Chapter Ten

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"You are probably wondering why I called you both here this afternoon," Mrs Kim, Lia's teacher looked at Y/N and I. "You don't have anything to worry about, let me assure you of that. I just wanted to tell you how proud of Lia I am. She is a good child. She is very hard working."
"We are proud of Lia as well. She loves to tell us about her school day." I smiled at the teacher.
"Lia seems to be fitting in with school life and since she started in September she has done nothing but work hard. She has a nice group of friends who love to spend time in the library." The teacher smiled. "Her reading is getting very good. It's above anyone her age."
"I've been teaching her myself since she could talk. We only did this once a week though. I want good things for her." Y/N smiled.
"Any parent would. Lia is doing very well. Please congratulate her," Mrs Kim stood up. "It was very nice to meet you both."

Y/N and I both said our goodbyes and walked out of the classroom. Y/N was wiping under her eyes. I stopped her walking and pulled her into a hug. She mumbled a sorry as she hugged me back. I blushed slightly. The hug was short. We began walking out of the school. We walked to Y/N's car. She got in and I got in the front this time. She took my hand and we sat there in the car park (parking lot if you're from America) for a couple of minutes before Y/N started the car. I didn't really know where we were going, but we soon pulled up in front of a big house. Y/N told me to stay in the car. I did as I was told as Y/N went to knock on the door.

An older looking Y/N opened the door. I'm not joking, Y/N's mother looks exactly like Y/N. Lia came out and saw Y/N. The small girl smiled and jumped into her mother's arms. Y/N picked Lia up. Y/N's mother gave Y/N Lia's backpack. Y/N smiled. Lia waved at her grandmother and blew her a kiss. Y/N put Lia down and hugged her mother. They started walking to the car. Y/N opened the door for Lia and helped her into the car. Y/N did Lia's seat belt and then got into the drivers side. "Eomma, Appa. Halmoni (Grandmother) and I made cookies today. They were very yummy." Lia giggled.

Y/N started driving. I turned to Lia. She smiled and looked out of her window. We soon arrived at the biggest toy shop in Seoul. Lia's eyes lit up. A huge gummy smile spread across her face. Y/N parked the car and got out. It wasn't long until we were in the shop and Lia was running to the doll isle. Y/N and I followed behind her at a normal pace. I was smiling at the small child. She stopped in front of a Barbie doll house. We finally reached where Lia was and looked at the price of what Lia was looking at. Y/N gasped at how expensive the toy was. I looked at the price and shrugged. I took the box for the dolls house, not bothered about the price. Y/N looked asking me if I was sure. I nodded and told Lia to pick a couple of dolls for the doll house.

Lia picked a couple of Barbie dolls for her doll house. Y/N said that she would pay for them but before she could take them, I took them from Lia's hands and took them to the cashier. Y/N followed behind me. I paid for all of the toys Lia chose, much to Y/N's dismay. We loaded everything into the car. We had opened one of Lia's dolls and she was playing with her. Y/N drove us back to her apartment. Lia ran to her bedroom to change out of her uniform as soon as Y/N opened the door. "You are helping me build this thing Min whether you like it or not." She glared at me as she dragged it through her front door.
"That was my plan, dumbass." I rolled my eyes playfully.
"Whatever." She sighed and set the doll house in her living room.

I looked around the room. It was very cosy. There were pictures of Lia on the walls. A couple of them had Y/N in them. The apartment didn't look small either. Y/N came into the room with some tools for us to build the doll house. She opened the box and emptied out the contents of the box. There were a lot of pieces and when I say that there were a lot of pieces, I mean it.

Y/N grabbed the instructions and we began the building process. You'd think that with the two of us working on it together it wouldn't take so much time, but it took ages to build a simple doll house. We ordered take out for dinner so we had to take a break for that. We sat at the kitchen table while eating. We had ordered some lamb skewers and some noodles. We ate in silence but it wasn't an awkward silence. It was nice to eat as if we were a family...

When we finished dinner, I helped Y/N clear the table and we went back to build the dolls house. Lia went to play in her room. Y/n and I sat ourselves in the living room. We had finished building the bottom half of the doll house. We had the top half still left to build. Y/N stood up and went into the kitchen. She came back with two bottles of beer. She gave one to me and sat back down. I thanked her and put it down next to me. She took a swig of hers and put it down.

We had finished building the doll house. Y/N had just put Lia to bed. She came over to me and flopped on the couch. We had a couple of beers while we built the house. We were sitting on the couch. Y/N looked at me "You should be getting back home, you have practice tomorrow."
"I'll call for a taxi." I buried my head in the couch cushions.
"Maybe you should do that sooner or later." She suggested.
"Y/N, what if I didn't want to leave?" I glanced at her.
"Then Hoseok will be asking questions." Y/N sighed.
"Why did you have to bring him up?" I sighed.
"Min Yoongi! He is your best friend!" Y/N gasped.
"He has you! He loves you! I can't do any of that." I looked down, the alcohol was definitely taking its effect on me.
"W-What? Y-Yoongi... don't say that." Y/N sighed
"It's true Y/N. I know I probably won't remember what I am saying tomorrow, but I really want you to be mine. I want us to be a family. You, me and Lia." I kept looking at her.
"Yoongi... you know I am with Hobi." She wouldn't look at me.
"But you don't have to be." I stated.
"Yes I do. I am falling for him Yoongi!" Y/N sighed and laid her head on my lap.
"What about that kiss? Did it mean nothing?" I looked down at her.
"No. I am with Hoseok, Yoongi," She got off my lap as her phone started ringing

She looked at her phone, Hoseok was calling her. She got up and answered the call. I sighed and closed my eyes. I was falling asleep. I had to get home before Y/N wouldn't be able to wake me up. Y/N's couch was comfortable though. Y/N came back through and laughed slightly. She threw a blanket at me and wished me a good night. I grabbed her wrist, as if asking her to stay. She leaned down and kissed my cheek then got back up. She turned off all the lights and went to her room. I unfolded the blanket and laid down on the couch, tucking my hands into my thighs and slowly fell asleep.

I was awoken by Lia jumping on me. She was giggling. I frowned and hugged her. Lia hugged me back. She was dressed in her school uniform. Y/N came out of Lia's room. "You're awake." She said bluntly and put a mug of coffee in front of me.

I sat up. Lia was still on my lap. I looked over at Y/N. She looked ready for work. I looked at my phone. I had so many messages from Namjoon and Jin asking me where I was. I sighed and sipped my coffee. I answered them with a lie. The lie being that I stayed over at a friend's house. I put Lia on the couch next to me and got up. I went to the door to put on my coat. Lia ran up to me, begging me not to leave. I picked her up and hugged the small child. I kissed her forehead and put her down. She ran off to Y/N who was packing Lia's school bag. She wouldn't look at me. I sighed and walked out of the apartment.

I called for a taxi and told them to take me to the dorms. I didn't want to see any of them after I lied to them so I was just planning to keep my hood up and quickly walk to my room before they ask questions. The driver pulled up outside. I paid him and quickly walked in. I put my hood over my head and went upstairs. I opened the door to the apartment and grandpa ran to my room. I flopped down on my bed and sighed. I honestly could be bothered to go to practice today.

I heard a knock on my door. I groaned. Namjoon walked in "Hey Yoongi, we know you're probably not feeling great so we called Bang PD and he is letting you have the day off."
"No. I need to be at work. I can't stay here." I sat up.
"Yoongi, you shouldn't overwork yourself." Namjoon sighed.

I sighed in defeat. I wasn't going to win. When Namjoon had his mind made upon something, it was hard to persuade him to change his mind. I sighed deeply as Namjoon walked out of my room. I wasn't happy that I was going to be stuck inside all day. I got my notepad and started writing lyrics to pass my time away. I mean I didn't have anything better to do all day...

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