Chapter Twelve

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I couldn't get what happened between Y/N and I out of my head. The fact that she kissed back, really shocked me. I knew what we did was wrong. She's with my best friend for fucks sake. I had to control my feelings around Y/N. I couldn't let anyone, especially Hobi know what happened between us. I would lose three of the people I cared about. Y/N, Lia and most importantly Hobi.

Hoseok was my best friend. We were inseparable at times. He was one of the reasons why I woke up every morning. Hoseok was the literal sun. He was one of the only people that I could have a laugh with. I could laugh with all my members, but Hobi was the only member that I could laugh with the most.

I stayed up working all night. I had to take my mind off things. I knew that it wasn't healthy, but I had a song that I had been working on and it had to be perfect. I also didn't want to go to bed, with the fear that I wouldn't be able to sleep all night. I still couldn't believe that I made Y/N cheat on Hobi. I know she was partly to blame too because she kissed back, but I felt like it was mostly my fault.

I must have fallen asleep because the next thing I knew, Y/N and Hobi had gone. I walked out mine and Jin's shared room. I sat down with the younger members. I put my head in my hands and sighed. "What's wrong Hyung?" Jimin looked at me confused.
"There's just a lot going on in my head right now, Jimin." I didn't look up.
"You seem sad, should I get Namjoon?" Jungkook suggested.
"No you don't have to get Namjoon." I sighed.
"I'm getting Namjoon." Taehyung got up, and the rest of the maknae line followed him.

I sighed deeply. I really didn't feel like telling anyone what happened. Nothing was going to come of it anyways. I went on my phone to try and take my mind off things. I went on twitter for a little bit until I saw Namjoon come into the room. I groaned internally, putting my phone down. He sat across from me, looking at me as if he knew something. I didn't feel like making eye contact with him. I kept my eyes on the ground. "Yoongi, I know that you and Y/N had a moment yesterday. I saw you two when I was walking to the bathroom. I'm not going to say anything to Hoseok, because I know how much both Y/N and Hobi means to you." Namjoon explained

I didn't say anything. I was too shocked. He knew? He saw us? Why didn't he tell me this before? I didn't know quite how to react so I just sat there, looking aimlessly at the floor.

I got up and went to my room. I didn't want to talk about it anymore. I decided to distract myself with my music. I started working on a small beat to pass the time away.

*Dinner time*
Y/N and Hoseok were now back, with Lia. When the small child saw me, her face lit up "Appa!" She squealed running up to me.
"Hey, sweetie. Did you have a good day with Eomma and Hobi?" I picked her up.
"Yes! It was so fun!" Lia giggled.
"Tell me all about it." I smiled, walking into the living room with her.

Lia began telling me about her day, how much fun she had with Y/N and Hoseok...

The day was fun, Lia had fun. It was nice to spend time with Lia and Hoseok. I hadn't really taken her to a theme park before so I was quite nervous of how she would be, but as always, Lia was as good as gold.

All through the day, I had to hide the fact that I was nervous around Hoseok so he wouldn't think anything was wrong. I didn't want to worry him at all. I knew that he had been stressing out about a dance that he needed to learn for a music show performance lately and I didn't want to add to that stress by telling him that I cheated on him, with his best friend. You wouldn't just go up to someone and say 'Oh and by the way I cheated on you with your best friend.' It would crush him. I wanted to keep it from him for as long as I could.

I had thought about breaking up with him so the truth would never have to come out and I could be with Yoongi, but the 'bro code' wouldn't allow that and I didn't want to come in between Sope. They were best friends and I didn't want to ruin that.

I had a decision to make and I didn't know what to do. I loved Hoseok, but I wasn't in love with him. Which I know is bad, but I couldn't help it. With Yoongi, things were more difficult. I didn't want it to seem that I was only going to be with him because he was the father of my child. I knew that I had feelings for him, I wouldn't have kissed him last night if I didn't feel anything towards him.

I looked over at Yoongi and Lia. They were so happy with each other. Lia loved her father. She loved seeing him. I loved seeing her so happy when she was with him. I imagined how it would be if she saw him all the time and everyday.

We would be a real family. We'd pick her up from my parents' house and take her to our home. We'd be able to spend our weekends together, as a family. We would be happy.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when Seokjin called us for dinner. I followed Hoseok into the dining room. The round table was set for nine. Yoongi sat Lia in a chair and sat next to her. I sat on the other side of her. Hoseok sat next to me and the rest of the members soon filed in and sat in their seats. Jin brought out the food, which was Korean bbq. We waited for Seokjin to sit down before we started tucking into the food

During everyone made small talk. Taehyung asked Hoseok and I what we went on today. Before either of us could answer Lia told him all about it. I just smiled and let Lia explain everything. She was definitely going to sleep well tonight. All this excitement is going to knock her out.

During dinner, I kept glancing at Yoongi, who did the same. At one point, we caught each other looking at each other and looked away, blushing. I didn't do it anymore after

We soon finished eating. I helped clear the plates. Hoseok and I went into the kitchen to clean the dishes. Yoongi took Lia into the living room and gave her some pencils to do some drawings. The other members went to the living room. The maknae line started playing MarioKart, while Jin and Namjoon watched.

Hoseok and I cleaned the dishes. We did it in silence. It wasn't an uncomfortable silence. It was nice. We walked back into the living room. I sat down on the sofa, next to Jin. Hoseok sat on the floor in front of me, leaning his head on my lap. I smiled small, letting out a soft sigh.

When Y/N and Hobi came out of the kitchen I knew something was up with them. The tension was so thick that you could cut it with a knife. This was not good at all. I already felt bad enough for kissing my best friend's girlfriend, with them acting in this way didn't make it any easier.

I tried to distract myself by playing with Lia. We were playing hide and go seek. It was Lia's turn to hide. This was our last turn before Y/N took her home, as she was taking Lia to see her parents tomorrow. I walked around the house, looking for Lia "Lia, come out come out wherever you are." I called out to her.

I heard her small giggle coming from the bathroom. I had found her. I smirked slightly and opened the door to the bathroom. The shower curtain was closed, meaning one thing. Lia was behind it. I sneakily went over and pulled it back. Lia squealed and giggled "Appa! You found me!"
"You giggling gave it away." I smiled at the small child

I picked Lia up and walked into the living room with her. I sat down on the floor with Lia in my lap. We watched the Maknae line play MarioKart until Hobi looked at Y/N. He had a sad look on his face. I didn't expect to hear what he said next to Y/N...
"We need to talk."

Y/N nodded, got up and followed him out of the room...

A/N (29/09/20): I know I have been gone for a while. I have just had a lot on my plate recently, but I will try to update more regularly.
Emoli x

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