Chapter Four

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I smirked watching Y/N quickly look away from me and look at Lia who was peacefully sleeping. I shook my head and ran my hands through my hair. We all decided to take a break. I flopped on the couch, next to Y/N. I closed my eyes for a couple of seconds. I could feel Y/N looking at me again. She quickly looked over at Hobi, who was looking at Y/N closely. "Oh my god, I finally know where I know you from!" He quickly walked over to us.
"What?" Y/N looked confused.
"You were a part of the dance group Missterious! I remember competing against your group before I became a trainee." Hobi smiled.
"What was your group called?" Y/N raised an eyebrow at him.
"Neuron. I was the one called Smile Hoya." He smiled.
"I knew you looked familiar! We whooped your asses" Y/N smiled widely.
"Didn't we also work together on a dance back then?" Hoseok smiled.
"Yes! I remember it clearly because we were partners." Y/N giggled slightly.

Hobi smiled and sat on the arm of the couch where Y/N was sitting. They began reminiscing about the good old days of the underground dance scene. Part of me was slightly jealous but I didn't know why I was feeling that way. Y/N wasn't my girlfriend. She was just the mother of my child. I got a little angry when Hoseok asked Y/N to dinner this weekend, to which Y/N agreed with a little blush on her face. Hoseok kissed her cheek and walked off to the other members. It made my blood boil, and I didn't know why.

Y/N smiled to herself and looked at Lia who was now awake. She smiled and kissed her child's forehead. Lia sat up slightly and rubbed her eyes. Y/N smoothed down her hair, giggling slightly. Lia saw me and smiled "Hi Appa."
"Hey little one," I smiled. "Enjoy your sleep?"
"Yes! I had a very nice sleep." She giggled and crawled over to sit on my lap.

I wrapped my arms around Lia. She laid her head on my chest, sighing happily. In the corner of my eye, I could see Y/N glaring at me. Did she really think that she could have Lia to herself forever? She got up and went to Hoseok who was laughing with the members at something Jungkook had on his phone. Jungkook showed Y/N and she burst out into giggles glancing at me. That's when I knew that it was probably about me. I didn't really care about that, what I did care about was Hoseok wrapping his arm around Y/N's shoulder while they laughed.

I didn't know why I felt that way whenever he touched her. I felt anger every time he smiled at her. I wanted to rip his head off every time he whispered in her ear, causing her to giggle. They sat by the mirror talking about their pasts in the underground dance scene. It turns out that they had passed each other and competed against each other a lot. I glared at the both of them, jealousy filling my veins. I stopped myself from going over there and doing something that I would end up regretting.

Hoseok stood up and took Y/N's hand. She looked at him and got in a starting position. He went to put on some music and got in the same position as Y/N. They began dancing in sync to the music. This must have been the dance that they had worked on. They looked happy. I made my blood boil again. Lia watched them giggling. "Eomma is such a good dancer, Appa. I want to be like Eomma when I grow up and do dancing."

Y/N must have heard that because she looked over at Lia to blow her a kiss as the song ended. Lia got off my lap and ran to her mother. Y/N picked her up and spun around slightly. Lia giggled and wrapped her arms around Y/N. I watched them and sighed. Hoseok came over to me and sat down. I glared at him. He gave me a confused look. I don't know why I was mad at him. I don't even know why I was so jealous of him and Y/N.

I had to get through my head that Y/N was nothing but the mother of my daughter. I didn't feel anything for her. I didn't have feelings for her. I couldn't have feelings for her. I wouldn't let myself have feelings for her. I don't catch feelings easily. She only came into my life not more than a day ago. I couldn't have fallen for her. It's crazy... right?

Our break was soon over and we were back to practicing. We were going to be filming a dance practice video tomorrow so we had to make sure the dance was perfect. Y/N and Lia sat back on the couch to watch. Well for Y/N to watch and for Lia to play with her toys. Every so often, I saw Hoseok sneak a glance at Y/N and wink at her, causing her to giggle. I sighed and focused on my dance.

We continued practicing until 1pm and that was because we had to stop for lunch. Y/N and Hoseok went out to get food for everyone. I volunteered myself to go with Y/N instead of him, but she didn't want to leave Lia alone with the other members. With Y/N gone, it gave Namjoon the chance to come and talk to me. "Yoongi, can we talk please?" He asked me, pulling me to the side.
"Yeah, why?" I crossed my arms, looking over at Lia who was playing with one of her dolls.
"It's about Y/N and Hoseok..." Namjoon sighed.
"What about them?" I rolled my eyes.
"It's just that I see the way that you look every time they are close to each other." He looked at me.
"I don't know what you're on about." I rolled my eyes again.
"Yoongi, come on. You glare at them. Do you have feelings for Y/N?" Namjoon sighed.
"No. I don't even know her properly. How could I have feelings for her?" I looked at him.
"Ok, man, if you say so." He sighed.

We both stayed silent before I blurted out "Yes, fucking hell. I like her. I don't just like her because she is the mother of my daughter. I like her because she went through pregnancy and childbirth by herself. I like her because she is beautiful. I like her because her smile can light up a room. I like her because her laugh is like music to my ears. I like her."

Namjoon's eyes widened. I went red with embarrassment. Everyone, but Lia turned to look at me. I ran out of the room and to my genius lab. I wasn't going to leave this room until practice was over. I sat at my desk and turned on my computer. I could hear Y/N's faint laughter. She was probably laughing at one of Hoseok's jokes. I rolled my eyes and opened the file for my solo song on this album, First Love, to perfect it a little more. I had everything recorded. There were just a few things not right with it.

I was in my genius lab for an hour until I heard a knock on the door. I didn't really feel like seeing anyone but I gave in when I heard Lia call out my name. I smiled hearing her voice and went to open the door. Lia was there with Y/N. She was holding a box of food and a toy under her arm. I looked at Y/N, who just stayed silent as Lia let herself into my studio. Before Y/N could walk away, I put my hand on her arm. "What?" She looked at me.
"Stay..." I mumbled.
"What was that?" Y/N had one eyebrow raised.
"Please stay..." I looked into her eyes.
"I can't, Yoongi. You and Lia have fun." She broke out of my grip and walked away, back to the practice room.

I sighed and looked over at Lia who was sitting on the couch. She giggled and looked around my studio. I sat next to her on the couch. She gave me the food box. I assumed she had already eaten. I started eating. Lia played with her toy. She leaned into me and continued to play. I soon finished eating and put my chopsticks down.

I checked my phone and looked down at Lia. She was still playing. I got her some paper and a pen for her to draw something. She giggled and started to draw on the paper. I got up and went back to my desk to finish working on my song. Lia went over to my piano and sat on the bench. She started to bang on the keys. I tried to drown it out. I tried to focus on my work but it was just too loud.

I turned around in my chair to look at Lia. She was smiling while she made music. It was beginning to hurt my ears. I stood up and unplugged the piano. She pouted. I sighed and went to sit back at my desk to continue working. Everything was silent until she began playing the piano. She plugged it back in and laughed while she played the piano. I was a little angry now. She continued making noises on the piano.

I stood up and picked her up. "I'm taking you back to your Eomma." I looked at Lia.
"No! Appa. I want to play music!" She whined.
"Appa needs to work, Lia. You need to go back to Y/N." I sighed.
"No!" She shouted loudly.
"Lia... stop it." I looked at her.
"Appa! Let me play music!" She whined again.
"No Lia. You should go be with Y/N." I stated

I picked her up with her toy and walked out of my studio. Lia started crying and tried to get out of my grip. When I walked into the practice room, Y/N rushed over to Lia and I. "What did you do? Why is she crying." She gasped.

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