Chapter Eleven

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I arrived at the BigHit building. I went to the practice room that the members and I were going to be working in today. I was the first one in there. I warmed up and got ready to work with the members. They soon came filing into the room. Hobi pulled me into a tight hug. I smiled and returned the hug. I missed him last night. He kissed my forehead. I broke out of the hug and told the members to start warming up. I counted everyone and noticed that Yoongi was missing. I sighed and went to ask Namjoon "Where is Min Yoongi?" I looked at the leader with my arms crossed.
"He's not feeling great. He's been given the day off to recover." Namjoon said monotonically.

I rolled my eyes. He was probably avoiding me, not that I cared. He tried to make me sleep with him, I mean I did kiss his cheek but that was for him to let go of my arm. I shouldn't have let him sleep over last night. He just looked so comfortable laying there on the couch, he was already falling asleep and I didn't want to disturb him at all. It was why I gave him a blanket. I didn't expect him to stay the whole night. It was quite the surprise when I saw him still lying there this morning.

I was on my way to the BTS dorms with Hobi in the car with me. I had asked my parents if they could have Lia overnight, which they happily accepted. This was mostly because I didn't know what time I was going to come home. It was Saturday tomorrow. Hobi and I were going to be picking her up in the morning and then we were going to be taking her to Seoul Children's Grand Park to treat her for doing so well at school.

Hobi and I walked into the apartment. The members were sitting in the living room watching the Maknae line play Overwatch. I laughed slightly as Yoongi walked out to greet his friends. He looked at me and then walked into the living room without even saying hello to Hobi. I found that quite rude but shrugged it off. Hobi took my hand and we went off to the living room. There was one couch free so we sat there.

My phone started ringing. It was a facetime call from my mother. I answered it, asking Joon to turn down the TV. "Hey Eomma!" Lia smiled.
"Hey sweetie, did you steal Halmoni's phone to call me?" I looked at my child.
"Yes. I wanted to talk to you, Eomma." She was smiling widely
"How was school my little angel?" I smiled, putting my head on Hobi's shoulder.
"School was fun! Me and my friend Soobean played queens and princesses today. I was princess and Soobean was princess." Lia giggled
"That's awesome, sweetie. Do you want to say hello to everyone?" I smiled.
"Yes! Eomma! I want to say hi to Appa!" Lia squealed.

I turned the phone to Hobi first who said hello to Lia. My phone was then handed around the room. Yoongi was the last one to get my phone. When he saw Lia, he had the biggest smile on his face. Lia was all giggly and happy to see her father. I looked over at Yoongi with the phone. I glanced at Hobi and curled up next to him. He put his arm around my waist. He planted a kiss on my forehead and watched the Maknaes play the game.

Lia and Yoongi talked for another fifteen minutes before my mother called Lia for her to go to bed. Yoongi gave me back my phone after saying goodbye. I said goodbye to Lia and then put my phone down. I smiled and leaned up to kiss Hobi's cheek. He turned his face at the right time and our lips met. I blushed and kissed him for a second before watching Jungkook and Tae play the game.

We stayed like this for another hour until everyone began to feel tired. I was falling asleep on Hobi's lap. He laughed slightly and picked me up to carry me to his room. He bid his members goodnight, taking me to his and Jimin's shared room. He laid me down in his bed and took off his shirt. I looked over at him. He noticed this and gave me one of his big shirts and a pair of boxers for me to change into. I quickly went into the bathroom to get myself ready for sleep.

I walked back into the room and Hobi was laying in his blanket, on his phone. A small smile grew on my face as I laid down next to him. He pulled me into his arms as he put down his phone. I smiled and kissed his cheek, snuggling in his arms. "Goodnight Y/N." Hobi whispered in my ear.
"Night, Hobi." I mumbled, closing my eyes.

We both fell asleep in each other's arms. I liked how everything felt with Hoseok. I felt protected by him. I knew that he was always going to be there for me.

I woke up, needing a drink. I got out of bed, as quiet as I can, trying not to wake Hobi, Jimin and Jungkook because half way through the night he joined Jimin in his bed. I tip-toed out of the room and to the kitchen. I was confused when I saw a light coming from the kitchen. I kept walking hoping that somebody just left the light on and there wasn't anyone actually awake.

The closer I got to the kitchen, I heard Yoongi's soft humming. I kept walking to the kitchen, not letting him distract me from my mission of getting some of Jungkook's precious banana milk. I reached the kitchen and went to the fridge. Yoongi was sitting at the breakfast bar with his laptop. He seemed to be too busy to notice I was there. I went towards the fridge and got out the banana milk secretly. I got a glass and poured myself some.

I quickly put the banana milk away in the fridge and was about to take a sip from the cup before Yoongi's deep voice mumbled "I wouldn't drink that if I were you."
"Fuck. you scared me asshole!" I jumped looking at Yoongi.
"Jungkook will be a sad bunny if someone drinks his banana milk without him knowing." Yoongi shrugged, not bothered at all.
"I could have dropped the fucking glass!" I rolled my eyes.
"Whatever..." It was now his turn to roll his eyes at me.
"Why are you still awake anyway?" I sipped my banana milk.
"I was working. Why are you awake?" He closed his laptop, making his full attention on me.
"I needed a drink." I sipped more of the sweet beverage.
"Oh." He opened his laptop again.

I nodded and finished my drink. Yoongi looked over at me and closed the lid of his macbook again. He got off the chair and came closer to me. He took my empty glass out of my hand and went to the sink to wash it. I couldn't help but blush slightly. Yoongi glanced over at me and smiled slightly. I looked down when he looked at me. I heard him come towards me. I tilted my head up. Yoongi was so close that our lips were almost touching. I don't know how we always end up in this situation. I usually was the one to push him away, but this time I didn't really care. Maybe it was because I was tired. Or maybe it was because I knew that this was right, that I belonged with Yoongi and not Hoseok.

Yoongi put his hand on my cheek and then put it down. I blushed slightly and moved closer to him. He looked into my eyes and then looked down to my lips, then back to my eyes. He began leaning in. I leaned in as well. His lips met mine. The kiss was soft yet passionate. I put my hands around his neck bringing him closer to me. His hands found their way to my waist, holding me. I slipped my hands into his hair, tugging slightly. He gasped slightly and lifted me onto the counter, deepening the kiss slightly. I tugged on his hair again. His thumbs made circles on my waist. I wrapped my legs around his hips, bringing him even closer to me.

I knew I shouldn't have done it. I knew that if Hoseok found out, he would never speak to me again. I knew that this was wrong. It just felt right. It felt so right to be like this with Yoongi. His lips felt like they were made for mine. They were soft against mine. I was the first one to break away, mostly because of air.

Yoongi's forehead rested against mine. I closed my eyes unwrapping my legs from his waist. "W-wow..." Yoongi mumbled.
"Y-yea, w-wow." I blushed.
"T-That w-was..." He moved away, letting me get down from the counter.
"Y-yea..." I got down.
"W-well... y-you should go back to bed." He wouldn't look at me.
"Y-yea... goodnight Yoongi." I kissed his cheek and went to bed.
"Night Y/N." He went to his room.

I got into bed, next to Hobi. He pulled me into him and kissed my shoulder. I looked at the alarm clock and my eyes widened. I had been out of bed for 30 minutes. I smiled and closed my eyes. Tomorrow I knew that I had to pretend that nothing happened between Yoongi and I, that we didn't spend half an hour making out in the kitchen. We both had to pretend.

These secret moments with Yoongi make me want them all the time. I don't want to hide it, but I have Hobi. I should be happy right? Why can't I be happy with Hobi? Why do I want something I can't have?

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