Chapter Eight

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I walked into a random practice room in the hopes of being able to get some sleep before the other members came in for us to film our dance practice video. I was too tired to see the light coming from the door. I walked into a practice room. I heard music, but I didn't really care. Music helped me fall asleep normally. I looked up to see Y/N dancing. I had an impressed look on my face as I watched her dance. She finished the dance and saw me in the mirror. She jumped slightly and I smirked slightly walking over to her. I was slightly more awake now.

She did say anything, but just look at me as I kept walking towards her to where she was pressed against the mirror. Our faces were inches apart. I looked at her lips and as I leaned in. Y/N put her hands on my chest and pushed me away. The door to the practice room opened and Hoseok entered the room. Y/N smiled and went over to him. He hugged her and pecked her lips. She went completely red. I rolled my eyes and went to sit on the couch. I wondered when they had gotten close enough for them to kiss.

Y/N and Hoseok walked towards the couch. He had his arm around her shoulder and she just smiled. "You should both warm up a little before we start filming." Y/N told us both as she sat down
"Sure thing, Y/N." Hoseok kissed her forehead and stood up.

I stood up also and joined Hoseok. Y/N sat on her phone while we warmed up. The other members walked into the room and we all warmed up together. That took 15 minutes. Y/N told us to get in front of the camera. We all did as told and Y/N put in the CD that had the song on it. She pressed play and told us to do the dance once without the camera running. We did this once before we got too tired to do the actual thing.

It was kind of hot seeing her take charge. Normally she would sit in the room watching us practice because we always needed to have a manager over looking every practice we did. We did the dance without any mistakes and Y/N pressed the record button on the camera. She stood back as she watched us dance. We had to film the dance a couple of times, which was normal for us when we did dance practice videos.

When the filming was done, Y/N took the memory card out of the camera and went to the editor's room to give it to them. We were left alone and Jimin turned to Hoseok "Dude she was totally watching you while we were dancing."
"I think she was watching all of us. We did pretty good." Hoseok shook his head.
"No, dude. She was staring at you, her boyfriend." Jimin smirked.
"Boyfriend? S-Since w-when?" I looked over to them.
"Well, if you were home this morning, Hoseok hyung told us that him and Y/N are now an item." Jimin looked at me.
"Y-You asked Y/N to be your girlfriend?" I looked at Hoseok.
"Yes, I did..." Hoseok nodded.
"Why do you care so much, Yoongi hyung? It's not like you own her." Jimin crossed his arms.
"Fuck off, Jimin." I said lowly, I never raised my voice at anyone.
"You're just jealous that you didn't get there first. You;'re jealous because you didn't ask Y/N first!" Jimin exclaimed.

The door to the practice room slammed shut before I could say anything. We all looked at the door. I guessed Y/N had heard everything we said or at least some of it. I looked down and sat on the couch. I had really fucked up now. Hoseok and Y/N came in. Hoseok had his arm around her waist and she had her head on his shoulder. Hobi was not someone to get angry, but he had a very pissed off face right now.

Y/N looked at Hoseok and told him to join the members and that she'll be ok. He nodded and kissed her forehead before joining us. She got up to put the camera away. Namjoon went over to play the track for Blood Sweat and Tears. We practiced the dance. It was different this time though. The atmosphere in the room was different. The tension in the room was so thick that it could be cut with a knife.

Y/N came back into the room. Bang PD-nim followed after her. We did our introduction for him and he went to sit with Y/N. They both started watching our practice. Bang PD-Nim had a notepad and was making notes of our practice. Y/N and him were mumbling to each other. Y/N was mumbling more than he was. He looked at her and told her to come to his office with her. Y/N nodded and they both stood up and walked out of the room.

We all looked at each other. Hoseok had a smile on his face, like he knew something. "What do you know, hyung?" Jungkook looked at Hoseok.
"I might have told Bang PD-nim that Y/N was a great dancer and she would be a better dance teacher than a manager." Hoseok smiled.
"Really? That's awesome. That means she can help us when we are practicing dances." Jungkook giggled and clapped his hands
"Yep. It's only if she accepts his offer." Hoseok explained.

They kept talking about Y/N becoming our dance teacher. I blanked out slightly and began thinking. If Y/N was going to be our dance teacher that means I would be seeing her as- Yoongi! Stop it, she's with Hobi, who is also your best friend! I sighed and went to sit on the couch.

Y/N and Bang PD-nim came back into the room. Y/N was smiling and it looked like she was crying slightly. Bang PD-nim cleared his throat, making all of us turn to look at him. "Miss Y/N will no longer be working as your manager," He stated. "She has now been promoted to dance teacher. She will now help you practice for all upcoming comebacks, I will now leave you to help Y/N to learn the dance, even though I'm sure she already has."

Bang PD-nim left the room. Hoseok went to Y/n and picked her up to spin her around. She laughed and smiled. He kissed her and I looked away and at my phone. I didn't want to see anything. Namjoon came over to me and put a hand on my shoulder. He mumbled that it was ok and I would find someone else. I sighed and put my phone away. Y/N and Hoseok weren't kissing anymore, but he had his arms wrapped around her waist from behind and his head was on her shoulder.

I was a little angry now. Half of me wanted to complain about Y/N and create a lie that would get her fired. I didn't do it though because I didn't want to lose Hoseok as my friend and for Y/N to stop me from seeing Lia. I walked out of the room to get some air.

I don't think I could handle Y/N being our dance teacher. It would mean Hoseok and her would be spending a lot of time with each other because he normally helped with learning and practicing the dance. I really liked her, but I had to let her go. If she was happy with Hobi, I had no choice other than to be happy for her. No choice other than to be happy for my best friend.

I walked into the room. Hoseok and Y/N were now apart. He was on the couch while the members were running through the dance with her. I sat next to him and said, "I'm happy for you and Y/N, Hobi."
"Thank you, Yoongi. I'm sorry that I stole her from you..." Hobi looked at his girlfriend
"She was never mine to start with," I sighed. "We were just a one night stand."
"Is that all she is to you?" He looked at me.
"No, she is more than that to me. She gave my daughter life. Even when I didn't know that Lia existed." I looked at Hobi.

He nodded and looked at Y/N. I also looked at her. I wished she was mine. I wished that I was the one she was going to kiss. I wished that I was the one she was going to hug. I wish that we could raise Lia as a family. I knew that it wouldn't happen. I know that I was never going to be the one she was going to kiss. I knew that I was never going to be the one she was going to hug. I especially knew that we could never raise Lia as a family.

It was nothing but a dream that wasn't going to happen. I watched Y/N dance. She was seriously amazing at it. I became mesmerised by her movements. I understood why she won every dance competition back when she was a dancer. I smiled and then looked down at my phone. Hoseok took my phone from me and stood up. I glared at him. He took my hand and stood me up. I raised an eyebrow at him. He took me to where the other members were and we began practicing the dance. I rolled my eyes and danced with Hobi. Y/N was following along with it. She had gotten hang of the dance pretty quickly.

We practiced the dance once with Y/N and then the rest of the time it was Y/N watching us, correcting us.

The rest of the day was like this. During lunch Y/N and Hoseok went to eat in his studio alone, leaving the members and I alone. I sighed and looked down. I really hated Y/N and Hoseok dating.

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