan, the group that Eomma manages. Say Hi, little princess." She kneeled down in front of the small child.
"H-Hi, m-my name is Lia." The little girl smiled politely doing a little bow, she showed off her gummy smile, causing me to stare longer than I should.
"It's very nice to meet you, Lia. We're BTS." Namjoon smiled at Lia, causing me to snap out of my thoughts.

The more I looked at Y/N and her child, the more I began to notice things. Lia had a gummy smile like mine, a nose similar to mine, her eyes even disappeared when she smiled. I thought it could have been a coincidence. I had never met Y/N before today right? There was no way that I could have a child right? It was crazy to even think that I could be a parent. I've wanted to be a dad for a while. Maybe not now though. It was still a little early in my career to even introduce a child into everything. Not that I wasn't happy to know that I could possibly have a daughter, I just felt that it wasn't right.

I shook my head and glanced at Y/N with her daughter. Suddenly, memories of four years ago came rushing back to me. I suddenly remembered the night Y/N 10 months before I debuted in BTS. Y/N's dance group was performing the night I walked into the club. I approached her after her performance and we sat at a table. We began talking. We never told each other our names. We both got pretty drunk and we ended up in a hotel room, near where the BTS dorm was and we... how do I put this? We conceived Lia.

I overheard Namjoon ask Y/N "Why couldn't Lia's father pick her up from school?"
"U-Um he's not in her life. He doesn't even know she exists." She said this quietly so Lia didn't hear.
"Wait? You never told the father that you were pregnant." Namjoon whispered shocked.
"I didn't even know him, let alone him wanting to raise a kid, besides he was busy," Y/N sighed. "Look, I really don't feel like talking about this in front of Lia because she thinks her dad walked out when he found out about her. Just get back to work... please."

Namjoon nodded and came back to our side of the room. I excused myself to go to the bathroom, when in reality I needed to go to my genius lab to think. I sat in my chair. Everything Y/N was saying somewhat linked back to our night together. Everything just made sense. I needed to get Y/N alone somehow. I needed to ask her if Lia was my child, I had to know. If Lia was my child, I wanted to get to know her, be the dad I wish I had growing up.

*the end of practice*
Everyone was sitting against the mirror. Well everyone except from me. I was dancing with Lia. The last hour was us trying our best to entertain her with Y/N. Out of all of the members, Lia and I got on the most. She was constantly giggling whenever I said anything, causing Y/N to shoot a glare at me everytime. I always shrugged whenever she looked at me.

I watched as Y/N stood up and picked Lia up, forcing me to let go of the small child's hands. She glared at me slightly and walked over to the couch. Lia cuddled into her mother. "Eomma, school is closed tomorrow as well! Can I come to your work again?" Lia giggled looking at Y/N.
"We'll see." Y/N looked into her daughter's eyes.
"Yay!" Lia giggled looking at me.

I smiled at Lia and walked over to the mirror. The other members stood up. They all got ready to leave to go to the van. I told them to go ahead without me as I had to talk to Y/N before she left. I looked over at the both of them. Y/N was putting Lia's coat on a sleepy Lia. Lia was trying to help the best she could but she couldn't do the zip of her coat. I walked over to the both of them and cleared my throat. Y/N turned around to look at me. Her soft eyes turned into a cold glare. It slightly scared me how her mood could just change like that.

I looked into her eyes. She wouldn't make eye contact with me. I sighed and crossed my arms "Look, I might be the last person you want to talk to, but I have to know one thing." I put a hand on her arm.
"What do you want?" She shrugged my hand off.
"I remember what happened four years ago. I remember what happened between the both of us. I just have to know this," I took a deep breath before asking. "Is Lia my daughter?"
"What?" She was shocked.
"Is Lia my child?" I crossed my arms again.
"Look I'm not going to lie to you, yes she is your child, but just because you know that it doesn't mean that you can just come into her life." She told Lia to go wait outside.
"Bye Yoongi." Lia waved walking out of the room, closing the door
"Bye Lia," I mumbled, looking at Y/N. "I'm her father. I have a right to know my daughter."
"I know that, Yoongi. I just don't think that's the best idea right now." Y/N crossed her arms.
"Why not?" I asked looking at her.
"She'll hate me for lying to her. Lia is a smart kid..." Y/N sighed looking down.
"We'll tell her when you're ready." I put a hand on her shoulder.

She looked at me and nodded. Lia came in and looked at me and Y/N. "Yoongi's my Appa?" She was shocked.

It was clear she had been listening to our conversation. Y/N's face was full of regret as she nodded. Lia looked at me with a confused face. I checked the time. The van had to leave any minute, but I didn't want to leave Y/N to explain everything. Y/N looked at me. She told me to go to the van and that she would be able to handle it. I sighed and grabbed my coat. Y/N and I exchanged numbers. I kneeled down in front of Lia and I said a final goodbye to Lia and walked out to the van.

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