Chapter Five

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"What did you do? Why is she crying?" I rushed over to Yoongi and Lia, I left her with him for half an hour and she was crying.
"Appa said no music. Appa said music stops him working." Lia sniffed.
"I told her that she couldn't play the piano because I had work to do and she wouldn't listen so I brought her back in here." Yoongi explained.
"Lia, when Yoongi says for you to stop. You have to listen to him." I sighed and took the child out his arms.
"Yes, Eomma. Sorry, Appa..." Lia looked down.

I put Lia down and apologised to Yoongi. He just shrugged and went back to his studio. I sighed and went back to the couch. It was only Hobi, Jin and the Maknae Line in the practice room. Namjoon went to his RKive Lab half an hour ago to continue working on the album. Jin and the Maknae line were playing Uno. Hoseok was working on the dance for his solo song MAMA. I watched him smiling. He was always hard working when it came to dance.

He motioned to go to him. I did as told and smiled. He took my hands and put a slowish song on. He told me to follow his lead, to which I did. We danced to the song. I smiled and put my head on his chest, closing my eyes slightly. We dance around the room. The song finished and I lifted my head to look at Hoseok. He looked back at me with a smile on his face. His smile was very contagious, so I smiled back at him. His gaze went down to my lips and then back to my eyes. I blushed slightly and just looked into his eyes. He began leaning in to kiss me. I leaned in as well. Our lips were close to touching, when I heard the door to the practice room open and the sound of something dropping, something expensive.

I pulled away from Hoseok and turned to look at Yoongi. On the floor in front of him was his phone, face down on the hardwood floor. I prayed that he had a screen protector on there and it wasn't cracked. Yoongi stood there with his eyes wide. He bent down to pick up his phone. He sighed with relief. I guessed his screen wasn't cracked at all. He had his head down as he walked over to the couch, where Lia was currently playing with her toys.

I moved away from Hobi and went to sit next to Yoongi. "What do you want?" He kept his head down.
"Nothing. I wanted to sit down." I sighed and gave an apologetic look towards Hobi, who just shrugged and went to annoy Jin.
"Please don't go out with him." Yoongi mumbled following my eyes.
"Why not?" I turned to him.
"J-Just please don't..." Yoongi looked at me.
"What's wrong with it? It's just dinner." I raised an eyebrow.
"You know what, forget it," Yoongi rolled his eyes and stood up "I'll watch Lia, while you are on your date."

He stormed off, leaving me speechless. I was slightly angry. Who was he to tell me who to go out with or not? He wasn't my boyfriend. He was just Lia's father and nothing else. Even if I had feelings for him four years ago. Those feelings are long gone. I checked the time. Work was almost over. I looked over at Lia who was still playing with her dolls. I sighed deeply and played with my hair. Hoseok was watching me. I flashed him a smile to show him that everything was ok. He smiled and walked over to me. He sat himself next to me.

I packed away Lia's toys in her backpack. I helped her put on her coat. Yoongi came up behind us. "Lia, you're going to be going home with Yoongi today. I'll pick you up later ok?" I kneeled down in front of the small child.
"Ok, Eomma." Lia smiled and nodded.
"Good girl." I kissed her forehead and gave her a big hug.
"What time will you be picking her up?" Yoongi looked down at me.
"11:30. She has a spare pair of pyjamas in her backpack so if you could change her into them, that would be very helpful." I stood up.
"Yep, will do." Yoongi nodded and took Lia's hand.
"Bye Eomma!" Lia waved at me.
"Bye Sweetie." I waved back as Yoongi and Lia walked out towards the van.

Hoseok and I were the only ones left in the practice room. He looked at me and smiled. I put on my coat. He did the same and linked arms with me. He asked if I was ready to go and I nodded. We walked out of the building and to my car. I got in the driver's side and he got in the passenger's side. He gave me the directions to the restaurant that we were going to. I followed all of the directions he gave me and we pulled up in front of a little italian place.

Hoseok got out and opened the door for me. I blushed slightly and got out of the car. He held my hand and we walked into the restaurant. Hobi asked for a table for two and we were directed to a booth next to the window. We sat down. I took off my coat. Hoseok was across from me. He also took his coat off. A waiter came over to ask what drinks we were going to have. I ordered a diet coke and Hobi asked for sprite. We also ordered our food. We decided that we were going to get a pizza to share. I didn't think I had ever laughed so much. Everything the other person said was funny. We were even told to shut up at one point, but that didn't really do anything. It was a nice meal. I was definitely going to take Lia here one day.

Hobi and I didn't stop laughing the entire drive back to the BTS dorms. We got out of the car and Hoseok took me up to the apartment that they lived in. It was bigger than I expected. I walked in and looked around. Yoongi came out of the closed door in front of us, holding Lia in his arms. She was asleep. He smiled at her and kissed her forehead. He transferred her to my arms. "Did she have fun?" I looked at him with an eyebrow raised.
"Yes, we played with her toys for a little bit and then she went to annoy Jungkook while he played Overwatch." Yoongi smiled, giving me Lia's backpack.
"Ok, thank you for looking after her, Yoongi." I smiled back at him.
"I'll be happy to do it any time." He nodded.

I said goodbye to Yoongi and Hoseok. I kissed Hoseok's cheek, told him that I had a great time and that I would love to do it again. This made Hobi smile. I walked out of the apartment, to my car. Lia stayed asleep through the entire journey home. Which made everything silent, other than the radio playing a random idol song. I turned it up slightly. The song changed to BTS' song Run. I smiled and sang along to it.

We soon arrived home. I got Lia out of the car and carried her to her bed. I kissed Lia's forehead then left the room. I went to my room and changed into some pyjamas. I laid in my bed, smiling about my dinner with Hoseok. I didn't understand why Yoongi had such a problem with me going with him in the first place. Hoseok was one of the most caring and happy people I have ever met. He wouldn't ever hurt a fly.

I reached over to my phone to text him.

Hey Hobi, I had fun tonight.

Hi Y/N, I did too. I want to do that again.
Are you free this weekend at any point?

Yes, my weekends are free unless I am needed at work for any reason. :)

Wanna go out on Saturday?

I'd love to. I'll ask Yoongi to look after Lia.

Ok, I'll see you tomorrow, goodnight Y/N

Yep see you tomorrow, goodnight Hobi.


squealed slightly and put my phone down. I was going to ask Yoongi about Saturday. I'm sure he wasn't going to mind. Besides it meant he was going to get to know Lia more. I looked up at the ceiling, smiling to myself. I turned over, plugging my phone into the charger. I curled up and fell asleep with a smile on my face.

I woke up at 7:00am the next morning. I had to get Lia to school. I got out of bed and made my way to Lia's room. I opened the door and went to wake her up for school. Lia opened her eyes and smiled at me. I kissed her forehead telling her to get dressed. I went back into my room to get ready for work. We ate breakfast and I drove Lia to school.

I walked into the practice room to see Hoseok and Yoongi arguing. Yoongi looked like he was about to slap Hoseok. I got in the middle of them, to protect Hoseok, before a fist met a face. I was fast enough because Yoongi's palm hit me on the cheek.

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