Chapter Seven

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So I know that this is a Yoongi x Reader and I know that Y/N is spending a lot of time with Hoseok. I promise you that they will end up together in the end. I am warning you now, there will be implied sexual activities in this chapter ;)

I picked Lia up from my parents, because I had to work late, due to preparations for BTS' comeback stage in Hong Kong. I wasn't going to be going with them because Mr Bang understood that I had Lia and I had to take care of her, but I had to help them prepare the most I could. The comeback stage was next week and there wasn't so many things left to do. The boys had to record their dance practice video that was going to be put on Youtube for the BANGTANTV youtube channel. The filming for that was going to be tomorrow so I had to be at work at 9am to help the other staff members set everything up before the members arrived.

I put Lia into bed. She fell asleep on the drive home. I closed her bedroom door and went into my kitchen to make myself some ramen noodles. It was what I had been having for dinner ever since I started working for BigHit. It was all I had time to make in the evenings. I got home at 10:30pm after picking Lia up from my parents', so I didn't quite have enough time to cook myself a proper dinner. It was better than my old job at least. I worked as a waitress in a restaurant in Itaewon, I didn't get a break because it was one of the busiest in the city and I would pick up a sleeping Lia from my parents' house then drive home. By the time I had fully put Lia to bed it was too late to eat anything so I would just go hungry. It wasn't a healthy lifestyle, so I quit the job six months ago.

My phone started ringing. I picked it up. Hobi was calling me. I smiled and picked up the phone. "Hello, Y/N!" Hobi's happy voice called out.
"Hey, Hobi." I giggled slightly.
"What are you up to?" He giggled also.
"I'm about to eat some ramen." I sighed.
"No, you're not. Open your door!" Hobi shouted slightly.

I heard his voice from outside of the front door. I had told him where I lived during dinner last night. I hung up and quickly went to open the door. Hobi was standing there with a bag of food in his hand. In the practice room, he was wearing an oversized white shirt and grey sweatpants. He was now wearing a black t-shirt and a pair of black ripped jeans. He had a pair of black timberland boots on. His hair was flopped in front of his eyes. He looked like a three course meal.

I gave him a quick hug and pulled him into the apartment. I walked into the kitchen. He followed and put the bag on the counter. I got out a couple of plates. Inside the bag was some kimchi fried rice, bulgogi , dumplings. He shared out the food on the plates. He got a bottle of red wine out of the bags. I got out two wine glasses. He poured out the wine. I got some chopsticks for the both of us and picked up my glass and plate, doing my best to not spill anything as I walked to the kitchen table. I put the plate on the table and sat at a chair. Hobi followed and put his plate and food on the table. He sat next to me.

We both ate in silence. It wasn't an awkward silence at all. It was comfortable. I took a sip of my wine and turned to Hoseok "So what brings you here with food? Not that I'm complaining it's really good."
"Well, I felt bad about what happened with Yoongi today, so I thought I would come by with some food." Hobi smiled.
"Thank you, I appreciate it." I smiled and continued eating.
"It's no problem, I like spending time with you." Hobi had a small blush spread on his cheeks.

I blushed also. I continued to eat my food, enjoying this moment with Hoseok.

Hobi and I were sitting on the couch watching a KDrama. We had finished the bottle of wine and were slightly tipsy. He had his arm around my shoulder and I was leaning into his side. It was now really late. It was now 1am. I looked up at Hoseok, he had fallen asleep. I bit my lip and kissed his cheek. I got a blanket and covered his legs with it. I tried to slip out of his arm, but his other one found its way around my waist, keeping me close to him.

I sighed and looked up at him. He was now fully awake and looked down at me with a slight pout. I laughed slightly and pecked his lips quickly. His eyes widened. I looked down and moved away from him slightly. Hobi simply just smiled and shook his head. He pulled me closer and cupped my cheek. I looked up into his eyes. His flickered from my lips to my eyes. I took the hint and leaned in. He leaned in as well and our lips met.

The kiss started soft and sweet. I put my hands into Hobi's orange hair. One thing led to another and we ended up tangled up in my bed sheets. I had my head on his chest as his fingers made circles in my back. "Y/N, will you be my girlfriend? I know it might be too late to ask after what we just did, but will you?" Hobi mumbled looking at me.
"Yes, Hoseok. I will be your girlfriend." I looked up at him with a smile on my face and nodded

He smiled and kissed me quickly, yet softly. He then leaned backwards and then closed his eyes with a smile on his face. I checked my alarm was on for the morning and fell asleep myself, also with a smile on my face.

My alarm woke both Hobi and I up. He pulled me closer and smiled "Morning Y/N."
"Morning Hobi." I smiled up at him.
"What time is it?" He rubbed his eyes.
"It's 7:30," I sat up. "I need to wake up Lia."
"Hmm ok." He pecked my lips.

I pulled on my pyjamas and walked out of my room and to Lia's. I opened the door and walked towards Lia's bed. I kissed her forehead and ran a hand through her hair before shaking her shoulder softly. She woke up and sat up. She hugged me tightly, causing me to smile and hug the small child. I told her that we had a guest stay over yesterday so she had to be nice to them. She nodded and giggled. I got out her school uniform and left the room so she could change.

I walked back into my room and saw Hobi not in the room. I then heard the shower running. I put on a cream coloured cropped jumper and a black skirt on. I put my hair in a ponytail and pulled out my baby hairs to frame my face. I went to the kitchen to make breakfast for the three of us.

Lia was already in the living room playing with her dolls. I smiled at her and began cooking some bacon and eggs. A few minutes later, Hoseok came into the kitchen and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind. I smiled and leaned my head against his chest. He kissed my forehead. I continued to make breakfast.

I was finally done and I put the food on plates. I called for Lia. She came running into the kitchen and sat at the table. I smiled, placing her plate in front of her, along with a knife and fork. I sat down next to her and Hobi sat across from me. "Hobi! You're the special guest Eomma said stayed over." She giggled.
"Yep. I am." Hoseok laughed slightly.
"Lia, is it ok if Hobi stays over more often?" I smiled looking at Lia who was happily eating.
"Only if he brings cake!" Lia looked very serious.
"Deal." Hobi smiled and took my hand over the table.

Hoseok and I left my apartment at the same time. Yet, he drove home to the dorm to change and I took Lia to school before I went off to the BigHit building. I arrived at the building with 5 minutes to spare. I walked past the Genius Lab and heard music coming from inside. I stood there listening for a couple of minutes before the door opened and a very tired looking Min Yoongi walked out. I jumped and quickly rushed off to the practice room.

I heard Yoongi sigh and the door to the Genius Lab close again. I walked into the practice room and there were a couple of staff members trying to operate a camera. I walked over to them and asked if they needed help, to which they both nodded. I laughed slightly and went to set the camera up. I checked to see if the lighting was good so none of the boys faces would be dark.

The other staff members had left and I was alone in the practice room. BTS would be in the room a half hour from now. I tightened my ponytail and played a song that my dance group danced to a long time ago. I began to dance the choreography. I got too carried away to notice that Yoongi had walked into the room and was standing at the door with an impressed face. I finished the dance and jumped when I saw him standing there. He walked over to me with a slight smirk.

I rolled my eyes as he came closer to me. He kept coming closer to where I was pressed against the mirror and our faces inches apart.

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